Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 610 funded different yahoo messenger archive history programs. You can simply download any of yahoo messenger archive history soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:120 YAHOO! MESSENGER ARCHIVE DECODER 1.0 Are you worried what your spouse, child or employee is chatting about? Our super program will uncover the truth with extreme ease by secretly turning Archiving on for ALL users - no passwords needed! The program then allows you to ...
Search Query points:80 YAHOO MESSENGER PASSWORD 1.0.292 Yahoo Messenger Password is a password recovery tool for Yahoo Messenger. Whenever you lose or forget your password for Yahoo Messenger, make a few mouse clicks and you will get all information about your Yahoo Messenger account including password. Yahoo ...
Search Query points:80 YAHOO MESSENGER BUFFERZONE SECURITY 1.70-6 BufferZone protection for Yahoo Messenger and its shared files. One step installation. No configuration needed. Just install and you are protected. Continue using Yahoo Messenger as always. No spyware, trojan horses, worm, viruses or $%#^ programs can harm your system. ...
Search Query points:80 MSN YAHOO MESSAGE ARCHIVE VIEWER 1.5 View Yahoo and MSN chat logs of yourself, your spouse, your kids, or anyone, without logging in to Yahoo or MSN. Either you want to read your own chat logs or you want to spy on your love one, this ...
Search Query points:60 HISTORY KILLER 2.1 History Killer helps to protect your privacy by removing traces of computer and Internet activities with a single mouse click. Free scan will help you check the size of disk space you can free. User-friendly interface and simple description will ...
Search Query points:60 OYCO MESSENGER WITH VOIP DIALER 2.0 Interoptible Messenger with Video & Voice chat plus embedded Free VoIP H323 dialer to call any phone any where topped up with $1 Free to try with trial. Dialer has FER & SPIRIT technology for excellent sound quality under high ...
Search Query points:50 MESSENGER JOURNALING 1.0 The MS Outlook add-in Messenger Journaling is designed to save message history for MSN Messenger or Windows Messenger to Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP journal. The Outlook itself is not necessarily to be running. Support 4.x and 5.x versions of Messenger. Support ...
Search Query points:50 BLOWSEARCH SECURED MESSENGER 2.1.0 With BSM, you can communicate with all of your buddies from AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, and ICQ with just one unified program. Everything you type in AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, or ICQ is easily readable by malicious computer ...
Search Query points:50 BOPUP MESSENGER 4.3.5 Corporate instant messaging client for use in a business LAN with a set of enhanced features including standard software compatibility such as WinPopup and Messenger Service (net send), group messaging, automatic answering machine, message history, file transfer. Real-time communications can ...
Search Query points:50 OYCO VOIP DIALER & MESSENGER 2.0 The FREE Oyco H323 Dialer available in downloadable and web-based versions comes with FREE minutes on registration. Has built in SPIRIT and FER technology for better sound quality than most dialers under high and low bandwidths. Packed with a fully ...
Search Query points:50 MESSENGERS ARCHIVE VIEWER 2.56 View Yahoo and MSN chat logs, without logging in to Yahoo or MSN. Copy, save or print the chat logs. ...
Search Query points:50 DELETE HISTORY - CLEAR HISTORY 1.4 Our clear software is an Internet Eraser, Privacy Protector and System Optimizer. Our delete history software is a browser history eraser, internet search history eraser, internet search engine eraser, address bar eraser, google history eraser, yahoo history eraser, msn history ...
Search Query points:50 INTERNET HISTORY ERASER 1.4 Our internet history eraser software is an Internet Eraser, Privacy Protector and System Optimizer. Our internet history eraser software is a browser history eraser, internet search history eraser, internet search engine eraser, address bar eraser, google history eraser, yahoo history ...
Search Query points:50 KATCHALL ARCHIVE Katchall Archive is a set of programs and utilities to create and manage the files that you work with. Every time a change is made to any file on your computer the differences between the new and old versions ...
Search Query points:50 OMEGA MESSENGER 2.6.7 Omega Messenger works with MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, ICQ and AIM. You will be able to chat with friends, customers, co-workers, family, and anyone else you want to. Its the only tool you will need to chat online ...
Search Query points:50 VIGOROUS ENTERPRISE MESSENGER 5.0 Vigorous Enterprise Messenger is developed especially for enterprise to create private and secure messaging network, running on LAN as well as Internet. It provides features similar to Yahoo, AOL and MSN Messenger programs - including send and receive ...
Search Query points:50 IMGIANT INSTANT MESSENGER 2.1 IMGIANT v2.1 contains NO spyware or adware! IMGiant is a new instant messaging client that lets you unify all your screen names from AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, and IRC in one tabbed chat window. All your buddies from your screen ...
Search Query points:50 LANTOUCHER INSTANT MESSENGER 1.33 LanToucher Instant Messenger is instant messaging software for your office or home LAN (Local Area Network) Being an efficient WinPopup and 'net send' command alternative, our full-featured instant messaging application offers you a much richer network communication environment, expanding ...
Search Query points:40 ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY 2005 On This Day in History 2005, print high quality personalised scrolls, greeting cards etc. based upon any day in history between 1900 and present day, choose from many different designs to produce the perfect gift for friends & family. * ...
Search Query points:40 ARCHIVE & RESTORE 1.1 Archive & Restore enables you to put away and save different versions of files and folders. Files are stored separately, either compressed or in their original format. The access will then be preserved by administrable archives with removable disk support, ...
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