Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 283 funded different calculating swimming pool volume programs. You can simply download any of calculating swimming pool volume soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:90 KOOL SWIMMING POOL TOOL 1.0 Kool Swimming Pool Tool is a simple software which helps you plan your software with various types of calculations. The key Calculators are Pool Size and Equipment Calculator Calculating your pool capacity Pool Liner Cost Calculator Pool Water Salinity ...
Search Query points:40 BUTTERFLIES SCREENSAVER VOLUME 2 1.2 And once again butterflies, and once again colorful world of small nature. This screen saver shows images of beautiful butterflies and plump moths. Fantastic mini a world on your screen! The screen saver contains 40 pictures and play a popular ...
Search Query points:40 AVD VOLUME CALCULATOR 4.3 A powerful calculator for calculation of volume and mass for object with a compound structure. You can use metrical and american units. Features: 1) Choice of a configuration from the list; 2) Choice of a material from the list; 3) ...
Search Query points:40 TRIANGULATION, ISOLINES, VOLUME & 3DINTERSECTION 3.5 TRIANGULATION performs triangulation of a set of 3D points width compulsory interconnections between the points. The outcome is represented by 3DFACE entities. ISOLINES determines the curves of intersection of a set of 3DFACE entities width a set of plane equidistances ...
Search Query points:40 SOUND VOLUME HOTKEYS 1.0 Control sound volume using system-wide hotkeys. Customizable on-screen sound volume indicator will show you the current level. ...
Search Query points:40 TURTLES, VOLUME 2 SCREEN SAVER - HATCHLINGS 1.0 Turtles, Volume 2 contains over 20 stunning photographs of Trachemys venusta venusta (Meso-American Slider), Graptemys versa (Texas Map Turtle), Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-Eared Slider), Chrysemys picta dorsalis (Southern Painted Turtle), Chrysemys picta picta (Eastern Painted Turtle), Emys blandingi (Blanding's Turtle), ...
Search Query points:40 TURTLES, VOLUME 1 SCREEN SAVER - HATCHLINGS 1.0 Turtles, Volume 1 contains over 20 stunning photographs of Chelodina longicollis (Eastern Long-necked Turtle), Emydura subglobosa (Red-bellied Short-necked Turtle), Macrochelodina siebenrocki (Siebenrock's Snake-necked Turtle), Phrynops williamsi (Williams' South American Side-necked Turtle), Phrynops hilarii (Hilaire's Side-necked Turtle), and Elseya novaeguineae (New ...
Search Query points:40 3D LIVE POOL 2.52 3D Live Pool is a comprehensive pool game with full 3-D environment and perfect 3Dd sound. It features easy and addictive game play,supports 3-Ball,8-Ball,9-Ball,15-Ball, Straight, Rotation, BlackJack and Bonus games. The balls roll just like real ones, and you can ...
Search Query points:40 SNOOKER&POOL 1 A fun simulation for both Snooker And Pool that is supremely internet friendly. You can play against the PC with different difficulty levels and personalities, against friends over a LAN, or across the internet by connecting to the CleoGames server. ...
Search Query points:40 POOL 3D TRAINING EDITION 1.55 Pool 3D Training Edition is a billiard simulation game you can use to learn how to play billiard games and enjoy playing the game with your friends. It truly simulates billiard physics including side ball spin, back spin, forward spin, ...
Search Query points:40 POOL 3D TRAINING EDITION - Pool 3D Training Edition is a billiard simulation game you can use to learn how to play billiard games and enjoy playing the game with your friends. It truly simulates billiard physics including side ball spin, back spin, forward spin, ...
Search Query points:40 BATTLE POOL ( POOL WARS II ) V1.50 A pulsatling, futuristic soundtrack sets the tone as soldiers, magicians and kings do battle in a mythical 3D landscape. You control the action by using your cue to send the enemy's balls straight to the cemetery. ...
Search Query points:20 KERNEL NOVELL NSS DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 4.02 Nucleus Kernel Novell NSS recovers data from corrupted or deleted Novell NSS Volumes. Nucleus Kernel Novell NSS - Netware Data Recovery Software recovers and restores data from corrupt volume(s) of a crashed Novell Server. Nucleus Kernel Novell NSS Data Recovery ...
Search Query points:20 POOLMAGIC CARE PROF 8.8.11 Swimming pool/spa owners evidence, evidence of all water tests, recommendation of water treatment, according to measured values. ...
Search Query points:20 KERNEL NOVELL NSS DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 4.02 Nucleus Kernel Novell NSS recovers data from corrupted or deleted Novell NSS Volumes. Nucleus Kernel Novell NSS - Netware Data Recovery Software recovers and restores data from corrupt volume(s) of a crashed Novell Server. Nucleus Kernel Novell NSS Data Recovery ...
Search Query points:10 1ST READ IT ALOUD! 1.2 Select text from any program, press hotkey and enjoy clear natural voice. Make your documents, emails, web pages, books and thoughts sound. Configure volume, speed and pitch of speech. Create Voice Slots to use different hot keys for different voices. ...
Search Query points:10 KERNEL FAT-NTFS - WINDOWS DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 4.03 Kernel for FAT and NTFS recovers data from deleted, formatted, damaged, or corrupted partitions where FAT and NTFS based operating systems, such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 are installed on the hard ...
Search Query points:10 PLOTPLAN 2.0 Garden diary and plot planner. Gardening - the ultimate art form - but the creation constantly changes. Memories fade but they can be refreshed. Plotplan's password-protected diary stores your past, present and future jottings for the benefit of posterity, with ...
Search Query points:10 MP3 CONVERTER 3.05 Mp3 Converter Version 3.05 The MP3 Converter is the ideal all-in-one tool to convert batches of mp3 file format into wav file format for burning onto a CD, convert wav file format to the mp3 file format to listen ...
Search Query points:10 KERNEL MACINTOSH - DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 4.04.4 The upgraded version of the Kernel for Macintosh data recovery software recovers the deleted, damaged or formatted mac drive’s data. The improved version now effectively recovers the deleted or formatted partitions. Kernel for Macintosh supports recovery from all the OS; ...
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