TrayIcon Menu 1.4 TrayIcon Menu is a system tray manager that allows you to launch all your favorite programs from a vertical menu located in the system tray. TrayIcon Menu also provides for network support, which allows a network administrator to control the ...
TrayIcon Standard 1.4 TrayIcon Standard is a Windows 95/98/NT system tray manager that allows you to easily add, edit, delete, and re-order your application icons in the system tray. Other features include: security, foreign language support, Windows Explorer context menu support, sound, and ...
AutoDialogs 2.3 SR2 AutoDialogs is a Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP 32-bit program that was developed to provide quick access to the folders you use most often in standard Open / Save as / Browse for folder dialogs (including Office 95/97/2000/XP and Windows 2000 Professional dialog ...
DeskTool 3.0 DeskTool is a desktop toolbar designed to give you easy access to frequently used applications by displaying an organized row of buttons from which to choose. DeskTool is tightly integrated into the desktop shell of Windows 9x and Windows NT/2000. ...
Autoclip Express 1.04 Autoclip Express is a FREE, easy to use clipboard extender and utility program that contains NO SPYWARE of any kind. Development is ongoing and regular free updates can be expected. Autoclip Express is designed for every computer user, from novice ...
Directory Report 25.1 Directory printer, find duplicate files, rename files and maintain files – all in 1 tool Simple to use since it looks just like the MS Explorer The program can scan over 7 million files Powerful filtering ensures you only ...
NCS Z-tools.he AccountView 1.3.903.9 Power account management tool for Windows 2000/XP/2003 including Windows XP Home Edition. This software give in addition to standard acount management functions: - creating groups in Windows XP Home Edition; - management of the hidden accounts (interdomain communications, ...
NCS Z-tools.he WhoIsConnected 1.6.1003.3 Allows you to monitor and manage your local area network connections. It shows you which users are currently connected, and allows you to view details about what files/folders are used, connection time, and more. In addition, you can choose to ...
Macro Scheduler This is Windows Automation Made Easy. The only solution with VBScript built in, a dedicated windows automation language with over 200 functions, full variable support, a native code editor and debugger, a macro recorder that creates real human code and ...
PhraseExpress 2.0.52 PhraseExpress organizes all your frequently used text phrases and paste them into any Windows application in a snap. Ideal for your letter templates, signatures, addresses, bank account information and for internet chat phrases. The phrases are filed clearly laid out ...
Disk Space Inspector 2.1 Disk Space Inspector delivers easy to read and comprehensive reports of file servers (Desktop PC) disk space usage by your network users/share names/directories/volumes and other file attributes. Features Summary: -View disk space usage by owner (NTFS owner) on ...
LanFlow Net Diagrammer 5.0 Diagramming tool for laying out, designing, and documenting a network, LAN, internet, or other communications system. Drop in components like computers, workstations, and servers and connect them with lines and cables of all sorts. Choose your components from the ...
PDF Extract TIFF 1.5 It supports LZW,RunLength,CCITTFax,DCT,Flate decompress technology. High speed processing Convert PDF files to TIFF files and JPG files on the fly Supports PDF1.4 protocol (formerly only supported by Acrobat5.0) Keep original compress method in generated TIFF images Supports command line operation ...
Dekart Private Disk 2.07 Powerful, reliable and flexible disk encryption program. Hide your programs and data, and exclusively restrict access to them. Private Disk shields files from viruses and malware even if your antivirus or antispyware program fails to protect the system. Your data ...
1st TurboRun 2.0 Access ANY program, document or bookmark IN SECONDS with a few keystrokes. Type a few characters and this program will show matching programs and documents as you type. Once you found the desired item, you can open it immediately, explore ...
Search and Recover 3.0 An arsenal of powerful tools designed to allow you to quickly recover deleted or destroyed files, folders, songs, pictures, videos, programs, critical system components, web pages, and even email messages in Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express, Netscape, and Eudora. It ...
AllWallpapers 2.1 Handy utility with modern and easy appearance. Helps in the creation of wallpapers for any mobile device. Saves money on ordering mobile wallpapers from online shops and image galleries. Simplifies cataloging in existing desktop wallpapers. Changes wallpapers on a timer. ...
PRTG - Paessler Router Traffic Grapher PRTG is an easy to use Windows solution for network/bandwidth usage monitoring. Supports SNMP, packet sniffing and netflow to create live readings with periodical trend data to help optimize the efficiency of routers, servers and other network components. PRTG is ...
pdf to word converter 1.4 PDF2Word(pdf to word converter) software enable export the text, images and other contents from pdf document into word document, so you can reuse your PDF content, pdf to word software will preserving text, layout and bitmap images in the generated ...
Digital MediaRescue Professional 4.1 Recover lost multimedia files from a host of digital devices: Camcoders, Still Cameras, MP3 and WMA Players, PDAs and mobile phones. The program supports recovery from Hard Drives, CompactFlash cards (type I/II), IBM Microdrives, SmartMedia cards, MultiMedia cards (MMCs), Secure ...
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Utilities Antivirus, Backup, Desktop Enhancements, File & Disk Management, File Compression, Launchers, Network, Optimizers & Diagnostics, Printers, Security & Encryption, System Utilities, Uninstallers |
Web Developer HTML Conversion Tools, Code Editors, JavaScript, Reference & Tutorials, Server Tools, Site Management, Web Design Utilities, HTML Help Authoring, Site Promotion, Log Analyzers |