Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 293 funded different WeatherGuide (Symbian Series 60) programs. You can simply download any of WeatherGuide (Symbian Series 60) soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:225 WEATHERGUIDE (SYMBIAN SERIES 60) 1.0 WeatherGuide for Symbian Series 60 phones, offers you current and 5-day weather forecast for almost any city in the world. If your city is not in the list of supported cities, you can email us and we will add it ...
Search Query points:85 CAR EXPENSE TRACKER (SYMBIAN SERIES 60) 1.0 CarTracker helps you keep track of your car expenses, consumable changes, fuel usage and other usefull information. With a very user friendly and easy to use interface, this software is guaranteed to become one of your favourites. Registering If you ...
Search Query points:85 MOBILE EXCHANGE RATE (SYMBIAN SERIES 60) 1.0 Quickly access live foreign currency exchange rates, for the most popular currencies. Mobile Exchange Rate, allows you to quickly view the official exchange rate on your mobile phone, and update through a mobile internet connection. Features : - ...
Search Query points:55 QUAKE I PORT FOR NOKIA SERIES 60 LQ 0.056 Quake I port for Nokia Series 60 (1st and 2nd edition) (and other Symbian 6.1 based devices). Low Quality Render beta version.Need 4 K Display and 9Mb of free RAM memory. ...
Search Query points:55 QUAKE I PORT FOR NOKIA SERIES 60 0.05 Quake I port for Nokia Series 60 (1st and 2nd edition) (and other Symbian 6.1 based devices). Prealpha version.Need 4 K Display and 9Mb of free RAM memory. ...
Search Query points:40 OXYGEN PHONE MANAGER FOR SYMBIAN PHONES 2.12 Oxygen Phone Manager II for Symbian OS phones lets your PC and mobile phone with Symbian OS communicate with each other. The program allows you to work with Phonebook, Calendar, To-Do List, Profiles, Log records, Applications and Games, Images, Melodies ...
Search Query points:40 OXYGEN PHONE MANAGER FOR SYMBIAN PHONES 2.8 Oxygen Phone Manager II for Symbian OS phones lets your PC and mobile phone with Symbian OS communicate with each other. The program allows you to work with Phonebook, Calendar, To-Do List, Profiles, Log records, Images, Melodies and Messages. OPMS ...
Search Query points:20 NOKIA HOME INVENTORY MANAGER 2.0 This program allows you to keep track of the value of your household possessions for insurance purposes and display them by Room or Category. It also allows inflation indexing. It is based on the Home Inventory module produced for Quicken. ...
Search Query points:10 PETITION 50108 Need to ask for real signatures on your web site? This Perl script makes use of a free Java applet which captures signatures as a series of numbers. You allow users to sign your petition or document with the signature. ...
Search Query points:10 WIN32 NASM GUIDE #1 1.0 Beginner's Guide Series - Win32 Assembly Programming with NASM Guide #1 Getting Win32 NASM Tools and Building a Simple Win32 Dialog-based Test Program ...
Search Query points:10 MAILOUT PROFESSIONAL 9.9.2 MailOut can send personal text and HTML series emails and transmitting. The email - Addresses become with additional information (like address, first name etc..) in an internal data base stored. These data can be integrated in the personal emails with ...
Search Query points:10 ZZAPH 0.3 This program assists you in downloading adult related materials. It will automatically download pictures and videos from a wide variety of publicly available adult sites. In order to use it, you mark of one or more of 160 different ...
Search Query points:10 ALTOOLS LUNAR ZODIAC CHICKEN WALLPAPER 2005 COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO! 2005 is the Year of the CHICKEN, the 10th animal in the Chinese Zodiac! The ALTools Lunar (Chinese) Zodiac Chicken Desktop Wallpaper is 1 of the many wallpapers the 4th installment to the ALTools Desktop Wallpaper series. Inside ...
Search Query points:10 ART OF WAR SCREEN SAVER 1.0 Around 2,000 years ago, China was in turmoil. A series of wars left the leaders in search of a new way of governing. Confucius and Lao Tzu had developed their solutions but Sun Tzu's philosophy, born of his direct experience ...
Search Query points:10 ASHAMPOO MOVIE SHRINK & BURN 2 2.11 Has it ever happened to you? You have a movie on your hard drive and want to send a copy to a friend or relative - but it won't fit on a CD! And maybe you also want to play ...
Search Query points:10 GBTIMELAPSE 1.3.6 GBTimelapse is a Windows application for the capture of time-lapse sequences. It controls a Canon PowerShot Camera connected to your computer by a USB cable. The camera's settings are changed and images are captured using the computer rather than the ...
Search Query points:10 ALTOOLS LUNAR NEW YEAR DESKTOP WALLPAPER 2005 COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO! 2005 is the Year of the CHICKEN! The ALTools Lunar New Year Desktop Wallpaper is the 4th in the ALTools Desktop Wallpaper series. Inside you'll find the 12 animals of the Lunar (Chinese) Zodiac plus a bonus Lunar Zodiac ...
Search Query points:10 ADG PANORAMA TOOLS 5.2 ADG Panorama Tools combines series of individual photos. Panorama automatically aligns, stitches images together to form High Quality panoramas and even creates a web page for you in seconds. No additional plug-ins required. ADG Panorama Tools supports ADG, QTVR, JPEG ...
Search Query points:10 FOLLOWUPXPERT STANDARD 3.3 Simple autoresponder software. No banners and no monthly fees. Use it to create both simple "I'm out of office" kind of autoresponders to ones sending series of emails to your prospects at predefined times. Can also send newsletters and bulk ...
Search Query points:10 3WEBTOTAL TV & RADIO TUNER 4.1193 Do you want to have the whole world on your screen?. Get more than 950 TV channels and 3800 radio stations for less than ONE month of basic cable service. Absolutely NO monthly payments, support and interface in 6 languages: ...
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