Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 13630 funded different VSPD XP paradox programs. You can simply download any of VSPD XP paradox soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:45 VSPD MOBILE PHONE EDITION 3.1 VSPD Mobile Phone Edition is a brand-new generation of already popular driver for mobile devices released by Eltima more than a year ago. Now we bring a totally new level of serial emulation for SmartPhones based on Windows Mobile platform! ...
Search Query points:45 PARADOX PASSWORD 1.0 Paradox Password allows you to recover passwords which Paradox databases (tables) are protected with. Program works with all version and types of Paradox database (tables, indexes) files: .DB; .PX; .Xnn; .XGn; .YGn... This is very ...
Search Query points:45 PARADOX VIEWER 1.69 This tool allow to read/open the Paradox tables on any computer. An application don't use any external libraries (no BDE, no ODBC, no ADO etc) and you may run this tool on computer without any additional setup/install. You ...
Search Query points:45 PARADOX DIRECT ENGINE (ACTIVEX) 2.44 This engine allow to read and load the external Paradox tables into any MS Jet/ADO datasource No any external libraries for Paradox reading (no BDE, ODBC etc) - native, direct and fast record loading. Just specify the target MS ...
Search Query points:40 KERNEL PARADOX - FILE REPAIR SOFTWARE 4.03 Kernel for Paradox - recovers corrupted .DB paradox database files corrupted due to unexpected system shutdown etc. During repairing process a complete scan of all the damaged paradox databases is performed to locate and extract the recoverable information. ...
Search Query points:15 DBPUT DATA TRANSFER 2.2 DBPut data transfer is a creative and advanced software used for converting data between different databases. The most convenient way of converting data between different databases such as MySQL, Oracle, Sybase and so on. With the least technical ...
Search Query points:15 DATABASE TOUR PRO 5.2 Universal database tool with report builder. Tested on Paradox, dBase, MS Access, MS Excel, Oracle, SQL Server, Interbase, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Lotus, HTML. Main features are: Viewing / editing / printing data; building SQL-queries; transactions; configuring BDE aliases, sorting and filtering ...
Search Query points:15 MULTI-DB QUERIER 1.2 Multi-DB Querier allows running the same SQL queries on multiple databases with similar structure at once. If running query returns resulting table, it can be exported to file of specified format. The tables from different databases can be either consolidated ...
Search Query points:15 DATABASE WORKSHOP 5.56 Database Workshop is a professional multifunctional tool for working with databases and database objects. It uses the modern plug-in module technology that combines flexibility and versatility for working with various databases. Currently, the program supports InterBase, MySql, Ms Sql, Oracle, ...
Search Query points:15 SMIMPORT SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 2.36 Components from SMImport suite allows to import a data from external file formats: 1. MS Excel spreadsheet (directly without OLE/DDE) 2. text delimited file 3. text fixed width file 4. XML file 5. HTML file 6. MS Access database 7. ...
Search Query points:15 DBRECOVERY DESKTOP 2006.0644 DBRecovery Desktop fixes damaged databases. Restored are MS Access (.mdb), FileMaker Pro (.fp*), DBF files used by MS Visual FoxPro and other applications, Paradox databases (.dat) and Works files (wdb). Recovers table structure and data. Easy to use, no special ...
Search Query points:15 SMEXPORT SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 4.77 SMExport for Delphi/CBuilder is a component suite for data export from TDBGrid/TDataSet (with BDE or without) into: - XLS (Excel spreadsheet without OLE) - MS Excel (using OLE) - MS Word (using OLE) - MS Access (using DAO 3.5 or ...
Search Query points:15 SQL DEVELOPER 1.0 Database programmer's workplace used to create and execute SQL queries and scripts, debug script execution, view results and manage databases. SQL Developer is compatible to any kind of relational databases that support SQL, including, but not limited to Oracle, Microsoft ...
Search Query points:15 PARADOXRECOVERY 1.0.0619 ParadoxRecovery is a powerful data recovery software for damaged Paradox database files (.DB). Easy-to-use tool for database recreation. Recovers tables and table data. Creates new .DB files and writes recovered information there. Supports file versions 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5, ...
Search Query points:15 LOTUS APPROACH PASSWORD 1.3 Lotus Approach Password allows you to recover passwords which Lotus Approach files (.apr,.apt,.dbf,.db,.vew) are protected with. Lotus Approach Password recover passwords for Lotus Approach users and groups as well. Also recover passwords for dBase/Foxpro (.dbf) and Paradox (.db) passwords for ...
Search Query points:15 FULL CONVERT PROFESSIONAL MYSQL EDITION 1.3 Full Convert provides powerful and comfortable way to convert data of many databases. Databases supported: Microsoft Access, dBase, FoxPro, Microsoft Excel, Interbase/Firebird, Lotus 1-2-3, MySQL, Oracle, Paradox, SQL Server, Text files. All editions feature target database tree-like browser with multiselect ...
Search Query points:15 PARADOXRECOVERY 1.0.0638 ParadoxRecovery is a powerful data recovery software for damaged Paradox database files (.DB). Easy-to-use tool for database recreation. Recovers tables and table data. Creates new .DB files and writes recovered information there. Supports file versions 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5, ...
Search Query points:15 K DATABASE MAGIC 2.8.2 Database Desktop, SQL manager, merge data, data comparison and many more function in one software. It accomodate a simple admittance to datasets like other database handling products. Firstly it doesn't concentrate maintenance of datasets, but offer up users lot of ...
Search Query points:15 FULL CONVERT STANDARD MYSQL EDITION 1.3 Full Convert provides powerful and comfortable way to convert data of many databases. Databases supported: Microsoft Access, dBase, FoxPro, Microsoft Excel, Interbase/Firebird, Lotus 1-2-3, MySQL, Oracle, Paradox, SQL Server, Text files. All editions feature target database tree-like browser with multiselect ...
Search Query points:15 FULL CONVERT STANDARD SQL SERVER EDITION 1.3 Full Convert provides powerful and comfortable way to convert data of many databases. Databases supported: Microsoft Access, dBase, FoxPro, Microsoft Excel, Interbase/Firebird, Lotus 1-2-3, MySQL, Oracle, Paradox, SQL Server, Text files. All editions feature target database tree-like browser with multiselect ...
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