Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 55 funded different xserver implementation programs. You can simply download any of xserver implementation soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:150 ACEAXE PLUS WINDOWS XSERVER 1.3 SSH X-Server for Windows, Secure way to run Linux and Unix on Windows Desktop. The AceaXe Plus XServer package contains both 64 and 32 bit programs that emulate the X terminal on your PC. AceaXe Plus is XServer implementation of ...
Search Query points:150 ACEAXE PLUS WINDOWS XSERVER 1.2 SSH X-Server for Windows, Secure way to run Linux and Unix on Windows Desktop. The AceaXe Plus XServer package contains both 64 and 32 bit programs that emulate the X terminal on your PC. AceaXe Plus is XServer implementation of ...
Search Query points:120 WINAXE PLUS SSH X-SERVER FOR WINDOWS 8.3 SSH X-Server for Windows, Secure way to run Linux and Unix on Windows Desktop. The WinaXe Plus XServer is a program that emulates the X terminal on your PC. WinaXe Plus is XServer implementation of the X11 R6 ...
Search Query points:120 WINAXE WINDOWS X SERVER 7.3 Windows X Server, Run Linux and Unix on Windows Desktop. The WinaXe Windows X Server is a program that emulates the X terminal on your PC. WinaXe is XServer implementation of the X11 R6 release of the X Window ...
Search Query points:120 WINAXE WINDOWS X SERVER 7.2 Windows X Server, Run Linux and Unix on Windows Desktop. The WinaXe Windows X Server is a program that emulates the X terminal on your PC. WinaXe is XServer implementation of the X11 R6 release of the X Window ...
Search Query points:10 OBSIDIAN MENU FOR DREAMWEAVER 1.0.0 Flash menu for Dreamweaver. This menu extension integrates power of Dreamweaver and beauty of Flash. If you want easy and fast build navigation on your site we suggest to try flash menu extensions. This menu is Dreamweaver version. You can ...
Search Query points:10 DOCMOTO 1.4 DocMoto is a straight forward Document Manager designed for all levels of user. DocMoto incorporates all the key document management technologies including version tracking, powerful security and multi-user capability. A complete implementation of the WebDAV protocol DocMoto is fully Internet ...
Search Query points:10 EASY REMOVER 2004 PRO 3.0 Have you ever wondered if there is a program able to completely cleanup, uninstall, manage your computer, and protect your privacy? We have the solution: Easy Remover 2004 Pro v.3.0! Completely uninstalls programs, detects phantom programs, startup manager, task manager, ...
Search Query points:10 AVAILSUITE 1.4 AvailSuite is a state of the art solution for managing a small or medium business. Affordable and easy to setup and use, it covers all critical activities of small companies: customer and order management; invoices and account receivables; employee scheduling, ...
Search Query points:10 RADIUS TEST 2.4.0 Radius Test is an implementation of the client side of RADIUS - Remote Authentication Dial In User Service. It is a useful tool for testing installations of your RADIUS server. Through Radius Test you can simulate authentication and accounting requests ...
Search Query points:10 EUCHRE & ECARTE BY MEGGIESOFT GAMES 16.1 MeggieSoft Games Euchre & Ecarte is a full implementation of two card games: Ecarte and Euchre (the two-player version). Play against an online opponent or your computer with many customizable visual, audio, and game options. Both games involve winning the ...
Search Query points:10 QUICKCRYPT LIBRARY 2.50 A fast, highly optimized implementation of symmetric (private-key) encryption/decryption algorithms: DES, Triple DES (3DES), DESX, BLOWFISH, RIJNDAEL (AES - Advanced Encryption Standard), GOST (USSR/Russian Encryption Standard). It supports 5 modes of operation: ECB (Electronic Codebook), CBC (Cipher Block Chaining), CFB ...
Search Query points:10 WEBCAB PORTFOLIO FOR DELPHI 4.2 3-in-1: .NET, COM and XML Web service implementation of Markowitz Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to analyze and construct the optimal portfolio with/without asset weight constraints. Also includes Performance Evaluation, interpolation procedures, analysis of Efficient Frontier, Market Portfolio ...
Search Query points:10 WEBCAB PORTFOLIO FOR .NET 4.2 3-in-1: .NET, COM and XML Web service implementation of Markowitz Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to analyze and construct the optimal portfolio with/without asset weight constraints. Also includes Performance Evaluation, interpolation procedures, analysis of Efficient Frontier, Market Portfolio ...
Search Query points:10 SECUREBLACKBOX (.NET) 3.3 SecureBlackbox (.NET edition) is the comprehensive component collection for Internet security. SecureBlackbox is split to several packages: * PKIBlackbox - offers support for Public Key Infrastructure (X.509 certificates, certificate requests, certificate revokation lists, certificate storages etc.). ...
Search Query points:10 QUICKHASH LIBRARY 3.0 A fast, highly optimized implementation of hash and checksum algorithms: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2(256,384,512), RIPEMD(128,160,256,320), PANAMA, TIGER, CRC-32, CRC-16, CRC-CCITT, ADLER32. The library allows to calculate hashes (message digests), checksums and HMACs for files, memory blocks, strings, blobs, streaming ...
Search Query points:10 FASTCRC LIBRARY 1.50 A fast, highly optimized implementation of popular checksum algorithms: CRC32, CRC16, CRC16C (CRC-CCITT). The library allows to calculate checksums for files, memory blocks, strings, blobs, streaming data. It is quick, flexible, easy to use. It supports 3 interfaces: FastCRC API ...
Search Query points:10 PIVO INI COMPONENT 1.01 INI component reads and writes Windows style INI files. It provides a comprehensive set of functions making INI files a powerful way to store application settings. There are three common ways to store program information on the hard disk: in ...
Search Query points:10 NET REPORTS SERVER PRO 2.0 Client/Server. Fast Query & Report solution for Ms.Sql Server, Oracle, PostGreSql, MySql, Interbase, Firebird, MS. VFP. Sybase, MS. Access; A solution for LAN or Internet as well; The Client/Server data transfer process consume low resources; Has his own encryption mechanism, ...
Search Query points:10 DCIPHERMAIL 1.0 dCipherMAILallows seamless and secure communication within and enterprise and with end customers without compromising ease of use. The product employs Industry standard public/private key Infrastructure for key exchange and management and asymmetric key encryption/decryption using US military grade AES encryption ...
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