Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 427 funded different wasted space Interbase programs. You can simply download any of wasted space Interbase soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 SPACE HOUND 4 4.0.1718 Sniff out wasted space with The Best Duplicate File Finder available. Space Hound 4 eliminates duplicate and unused files that are cluttering up your hard drive and causing problems. Make your operations faster because your system doesn't have to ...
Search Query points:40 BREAKDOWN IN SPACE 2.0 The objective of the game is it to keep a ball in the game (with the help of your game board) until all breakable game blocks are destroyed. The ball can be launched from the center of the board to ...
Search Query points:40 BREAKOUT IN SPACE 2.0 The objective of the game is it to keep a ball in the game (with the help of your game board) until all breakable game blocks are destroyed. The ball can be launched from the center of the board to ...
Search Query points:40 SPACE RACE MANIA 2.0 Endless space scope is waiting for courageous racers! The galactic tournament for space gliders races is announced. Sledge-hammer engine roar, dizzy steep turns and mad speed - that's what's waiting for you in the game Space Race Mania.Bright and ...
Search Query points:40 ARKANOID: SPACE BALL 1.1.1 "Arkanoid: Space Ball" will be a surprise for the amateurs of unusual and picturesque games as Arkanoid and space games. Everybody who wishes to spend time perfectly will take a pleasure in "Arkanoid: Space Ball" too. A futuristic atmosphere, modern ...
Search Query points:40 SPACE INVADERS 12.18 Space invaders online free game. Space Invaders the invaders game to play online at free games .wsSpace Invaders is a science fiction series, but here invaders is one of the most popular arcade games, a pioneer in the space of ...
Search Query points:40 365 DEEP SPACE SCREEN SAVER 2.1 Observe STUNNING ASTRONOMICAL OBJECTS through the infrared eyes of the NASA Spitzer Space Telescope. This space screensaver is jam-packed with over forty MESMERIZING PICTURES of star clusters, spiral galaxies, planetary nebulae, radiant supernovae, flying comets, star forming regions, magellanic clouds ...
Search Query points:40 SPACE CLOCK SCREENSAVER 2.3 Do you want to take a quick trip to open space and be delighted with sparkles of distant stars? This is really simple with our new screensaver which allows you to take a ride on a miraculous spaceship hovering somewhere ...
Search Query points:40 SPACE STATION 1.2 What Space Station can do for you - Unlimited accounts: Most MySpace bots out there require you to buy a licence for each MySpace account you want to use. Space Station allows you to use as ...
Search Query points:40 GALAXY 3D SPACE TOUR 1.1 If you look up into the sky on a clear dark night, far from the intrusive glow of street lights, you'll see a faint band of starlight running across the heavens. This is the Milky Way, our own galaxy - ...
Search Query points:40 SPACE FIGHTS 3.0 Your Galaxy is attacked by alien invaders. Your warship was entrusted with an important mission. Infiltrate into the enemy space forces and destroy all command ships that control the military operations. A lot of enemy space fighters and battle planes ...
Search Query points:40 CRUSADERS OF SPACE 2 1.25 Do you remember when arcade games ruled your world? When the blisters on your fingers testified to your mastery over alien hordes? Alawar Entertainment is proud to present Crusaders of Space 2, an exhilarating shooter that combines classic ...
Search Query points:40 SPACE I SCREENSAVER 1.0 This screensaver contains wounderful space pictures. ...
Search Query points:40 SPACE III SCREENSAVER 1.0 This screensaver contains cool space pictures. ...
Search Query points:40 EMS DATA IMPORT 2005 FOR INTERBASE/FIREBIRD 2.2 EMS Data Import for InterBase/Firebird is a powerful tool to import your data quickly from MS Excel, MS Access, DBF, TXT, CSV and XML files to InterBase/FireBird tables. IB/FB Data Import includes a wizard, which allows you to set all ...
Search Query points:40 EMS DATA GENERATOR 2005 FOR INTERBASE/FIREBIRD 2.2 Data Generator for IB/FB is a powerful utility for generating test data to several InterBase/FireBird database tables at once. The wizard application allows you to define tables for generating data, set value ranges, generate char fields and blobs, and many ...
Search Query points:40 EMS SQL MANAGER 2005 FOR INTERBASE/FIREBIRD 4.4 EMS SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird is a powerful tool for InterBase and Firebird administration and development. SQL Manager 2005 is compatible with any Firebird version up to 2.0 and InterBase version up to 7.5 and supports all of the latest ...
Search Query points:40 EMS SQL MANAGER 2005 LITE FOR INTERBASE/FIREBIRD 4.4 EMS SQL Manager Lite for IB/FB is an excellent freeware tool for InterBase and FireBird administration. It has minimal required set of instruments for those users who are new to InterBase server and needs only its basic functionality. It provides ...
Search Query points:40 DEEP SPACE VOICES ADD-ON FOR MORPHVOX 1.0 Travel beyond the farthest reaches of human civilization. Discover the exotic beings from other worlds. Be the first to be transformed into a fighting Cyborg, a scary Mutant, or stoic Android. This free voice add-on gives MorphVOX, six ...
Search Query points:40 EMS DATA EXPORT 2005 FOR INTERBASE/FIREBIRD 2.2 EMS Data Export for InterBase/Firebird is a powerful program to export your data quickly from InterBase/Firebird databases to any of 15 available formats, including MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word, RTF, HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, CSV, DBF and others. Data ...
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