Magic Utilities 2007 5.00 Magic Utilities is a cute program designed to make your computer clean and more stable. These utilities include Uninstaller Plus, StartUp Organizer,Process Killer and Disk Cleaner. Magic Utilities enables you to easily and safely uninstall programs, inspect and manage the ...
Smart Fat Recovery 3.2 Smart FAT Recovery is a data recovery tool for Windows operating system that supports the FAT 12/16/32 file system. The software easily recovers data from hard disks, digital cameras, and any type of storage media - flash drives, USB ...
Privacy Fence 1.5 Privacy Fence is a handy tool kit designed to completely erase all your tracks on a computer. With just one mouse-click, it helps you to erase cookies, cache, history and auto-complete data of popular Internet browser. It also cleans ...
Easy Macro Recorder 2.2 Easy Macro Recorder is a handy utility that makes your computers automatically do work for you. It records all operation of mouse and keystrokes and saves them as macros, then Easy Macro Recorder can play back the recorded macros to ...
Driver Magician 2.5 Driver Magician is an easy-to-use and powerful tool for device drivers backup, restoration and update for Windows Operating system. It identifies all the hardware in the system, extracts their associated drivers from the hard disk and backs them up ...
Top Secret 1.1 TopSecret is the top software on the market of its kind, which used to hide text message into image. Images created with TopSecret are undetectable by other softwares and the image can be used anywhere as the regular images. TopSecret ...
Diskeeper Professional Premier Edition 10.0 Along with the high-speed defragmentation features in Diskeeper 10 Professional Edition, Professional Premier Edition adds the proprietary Intelligent File Access Acceleration Sequencing Technology (I-FAAST™). I-FAAST is a technology breakthrough that allows Diskeeper to intelligently organize your most important files, increasing ...
etichettexp 2.0 Descrizione lunga del programma in italiano: Programma per la stampa di etichette che prevede: o Possibilità di definire il formato delle etichette desiderato indicando numero di etichette orizzontali, numero di etichette verticali, margini e spaziatura. o Possibilità di centrare ...
CogeXP 2.0 Software contabile multiaziendale, adatto per elaborazioni contabili effettuate dallo studio per conto terzi o dalle aziende stesse che intendono gestire in proprio le attivita' amministrative/contabili. Tra le principali caratteristiche ricordiamo: Piano dei conti standard su tre livelli (secondo la IV ...
Diskeeper Professional Edition for 64 Bit 10.0 No matter how powerful your PC is, fragmentation will slow it down—it's just a matter of time. In fact, the harder your system works, the faster fragmentation builds up. Manual, single-pass defragmenters simply can’t keep up—in order to maintain performance; ...
ShadowClock 1.5 Save your time, use ShadowClock on your desktop. It is not necessary to go down in the task bar to find out time. These analog clock are always accessible, before eyes, ShadowClock do not prevent job and entertainment. ...
LOGICIEL INSTALLATEUR The software INSTALLATEUR can be launched on any network computer provided that the PC is on Windows XP or Windows 2000. In fact, even if you have no access to the domain server, you can install your security patches or ...
Spydefense Simple for beginners. Complex for advanced users. Intuitive for everybody. SpyDefense protects your computer against annoying, and harmful software such as Spyware, Adware, Trojan horses, etc. SpyDefense is anti-spyware software that prides itself on a very user friendly environment. SpyDefense ...
Virtual Drive Creator 2.1.1 Create Virtual Drives from long paths, it's easy! Type the full path or (even easier) browse to the path via the Drive and Folder Lists. Choose a drive letter from the "Available Virtual Drive Letters" list and Click [Add Virtual ...
Koffix Blocker 1.01 Koffix Blocker is a desktop application that helps you to block or restrict sites that are involved in questionable practices. When you surf the web you may sometimes accidentally visit sites that, for example, try to install some sort of ...
PDF to HTML batch converter for command line 3.0 AP PDF to HTML Batch Converter is a useful pdf tool, the converter produces fully functional HTML documents with text,pictures,graphics,table,links and bookmarks, using the original PDF document formatting, and it is more suitable for Internet publishing. thus exposing their content ...
East-Tec DisposeSecure 2007 Enterprise 4.0 Don't give away sensitive information with the old computers that you or your company resells, donates or removes from operation. Deleting all files, formatting the hard disk or using FDISK is not enough to stop people to restore information using ...
Hidden Administrator 1.5 What's new in version 1.5 (build 345): - is added function of the file transfer with remote computer (file manager); - is added carrying windows by mouse on remote desktop; - is added filtering IP-addresses (granting the access to server ...
MySecurityVault 3.0 Securely manage and encrypt passwords, files, and personal information. MySecurityVault provides unparalleled security for your most confidential information. Fill out Internet forms with your secure information. Scan your computer for sensitive information to prevent identity theft. What is MySecurityVault? ...
MediaWiper 3.0 Wipe and format your disks, drives, memory cards, etc. with MediaWiper. When you delete a file, document, or any other information from a floppy disk, jumpdrive, memory stick, and other removable media, it isn't gone! The information is still there, ...
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Utilities Antivirus, Backup, Desktop Enhancements, File & Disk Management, File Compression, Launchers, Network, Optimizers & Diagnostics, Printers, Security & Encryption, System Utilities, Uninstallers |
Web Developer HTML Conversion Tools, Code Editors, JavaScript, Reference & Tutorials, Server Tools, Site Management, Web Design Utilities, HTML Help Authoring, Site Promotion, Log Analyzers |