Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 248 funded different voice tracker programs. You can simply download any of voice tracker soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:180 VOICE TRACKER 1.3 It is more than just an audio recording tool. It is your personal digital dictaphone. With build-in voice level detection routines. You don't even have to press the "record" button, it will detect your voice and start recording automatically, avoiding ...
Search Query points:40 PORTABLE PASSWORD TRACKER 1.0 With Portable Password Tracker you can setup a master password and multiple different passwords for you web accounts that you do not need to remember as you need to login to your accounts on the web. You have the option ...
Search Query points:40 CZ PRINT JOB TRACKER 3.0 CZ Print Job Tracker 3.0 is a powerful tool that allows centralized tracking, auditing, managing and controlling of print jobs for the local and network printers while eliminating wasted paper and reducing maintainence time. This easy-to-use software allows no changes ...
Search Query points:40 EASY EXPENSE TRACKER 1.3 Easily track financial transactions for business and or personal use. Track tax deductible transactions. Unlimited user defined categories and sub-categories. Choose from several pre-defined reports or create your own. Analyze your data with ease. View and print charts. Easy to ...
Search Query points:40 WR TIME TRACKER 0.3 WR Time Tracker is an open source, web-based work time tracking system. It is simple and very easy to use. This web application allows you to create user logins, organize them in teams, create and modify projects and activities, input ...
Search Query points:40 PCHACKER TRACKER 3.2 pcHacker Tracker is the most simple and reliable way to hunt down a hacker. See in real time how hackers from all over the world try to get into you computer every few minutes. You will be able to see ...
Search Query points:40 PIRACY TRACKER 1.63 Free software code to track illegal registration and usage of your software. The purpose of this software is to give shareware developers an idea of how simple it is to implement a Tracking System to combat piracy of their ...
Search Query points:40 FAMILY FUNDS TRACKER PRO 1.5 By knowing where your money is coming from and going to you can easily construct a budget from the information you provide. Track income, expenses and savings. Sort expenses by category and type. You may be surprised to ...
Search Query points:40 EZ-JOBS TRACKER 1.3 Help the job seekers get organized and keep track of their job search. It is a unique, powerful, easy to use tool to store and organize all the information about job-search activities. Accelerate the process of searching and make it ...
Search Query points:40 ASSET TRACKER FOR NETWORKS 5.9 Network inventory tool intended to audit software and hardware components installed on the computers over the network. This asset management tool will collect your network inventory information, provide the Network Administrator with the detailed comprehensive reports and allow you to ...
Search Query points:40 ASSET TRACKER FOR NETWORKS 6.4 Network inventory tool intended to audit software and hardware components installed on the computers over the network. This asset management tool will collect your network inventory information, provide the Network Administrator with the detailed comprehensive reports and allow you to ...
Search Query points:40 HARDWARE & SOFTWARE TRACKER The fast, easy solution to automate the tracking and managing of your IT assets and end users help requests. Ideal for IT departments tracking and managing hundreds of workstations in a LAN / WAN environment. Hardware Tracker is a complete ...
Search Query points:40 HARDWARE & SOFTWARE TRACKER The fast, easy solution to automate the tracking and managing of your IT assets and end users help requests. Ideal for IT departments tracking and managing hundreds of workstations in a LAN / WAN environment. Hardware Tracker is a complete ...
Search Query points:40 BUDGET TRACKER 1.0 Budget Tracker is an easy to use program that will help you track and understand your monthly expenses. Each month you can enter in a number of specific monthly expenses including Rent/Mortgage, Utilities, Grocery, Entertainment, Phone, Medical, Clothing, and ...
Search Query points:40 RANK TRACKER 1.2 Check you rankings for all your keywords at once with Rank Tracker SEO Tool. Moreover, Rank Tracker allows you to track the progress of your search engine rankings over time. And what is more, Rank Tracker is an absolutely Free ...
Search Query points:40 SEOCONTEST TRACKER( GLOBALWARMING AWARENESS2007 ) 1.0 SEO Contest Tracker (GlobalWarming Awareness2007 edition) is an useful tool that alows you to monitor rankings during the SEO World Championship. It's easy to use, free, and has an intuitive interface. Results are exported into a TXT file. Results are ...
Search Query points:40 DREAMJOB.COM.AU JOB SEARCH TRACKER 1.01 Software to help track your job applications Easy Uninstall, no spy ware! ...
Search Query points:40 HARDWARE ASSET TRACKER 3.0 Hardware Asset Tracker will help you catalog all your company's valuable computer hardware assets with 18 different customizable fields including Asset, Category, Supplier, Contact, Support, Serial Number, Condition, Email, Location, Installation, Phone, Warranty, Buy Price, Buy Date, Value, User, and ...
Search Query points:40 BOOK TRACKER - COLLECTOR 3.0 BookTracker-Collector's Edition will help you catalog all your books with 19 different customizable fields including Title, Author, Category, Value, Printing Date, Publish Date, Purchase Price, Date Purchased, Edition, Rating, Condition, Location, publisher, ISBN, and a graphic field. BookTracker has ...
Search Query points:40 INEEDA PASSWORD & TRACKER PRO 2.0 A straightforward easy to use Password Tracker and Generator with unlimited Folder support, Copy / Paste, GoTo, Auto Fill, Generator with Masking abilities, Encrypted Backup & more. The main advantage is that all of your Login IDs, Passwords, and Websites ...
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