1st Security Agent - Password-protected security utility for all Windows. Restrict access to Control Panel, disable Start Menu items, hide drives, disable DOS, boot keys, Registry editing, taskbar, task manager, and network access, hide desktop icons, apply password protection to Windows, and disable running ...
Access Lock - Access Lock is a system-tray security utility, which enables you to lock your PC with a password by two methods. The first one hides your desktop and shows a screen saver while the second one does not hide it allowing ...
Access Administrator Pro - Access Administrator Pro is intended for controlling access to files and folders situated on local media of Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP at Windows kernel level. It alows to allocate access to files and folders between users according to predefined schedules, and protects ...
Advanced Security Administrator - Protect your computer and restrict access to Internet with Security Administrator. This nice password-protected security utility enables you to impose a variety of access restrictions to protect your privacy and stop others from tampering with your PC. You can deny ...
CD-DVD Lock - CD-DVD Lock is intended for restricting read or write access to removable media devices such as CD, DVD, floppy and flash, as well as for restricting access to certain partitions of hard disk drives. CD-DVD Lock will allow you avoid ...
Clipboard Assistant - Clipboard Assistant is intended for an acceleration and a simplification of text operations via the Clipboard. You can use it while you are writing programs, filling Web forms, making sections of related news items, etc. You can create collections of ...
Easy Backup for Outlook Express - Easy Backup for Outlook Express lets you backup restore and move your Outlook Express data such as identities, email messages, email account settings, message rules, the address book, list of blocked senders, signatures and settings, Favorites, Windows Address Book and ...
Easy Desktop Keeper - Easy Desktop Keeper lets you save, restore, manage and lock desktop layout that includes files and folders located on the desktop, placement of desktop icons, desired wallpaper and screen saver. If you choose to lock desktop layout, every time you ...
File & Folder Protector - Protect Files and Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Security Administrator - Stop others from tampering with your PC. Deny access to Control Panel applets, disable boot keys, context menus, DOS windows, Registry editing, network access, hide desktop icons, individual drives, Start menu items, taskbar. Apply password protection to Windows, restrict users ...
PC LockUp - PC LockUp password-protects your PC and restricts others from being able to use it while you are away. An allowed time schedule and duration can be defined for each user to restrict access in definite hours. PC LockUp also supports ...
The Sleuthhound PDF 4.5 Sleuthhound PDF Search Solution is a document search tool for your PDF files and MS Office documents. This pdf search software allows you to index and search PDF files and find information you need in 1 sec. Select folders with ...
UIFriend 2.0.1 UIFriend provides easy and powerful quick resolution changing, intelligent protection of your desktop icon layout that works behind the scenes keeping your icon positions safe, improved desktop aesthetics with double buffering and transparent icon text backgrounds, display setting management for ...
EditPad Lite 6.0.2 EditPad Lite is a convenient, carefully designed text editor and Notepad replacement. It has all the features a solid text editor needs without any bloat. You can open as many files at a time as you want, with no ...
HDD Temperature Pro 1.3 HDD Temperature is monitoring software that protects your hard-drives from getting overheated. Using S.M.A.R.T. technology included in all modern HDDs, HDD Temperature checks and monitors the temperature of your hard drives; you can also set the maximum value of ...
Registry Workshop 1.6.2 Registry Workshop is an advanced registry editor. It is a perfect replacement for RegEdit and RegEdt32 which shipped with Windows. In addition to all the features that you can find in RegEdit and RegEdt32, Registry Workshop offers many ...
VSPD.net 2.0 Network Virtual Serial Ports Driver is an advanced utility, the purpose of which is to emulate null-modem cable on computers located in a TCP/IP LAN or connected to the Internet. In other words, with VSPD Net you can create any ...
Computer Alarm Clock 1.21 Computer Alarm Clock is a cute, easy to use software application that will change the way you start your day forever. You can use it to give yourself reminders of important events that happen throughout the day. It is an ...
The Lock XP 5.04.0620 Provides user access, Internet and system security for any computer running Windows 95 to Windows XP (with FUS). All user security is group based configurable by any members of the Administrators group. User security data is stored locally ...
Forever Journal 2.0 Forever Journal is secure Journal writing software for your PC!. It also looks like a real paper journal! But, unlike a paper journal which can be found and read, this system protects your writings with powerful encryption technology. ...
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Utilities Antivirus, Backup, Desktop Enhancements, File & Disk Management, File Compression, Launchers, Network, Optimizers & Diagnostics, Printers, Security & Encryption, System Utilities, Uninstallers |
Web Developer HTML Conversion Tools, Code Editors, JavaScript, Reference & Tutorials, Server Tools, Site Management, Web Design Utilities, HTML Help Authoring, Site Promotion, Log Analyzers |