Softfreedownload showing you best 14 of 14 funded different du meter programs. You can simply download any of du meter soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:145 DU METER 3.07 DU Meter is a powerful and user-friendly tool that enables you to use your Internet connection more efficiently. DU Meter lets you see how much of your full bandwidth potential is actually utilized at any given point, either by displaying ...
Search Query points:40 SOFTPERFECT TRAFFIC METER 2.0 SoftPerfect Traffic Meter monitors your network traffic. With SoftPerfect Traffic Meter, you can create a full-featured system for monitoring the Internet traffic of specific users on your home or office network. SoftPerfect Traffic Meter works in real time and can ...
Search Query points:40 TIME METER FOR MS OUTLOOK 2.6 Choosing the technology capable of automating time and expenses tracking while offering high level of accuracy is crucial for building a winner team! TimeMeter is an expansion module for Microsoft Outlook that allows systematizing current projects, timelines, hourly rates and ...
Search Query points:40 SIMPLE WEIGHT METER 1.5 A simple program to keep track of your current weight and your goal weight. Includes a history of your weight changes. ...
Search Query points:40 NET METER 3.0 Net Meter is a powerful and easy network traffic monitor. It monitors traffic of one or more network connections at the same time. Net Meter displays real-time graphical and numerical network traffic details. It records all network traffic and includes ...
Search Query points:10 BUBBLE SPALSH 1.1 Bubble Splash is not your ordinary puzzle. In fact, it'’s an action game masking as a puzzle. If you are a puzzle junky looking for a challenge, you simply can't pass on this game. The rules are ...
Search Query points:10 SONIX 1.0 A single stream quasi synchronous granulator which also features an analog filter to further manipulate the sound with a smooth lowpass,phatpass and highpass formant hybrid settings.The sonix interface is very easy on the eyes and the gui gives sonix the ...
Search Query points:10 BANDWIDTH VISTA 1 Bandwidth Vista is a modern bandwidth speed test, informative and intuitive to use. Whether you are looking for network problems or simply want to check your bandwidth speed, Bandwidth Vista is the only bandwidth meter and bandwidth tester you will ...
Search Query points:10 ADDUP 2 AddUp 2 could be the last calculator you will ever want. With a flexible work area and user-selectable button panels, this multi-purpose tool packs all the functionality you can expect in a calculator. * A flexible work area lets ...
Search Query points:10 GUITAR-ONLINE METRONOME 2.0 This metronome plays tempos from 40 to 340 beats per minute. It also allows the user to play simple, compound and odd-time meters as well as mixes of measures (5/4=3+2/4, 13/8=3+2+3+2/8), etc. It plays different tones for accent, ...
Search Query points:10 MATH LOGIC 4.0 Excellent tool for Kids to learn Math & Arithmetic like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division in a logical & easy step-by-step process. Full Audio-Visual and Multimedia features have been built into the program to make learning the basics ...
Search Query points:10 POWER MEASURE 2.00 Power Measure is an advanced power manager for Windows 2000/XP. Saving you from several clicks when you are finishing work with computer. This Program was designed as an alternative to the native Microsoft Windows services of ...
Search Query points:10 BWMETER 2.0.1 BWMeter is a powerful bandwidth meter, monitor and traffic controller, which measures, displays and controls all traffic to/from your computer or on your network. Unlike other products, it can analyze the data packets (where they come from, where they go, ...
Search Query points:5 WITCH PIM Witch PIM is a portable PIM tool with Western Astrology and Chinese Qi Men Du Jia wisdom. No Greek, no field terminology, no obscure descriptions, just clear and useful instructions for your daily activities. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Features: ...
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