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Search Query points:125 ADVANCED ENCRYPTION PLUG-IN PRO FOR WINDOWS EXPLORER 4.0.2 AEPE PRO lets you encrypt/shred/make sfx files from Windows Explorer's context menu using 17 encryption algortithms including Advanced Encryption Standard, CAST, Blowfish, Twofish, RC2 and so on. AEPE has full support for ZIP archives. Well, you don't need any ...
Search Query points:105 MSCCRYPTO FOR WINDOWS 2.0 MSCCrypto is an Active Server component. It is a collection of the best encryption and hashing algorithms: RSA public key algorithm AES symmetric block algorithm Blowfish symmetric block algorithm Cast5 symmetric block algorithm TripleDES symmetric block algorithm Twofish symmetric ...
Search Query points:95 PROTECTOR PLUS 2007 FOR WINDOWS VISTA 8.0.A01 Protector Plus 2007 for Windows Vista supports Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Ultimate and Windows Vista Business. This product provides 100% protection against viruses, trojans, worms, backdoors, spyware, adware, exploits, password stealers, hack tools, rootkits ...
Search Query points:95 WINDOWS SUPERVISOR 1.07 Windows Supervisor is administrative software to monitor and record your computer's activity in real time. Windows Supervisor will help to control how your computer is being used at home or in the office and is perfect for monitoring children and ...
Search Query points:95 ULTIMATE STARTUP MANAGER FOR WINDOWS 1.0 Take total control over your Windows startup. Make your Windows start and work faster, more stable. Manage all auto-start programs, create profiles to choose from during startup. Extra anti-virus protection. Turbo Mode to get the best performance of your computer ...
Search Query points:95 VSHELL SERVER FOR WINDOWS 2.3.6 VShell Secure Shell server is a secure alternative to Telnet and FTP on Windows and UNIX platforms. Provide the strong encryption, robust authentication, and data integrity of SSH2 throughout your organization. Precision control over privileges, the ability to fine-tune your ...
Search Query points:95 ACCESS MANAGER FOR WINDOWS - Access Manager for Windows allows you to restrict access to to key features of Windows, such as Control Panels or Start menu, network, Taskbar, desktop, system tray, Network Access Control Page, Control Internet usage and more. It can also disable ...
Search Query points:95 NETWORK CLIPBOARD FOR WINDOWS - 128bit Secure. - Clipboard Viewer: view your clipboards content, save images to BMP, JPG, GIF formats with several options, saves text content to file, send text content to keyboard to emulate keystrokes (i.e.: saves time when have to enter ...
Search Query points:95 ACCESS MANAGER FOR WINDOWS 6.41 Access Manager for Windows allows you to restrict access to to key features of Windows, such as Control Panels or Start menu, network, Taskbar, desktop, system tray, Network Access Control Page, Control Internet usage and more. It can also disable ...
Search Query points:90 MD5 PASSWORD 1.0.292 MD5 Password is a password recovery tool that can recover a password if you know its MD5 hash. MD5 Password features highly configurable and fast recovery engine that can process up to 32,000 hashes simultaneously. Brute-Force Attack, Dictionary Attack, Hybrid ...
Search Query points:85 PROTECTOR PLUS 2007 FOR WINDOWS 7.5.A01 Protector Plus is an anti-virus software designed for Windows XP/2000/NT/Me/98/95. Protector Plus detects all types of viruses, trojans and worms before they enter the computer and removes the virus. Protector Plus ensures that the computer is virus free. Protector Plus ...
Search Query points:85 MICROCALENDAR - WINDOWS TRAY CALENDAR MicroCalendar is a Windows system tray popup calendar. It is small, unobtrusive, and always ready so you can easily check calendar dates without messing up your computer's system time or having to use a resource-intensive application. Features an attractive user ...
Search Query points:85 ECORA AUDITOR LITE FOR WINDOWS 4.0.6157.1 Ecora Auditor Lite is an agentless Windows® application that installs on a Windows workstation and collects hundreds of thousands of configuration settings to generate on-demand, detailed configuration reports. With a click of a button, users can document VMware ESX servers; ...
Search Query points:85 WINDOWS SERVICE FINDER 1.0 Windows Service Finder is an handy tool for system administrators and hackers. It shows the complete list of installed services on operating system, both device drivers (kernel) and Win32 EXE, and for each service it reports detailed informations about: name, ...
Search Query points:85 2X THINCLIENTSERVER FOR WINDOWS 3.0 2X ThinClientServer is the complete solution for central deployment, configuration and management of thin clients & user's connection settings. Both PCs (converted 2 thin clients) & thin client devices from any vendor are supported via 2XThinClientOS. Thin client settings, screen ...
Search Query points:85 FOR WINDOWS HELP DESIGNER/WINHELP 3.1 Visagesoft for Windows® Help Designer is a stand alone and true WYSIWYG Windows help authoring tool. It provides all the basic features of a Help authoring software, including the ability to work with topics, set the browse order of topics, ...
Search Query points:85 ECMERGE PRO (WINDOWS) 2.0 ECMerge compares and merges text/images/folders/FTP sites, side-by-side or 3-way. It is designed for software engineers, web authors and other professionals who work with multiple revisions of text files or who need to keep multiple folder hierarchies in sync. Two text ...
Search Query points:85 ECMERGE STANDARD (WINDOWS) 2.0 ECMerge compares and merges text/images/folders/FTP sites, side-by-side. It is designed for software engineers, web authors and other professionals who work with multiple revisions of text files or who need to keep multiple folder hierarchies in sync. Define favourite comparisons as ...
Search Query points:85 KERNEL FAT-NTFS - WINDOWS DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 4.03 Kernel for FAT and NTFS recovers data from deleted, formatted, damaged, or corrupted partitions where FAT and NTFS based operating systems, such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 are installed on the hard ...
Search Query points:85 WINAXE WINDOWS X SERVER 7.3 Windows X Server, Run Linux and Unix on Windows Desktop. The WinaXe Windows X Server is a program that emulates the X terminal on your PC. WinaXe is XServer implementation of the X11 R6 release of the X Window ...
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