Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 13678 funded different xp recovery restore programs. You can simply download any of xp recovery restore soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:55 USB MEMORY CARD RECOVERY It is read only software provides recovery of deleted pictures like JPG, BMP, JPEG, PNG, RIFF, TIFF, GIF from memory card. Software restores not detected MOV MPEG 3gp mp3 audio and video files. Memory card data recovery software recovers accidentally ...
Search Query points:55 NTFS PARTITION RECOVERY TOOL Windows NTFS partition files recovery software is advance easy to use for retrieval of NTFS and NTFS5 partitions. Ntfs partition tool helps you to recover your lost and deleted files from hard disk partition in which windows operating system is ...
Search Query points:55 RESTORER2000 DATA RECOVERY 3.0 Restorer2000 3.0 is the reliable data recovery utility that provides you with powerful undelete, data recovery and disk restoration functionality. With Restorer2000 3.0 data recovery software you can view and restore deleted files and folders. Disk Scan option gives you ...
Search Query points:55 PST PASSWORD RECOVERY 1.0.1 PST Password Recovery can restore passwords of any length and complexity, multilingual passwords and even passwords with typos. Although the restored password for a PST file may not be exactly the one you used (and forgot), it will work and ...
Search Query points:55 DISKINTERNALS MUSIC RECOVERY 1.0 With DiskInternals Music Recovery you’ll be able to restore your music from any storage, including hard drive, iPod, USB-flash, mp3 players, CD and DVD disk. It supports most of the media formats and ALL file systems, including Windows, Mac OS ...
Search Query points:55 SOFTPERFECT FILE RECOVERY 1.0 SoftPerfect File Recovery is a free and useful tool to restore accidentally deleted files from hard and floppy disks, USB flash drives, CF & SD cards and other storage media. It supports the popular file systems such as FAT12, FAT16, ...
Search Query points:55 FAT PARTITION DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE Windows FAT FAT32 FAT16 FAT12 VFAT hard disk drive partition data recovery software recovers your accidentally deleted formatted files folders. Utility can restore, repair, fix system hard disk crashed, damaged bad sector. FAT partition retrieval utility can recover hard disk ...
Search Query points:55 RECOVERY FOR WORKS 1.0.0624 Recovery for Works is a powerful data recovery software for corrupted Microsoft Works files (.WPS, .XLR, .WDB). Recovery for Works components restore Works Wordprocessor documents, Works Spreadheets and Works Databases. Restores texts, original formatting, formulas. Supports Microsoft Works 5.x, 6.x ...
Search Query points:55 MEMORY CARD DATA PICTURE RECOVERY Memory card data restoration software undelete unerase recover inaccessible not detected files folders directories information. The software retrieves erased deleted photos, pictures, images, mp3, music, photographs which may lost due to virus infection, accidental deletion, hardware or software malfunction. The ...
Search Query points:55 1ST NTFS RECOVERY 2.0 1st NTFS Recovery is a product for retrieving information from corrupted disks. The Recycle Bin that is considered to restore deleted files cannot be always of use. Unfortunately when a disk volume embodying your data is damaged either by a ...
Search Query points:55 DELETED FAT DRIVE DATA RECOVERY Data recovery program ensures hard drive data recovery, low level formatting, information recovery, document restoration, hd and hdd recovery. FAT data recovery software a data recovery utility recover retrieve restore corrupted lost erased files folders of fat fat12 fat16 fat32 ...
Search Query points:55 DBF RECOVERY 1.40 DBF Recovery is designed for anyone who wants to restore a damaged or corrupted dbf files. Its precision-engineered recovery engine can restore database headers and data structures as well. The recovery procedure is completely automated and doesn’t require any manual ...
Search Query points:55 SIM CARD DATA RECOVERY Sim card Data Recovery Software is read only tool for restoring accidentally deleted data like phone numbers text SMS from your mobile phone simcard. This non- destructive sim card data recovery utility can also restore the recent deleted call list. ...
Search Query points:55 IPOD ITUNES MUSIC RECOVERY iPod data recovery software is designed to recover retrieve rescue restore music, songs images, pictures, video, audio, photos mp3 mpeg mp4a from Windows 95 98 ME NT 2000 2003 XP and Windows XP media center 2005 edition due to accidentally ...
Search Query points:55 USB STORAGE RECOVERY Formatted removable drive retrieval software retrieves lost data due to logical corruption and bad sectors. Recovers deleted audio video files like 3gp, mp3, MPG, MPEG, AVI, MOV fetch corrupted JPEG photos, TIFF, RIFF, PNG, BMP pictures, JPG images. Software support ...
Search Query points:55 MEMORY CARD FILE RECOVERY Memory card data retrieval tool is a read only GUI based recovery software provides user friendly interface to recover the deleted corrupted missing data. Software supports all mobile phone and digital camera memory card and compatible with Win 98, ME, ...
Search Query points:55 ERS 2K/XP, EMERGENCY RECOVERY SYSTEM FAT/FAT32 5.30 Win 2K/XP, Recover gracefully from a system crash with ERS 2K/XP. Should Win 2K/XP registry or other System files get corrupted, backups will then be available to restore from. ERS 2K/XP does two Windows main files backups and seven Registry ...
Search Query points:55 ERASED STILL RECOVERY Erased Still Recovery utility is read only user friendly picture recovery software which provides image retrieval of lost, formatted, deleted, corrupted or damaged mobile phone digital camera memory card hard drive and USB drive. Software recovers still digital pictures even ...
Search Query points:55 ERS 9X, EMERGENCY RECOVERY SYSTEM 9X 11.43 Win 95/98/ME Recover gracefully from a system crash with ERS. Should Win 95/98/ME registry or other System files get corrupted, backups will then be available to restore from. Auto backup, daily and weekly rotary backup, Vital and Startup files backup, ...
Search Query points:55 MOBILE PHONE SMS RECOVERY Mobile phone simcard erased contact numbers contact names undelete software recovers deleted sent items, inbox, outbox, draft, text message. Restore lost phone book, address book directory. Retrieve read and unread messages, SMSs (short message service). Software display GSM technology based ...
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