Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 13637 funded different XP modem counter programs. You can simply download any of XP modem counter soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:45 COUNTER SPY 1.0.25 CounterSpy detects, deletes and protects! CounterSpy has Active Protection. You could call it a "spy-wall." There are "checkpoints" that are monitored in real-time for attempts to install spyware. A very high percentage will be blocked by CounterSpy. Just like the ...
Search Query points:45 PRACTILINE SOURCE CODE LINE COUNTER 1.0 Practiline Source Code Line Counter is a powerful source code line count software for developers and project managers. Ability to count code lines, comment lines and mixed code/comment lines in single files as well as entire directories. Preset (changeable) count ...
Search Query points:45 MODEM SPY 3.4 Modem spy is handy utility for phone calls recording. Features: 1) records phone conversations. 2) records from microphone. 3) plays back recorded mesages via phone line. 4) Plays back recorded mesages via sound card. 5) Can record ALL incomming phone ...
Search Query points:45 TRAFFIC COUNTER 2.0 Traffic Counter is an easy-to-use tool to display and count network traffic of your computer. If you have limited monthly Internet traffic and always run P2P software such as BitTorrent, you may be in risk to be fined by your ...
Search Query points:45 STEP COUNTER WIZARD 1.01 Enter the distance you walk, jog or run each day and our program will track and chart your daily progress.Our eay to use program will create easy to read reports on yourÌ þ exercise program.This program makes a great partner ...
Search Query points:45 INTERNET CONNECTION COUNTER 6.0-ENG This program displays various statistics about your Dial-up, GPRS and LAN (TCP/IP) connections to the Internet. It can process almost all variety of tariff schemes, which are used by ISPs of different countries (money expenses for 1 business hour and ...
Search Query points:45 VIRTUAL MODEM 1.7 There are many old communication applications that require a direct modem connection. This program allows you to substitute physical phone lines with a local TCP/IP network or the Internet without investing thousands into new communication software. It works out-of-the-box with ...
Search Query points:45 VIRTUAL MODEM 1.5 There are many old communication applications that require a direct modem connection. This program allows you to substitute physical phone lines with a local TCP/IP network or the Internet without investing thousands into new communication software. It works out-of-the-box with ...
Search Query points:40 VIRTUAL NULL MODEM To emulate null-modem connection Virtual Null Modem can be effectively used. The program emulates one or more couples of RS-232 serial ports connected via virtual null-modem cable. It is possible to create the unlimited couples of VSP on a single ...
Search Query points:15 IE SECURE MASTER 2.00 Configure modem, ISDN,ADSL and cable for better performance. Repair system setup and protect regedit.Protect Internet Explorer. Clear cookie, cache, history and password. 1.Configure modem, ISDN, ADSL and Cable for better performance. 2.Set Internet Explorer Options. 3.Protect Internet Explorer. 4.Clear ...
Search Query points:15 PLC TRAINING - RSLOGIX SIMULATOR 3.0 The NEW PLCTrainer version 3 uses RSLogix ladder logic look and feel and now includes analog instruction, an area that has been overlooked by most PLC training materials. Order now and receive a second CD free LogixPro, an RSLogix logic ...
Search Query points:15 LTFCRYPT 1.1 Would you like to use C++ to build your own file encryption program? This real-world example source code package contains a fully functional program that encrypts and decrypts text or binary files. This is an easy way for you ...
Search Query points:15 ADVANCED PHONE RECORDER 1.7.9 APR is a call recorder software for desktop computers. If you have a voice modem installed to your pc, you can use it as a call recorder. Connect your telephone to your modem, make a phone call as usually and ...
Search Query points:15 SERIAL PORT MONITORING CONTROL 1.02 Serial Port Monitoring Control (SPMC) - RS232 Data Acquisition and Com Port Control Component Library, Modem Access Component. Connection Sniffer and Port Test Software Library. The library lets you enumerate all installed serial devices, including, but not limited to serial ...
Search Query points:15 MIGHTYFAX 3.37 MightyFax is one of the world's most popular and user-friendly Windows fax software programs available today. MightyFax lets you send and receive faxes directly from Microsoft Word or any of your other Windows programs without the need for a fax ...
Search Query points:15 PRACTICOUNT TOOLBAR PROFESSIONAL FOR MS OFFICE 1.1 PractiCount Toolbar Professional for Word, Excel and PowerPoint is a dream come true for writers, translators and editors. Most such professionals are paid either per unit of work (word, line, page, character) or per unit of time (hour). With PractiCount ...
Search Query points:15 POWRCLIK SUITE Power saving, shutdown and automation software. Three utilities: PowrRun to launch any application with System credentials, PowrClik Lite and Pro to maintain power saving and shut down functions of your system ( plus additional functions concerning the matter). Execution: immediate ...
Search Query points:15 3WEBTOTAL TV & RADIO TUNER 3.51 Do you want to have the whole world on your screen?. Get more than 550 TV channels and 2800 radio stations for less than ONE month of basic cable service. Absolutely NO monthly payments, support and interface in 6 languages: ...
Search Query points:15 32BIT FAX 9.80.01 Send/Receive fax from Single computer or Network. 32bit Fax for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP is 32bit, and will work standalone or on a network. You can try it for FREE. If you have one fax modem and you want 1 - 1000 ...
Search Query points:15 WINDOWS STD SERIAL COMM LIB FOR VISUAL BASIC 4.2 Serial communication component VB (VB.NET) library for serial port communications. Controls multiple ports simultaneously; is fully thread safe, port re-entrant. Includes 34 functions plus modem control, ANSI emulation, ASCII/XMODEM/YMODEM protocols. Supports virtual ports (usb to serial, bluetooth serial); hardware/software flow ...
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