MagicHelp Help Authoring Tool 1.3 MagicHelp is multi-user help systems and documentation tool,it is the fastest, easiest way to create professional Help systems and documentation. Support export format:CHM,MsHelp2.x,Word,WebHelp,JavaHelp,OracleHelp,EclipseHelp... Support import format:COM TypeLib,FileSystem... Team Working feature makes develop-team works more orderly, efficiently, and cost savely, ...
Nokia Home Inventory Manager 2.0 This program allows you to keep track of the value of your household possessions for insurance purposes and display them by Room or Category. It also allows inflation indexing. It is based on the Home Inventory module produced for Quicken. ...
Spices.Net 5.0 Professional approach to protecting, research, document and reverse engineering .Net assemblies! Spices.Net - powerful tool for .Net developers that offers obfuscation, decompilation, analytical and documentation management features. Spices.Net is plugin environment that constantly renewing new possibilities. ...
VideoShotMaker 1.00 VideoShotMaker is an ActiveX component that allows your applications to extract frames from video files and save them as image files. Frames can be extracted from AVI, MPEG, WMV, RealVideo files. Images can be saved as JPEG or BMP files. ...
Data Ferret 4.06 After entering searches on yellow page websites, Data Ferret can save the names, addresses etc of those companies that are found and save them to a local file. This file can then used to construct marketing campaigns, tasks and ...
Tethys Macro SDK 2.0 Add Macro Recorder to your software or create custom macro applications with Tethys Macro SDK. Leverage the power of SMART Macro Technology. Integrate it with your software in just minutes. Use API or pre-defined GUI components. Simply cut and paste ...
Visual Importer 4.6.1 Powerful ETL Tool for none technical users. Loads data into Oracle ,SQL Server, ODBC Databases (Datawarehouses) from flat files, cross tables, ODBC datasources or Excell. Very fast and reliable. Uses naitive API (OCI API,BCP API,ODBC API) Capable of performing calculation ...
Visual Importer Professional 7.2.1 Powerful ETL tool. Imports data into Oracle ,SQL Server, ODBC Databases (Datawarehouses) from flat files or ODBC datasources. Very fast and reliable. Uses naitive API. Data targets: Oracle 7-9i database (using OCI API) ...
Visual Importer Enterprise 7.2.1 Powerful ETL tool. Imports data into Oracle ,SQL Server, ODBC Databases (Datawarehouses) from flat files or ODBC datasources. Very fast and reliable. Uses naitive API. Data targets: Oracle 7-9i database (using OCI API) ...
VImpX 4.6.1 ActiveX which Loads data into Oracle ,SQL Server, ODBC Databases from flat files, cross tables or ODBC datasources. Very fast and reliable. Uses naitive API (OCI API,BCP API,ODBC API) Capable of performing calculation during import, may also execute SQL statemts ...
Data Browser 2.0.3 This Easy to use tool allows user to connect to any database and browse or modify data ,run sql scripts, export and print data. And the most important thing it is Freeware. ...
Data Exchange Wizard 3.2.7 This Wizard helps you to load and export data from/into various datasources such as delimited and fixed width files or ODBC data source into/from Oracle, MS SQL Server or any ODBC compliant database Uses naitive API, Capable of performing calculation ...
DEWizardX 3.2.7 This ActiveX helps you to load and export data from/into various datasources such as delimited and fixed width files or ODBC data source into/from Oracle, MS SQL Server or any ODBC compliant database Uses naitive API, Capable of performing calculation ...
Spire.DataExport 1.2 1) Support most popular fromat: MS Excel, MS Word, HTML,MS Clipboard,XML,PDF,DBF,SQL Script,SYLK,DIF,CSV. 2) Quickly and easily export data from SQL command or listview or datatable .net component.Save your much time and money by ...
Spices.Obfuscator 5.0 Uncompromisable protection of your intellectual properties from prying eyes, competitors and reverse engineering. Spices.Obfuscator is a .Net code protection tool that offers the wide range of technologies to completely protect your .Net code and intellectual properties. The obfuscator rebuilds your ...
Polyglot 3000 2.2 Polyglot 3000 is automatic language identifier that can detect the language used in a text, phrase, or even a single word. The program features over 400 languages. Input text files utilise both Unicode and ANSI encodings. Polyglot 3000 features: Recognize ...
Spices.Decompiler 5.0 .Net Decompiler that decompiles /disassembles .Net assemblies from MSIL (MS Intermediate Language) binary format to well-formed and optimized source code (6 languages: MSIL, C#, VB.NET, Delphi.Net J# and managed C++). ...
CRD Subscription 6.0 This powerful, intuitive and easy to use report scheduler will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your client, boss etc. ...
.rpt Inspector Professional Suite (for CR XI) 3.02 16 tools for Crystal Reports in the most powerful, integrated, and easiest suite of tools to Edit, Analyze, Document, Modify, Migrate and Convert + more :: one or many Crystal Reports at the same time! .rpt Inspector can easily work ...
1st JavaScript Editor Pro 3.5 3.5 1st JavaScript Editor is advanced JavaScript Editor, Validator and Debugger for beginners and professionals! Beside rich possibilities of editing scripts (JavaScript, HTML, CSS, VBScript, PHP and ASP syntax highlighting) and IntelliSense, JavaScript Editor offers built-in JavaScript Debugger which allows you ...
1301-1320 of 1369 Results 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360
Multimedia & Design Animation, Authoring Tools, Font Tools, Illustration, Image Editing, Image Viewers, Conversion Tools, Utilities, Video |
Software Developer ActiveX, Compilers & Interpreters & Compressors, Components & Libraries, Databases & Networks, Debugging, IDEs & Coding Utilities, Java, Management & Distribution, Source Code, Tools & Editors |