Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 515 funded different yahoo message dowload programs. You can simply download any of yahoo message dowload soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 MSN YAHOO MESSAGE ARCHIVE VIEWER 1.5 View Yahoo and MSN chat logs of yourself, your spouse, your kids, or anyone, without logging in to Yahoo or MSN. Either you want to read your own chat logs or you want to spy on your love one, this ...
Search Query points:40 INSTANT MESSAGE GRABBER 2.3 IM Grabber is a utility to automatically record AOL Instant Messenger conversations. Conversations can be conveniently browsed by Screen Name and date/time. It also has the ability to record only or ignore specific Screen Names. Additionally, it is able to ...
Search Query points:40 RED-HANDED! - INSTANT MESSAGE MONITOR 1.1 Protect your children from predators and your business from dishonest employees - Red-Handed! secretly records and monitors all AOL instant messages! Even novices think Red-Handed! is the easiest-to-use instant message recording software on the market- just install and Red-Handed! ...
Search Query points:40 PCSENTINEL'S BUSTED: INSTANT MESSAGE MONITOR, KEYLOGGER AND MORE 1.2.3 Silently record and monitor instant messages, web sites visited, applications used, sophisticated keylogger records all keystrokes, even takes periodic screen shots! Even novices think Busted! is the easiest-to-use monitoring and surveillance software on the market. Just install and Busted! ...
Search Query points:40 PBOARD - A FREE MESSAGE BOARD SCRIPT WITH A NUMBER OF UNIQUE FEATURES. 1 Another amazing Script from Dr.Surajit Sarkar. Spamming is almost impossible here. Enjoy your free message board with a number of unique features. ...
Search Query points:40 YAHOO POOL-UTTO 1.1 Yahoo Pool-Utto is an aimer for Pool on Yahoo! Games. It is a fast, accurate, and reliable cheat Utto that draws the path of the balls over the pool game window or in a preview window. Yahoo Pool-Utto takes care ...
Search Query points:40 MB FREE SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE SOFTWARE 1.0 MB Free Subliminal Message Software is an advanced subliminal message-displaying program. This software reaches out to the subconscious mind and sends positive affirmations to the mind, thus helping you develop a positive mindset. Subliminal messages also increase your self-confidence and ...
Search Query points:40 PC SENTINEL BUSTED: KEYLOGGER AND INSTANT MESSAGE MONITOR 2.1 Easy to use Internet Monitoring & Parental Control software effortlessly records all activity on the PC and helps protect children when they go online, surf the web or use instant messaging - and can also be used to keep track ...
Search Query points:40 USENET MESSAGE POSTER 2003 1.1.2 Message Poster 2003 is a very advanced USENET message posting tool designed for Newsgroup owners, administrators, and moderators. It will quickly and easily allow you to post messages to all of your newsgroups, from one group to 1000 groups. * ...
Search Query points:40 YAHOO MESSENGER BUFFERZONE SECURITY 1.70-6 BufferZone protection for Yahoo Messenger and its shared files. One step installation. No configuration needed. Just install and you are protected. Continue using Yahoo Messenger as always. No spyware, trojan horses, worm, viruses or $%#^ programs can harm your system. ...
Search Query points:40 BUSTED! - INSTANT MESSAGE MONITOR, KEYLOGGER AND MORE 1.1 Protect your children from predators and your business from dishonest employees - secretly record and monitor all AOL instant messages, web sites visited, applications used, sophisticated keylogger records all keystrokes, even takes periodic screen shots! Even novices think Busted! ...
Search Query points:40 YAHOO SEARCH TOOL BAR 1.0 This is a new kind of search bar. It is very flexible and does not use any space that you might need. It isn't like the taskbars and the Internet Explorer toolbars. It has a lot of tips that ...
Search Query points:40 YAHOO MESSENGER PASSWORD 1.0.292 Yahoo Messenger Password is a password recovery tool for Yahoo Messenger. Whenever you lose or forget your password for Yahoo Messenger, make a few mouse clicks and you will get all information about your Yahoo Messenger account including password. Yahoo ...
Search Query points:40 YAHOO MAIL NOTIFIER Notifies of new e-mail arriving at multiple e-mail accounts. Real pane of having multiple mailboxes is the need for their contant checking. Your problem resolution - Yahoo Mail Notifier - professional e-mail notification software, which provides system tray notification appearing ...
Search Query points:40 YAHOO! MESSENGER ARCHIVE DECODER 1.0 Are you worried what your spouse, child or employee is chatting about? Our super program will uncover the truth with extreme ease by secretly turning Archiving on for ALL users - no passwords needed! The program then allows you to ...
Search Query points:20 PRIVYPAD 2.51 Create, edit, read and e-mail encrypted and plain text files with this Notepad-like text editor. It supports 4 strong encryption/decryption algorithms: BLOWFISH, Triple DES(3DES), RIJNDAEL(AES) and XOR. It allows to perform up to 100 encrypting/decrypting steps on highly sensitive information ...
Search Query points:20 CRAWLER RSS READER 4.1 View news at your desktop with RSS feeds! Search and add favorite news or select from our list. Display RSS and ATOM feeds directly in Internet Explorer or icon tray from favorite news sources such as CNN. Open an entire ...
Search Query points:20 IMGIANT INSTANT MESSENGER 2.1 IMGIANT v2.1 contains NO spyware or adware! IMGiant is a new instant messaging client that lets you unify all your screen names from AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, and IRC in one tabbed chat window. All your buddies from your screen ...
Search Query points:20 AV VOICE CHANGER SOFTWARE GOLD EDITION 4.0.50 Apart from other voice changers, Voice Changer Software Gold changes your voice over internet in real time and acquires unlimited number of new voices. You can modify voice by changing voice pitch and voice timbre, applying effects, adjusting advanced tuner, ...
Search Query points:20 VIGOROUS ENTERPRISE MESSENGER 5.0 Vigorous Enterprise Messenger is developed especially for enterprise to create private and secure messaging network, running on LAN as well as Internet. It provides features similar to Yahoo, AOL and MSN Messenger programs - including send and receive ...
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