Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1389 funded different Virtual Port ActiveX Control 5.0.8 programs. You can simply download any of Virtual Port ActiveX Control 5.0.8 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:160 VIRTUAL SERIAL PORT ACTIVEX CONTROL 3.0.1 Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control is a powerful tool for professional developers that allows your application to create custom additional virtual serial port in system and fully control it. Created virtual serial port looks like real serial port for other ...
Search Query points:130 VIRTUAL SERIAL PORT ACTIVEX 3.5 Virtual Serial Port ActiveX allows your application to create additional virtual serial port in system and fully control it. Created virtual port looks absolutely like a real one for Windows applications. You can view parameters information of a virtual port, ...
Search Query points:130 VIRTUAL SERIAL PORT CONTROL 2.2.1 Creates virtual COM ports directly from your own programs and fully control them! Virtual ports look like real hardware serial ports for all serial communications applications. On the other hand, developer API allows your program to access data written to ...
Search Query points:130 VIRTUAL SERIAL PORT ACTIVEX 4.2 Virtual Serial Port is a powerful ActiveX Control that allows your application create custom additional virtual serial port and fully control it. Created virtual port looks like real serial port for other Windows applications. From your application you can control ...
Search Query points:130 VIRTUAL SERIAL PORT ACTIVEX CE 3.1 Virtual Serial Port ActiveX CE is a powerful ActiveX Control for Embedded platforms that allows your software to create custom additional virtual serial ports in Windows CE system and fully control them from within your own program. Virtual serial ports ...
Search Query points:120 SERIAL PORT SNIFFER ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.0 Serial Port Sniffer is a powerful advanced ActiveX Control that allows your application to sniff (fully monitor and edit data flows) serial port in your system. Serial Port Sniffer ActiveX Control detects all serial port activity in your system, all ...
Search Query points:90 SERIAL PORT MONITORING CONTROL 1.02 Serial Port Monitoring Control (SPMC) - RS232 Data Acquisition and Com Port Control Component Library, Modem Access Component. Connection Sniffer and Port Test Software Library. The library lets you enumerate all installed serial devices, including, but not limited to serial ...
Search Query points:90 SERIAL PORT CONTROL 1.5 Serial Port Control is an inexpensive royalty-free ActiveX component. You can use it with any ActiveX-enabled development environment, such as VC++, VB, Delphi, etc. Just put it on a form and vou've got all the functionality you need to access ...
Search Query points:80 VINTASOFTTWAIN ACTIVEX CONTROL 3.2 VintaSoftTwain ActiveX allows to control work of scanners, digital or web cameras and any other TWAIN devices. You can fully control an image acquisition process, use an automatic document feeder, clean up images using noise removal, auto border crop, blank ...
Search Query points:80 NBIT HTML VIEWER ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.1.9 A HTML viewer activeX control for Content Management System developers. Integrates with ease into any development environment that support activeX controls. Perfect for the developer who wants to display media rich content in HTML format in their applications. ...
Search Query points:80 BARCODEWIZ BARCODE ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.67 Print barcodes in Microsoft Access Reports, Word Documents, or Excel Spreadsheets. No programming required. BarCodeWiz Barcode ActiveX Control is also a powerful tool for a Visual Basic, Visual C++, or Delphi developer looking to include barcodes in his or her ...
Search Query points:80 NBIT HTML EDITING ACTIVEX CONTROL 2.5 A data bindable HTML WYSIWYG Edit ActiveX Control for CMS and CRM designers or any developers who wnats to edit HTML WYSIWYG style in their applications. Features table editing, CSS support via a CSS file or string, and customizable language ...
Search Query points:80 OFFICE VIEWER ACTIVEX CONTROL 2.4 Office Viewer ActiveX Control enables your application to display and interact with Microsoft Office files such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project and Visio. Simply place the OCX on your form, you can have all the office functions. Offer some custom ...
Search Query points:80 3DRAY ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.0 3DRay - is very simple ActiveX Component allow you to efficiently create application with 3D graphics. 3DRay supports VB, VC++, Delphi, VB.NET, VBA. ...
Search Query points:80 SCRIPTC ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.1 ScriptC is small and effectual programming C-like language. Optimized for engineers and scientific users alike, the ScriptC component can be easy plugged directly into your applications.Syntax ScriptC supports the basic elements of a script language: recognition of variable names and ...
Search Query points:80 VIRTUAL SERIAL PORT KIT 4.8.5 Virtual Serial Port Kit creates pairs of virtual serial ports in your system which are virtually connected to each other. Physical null modem cables are not required. You can connect any number of virtual port pairs. Virtual serial port pairs ...
Search Query points:80 TAPIEX ACTIVEX CONTROL 3.2 Telephony development component(ActiveX Control), extensition of Microsoft TAPI2.0,support multi-lines, multi-calls per line, help you build you IVR system in few minutes. It can release you from the drudgery of writing low-level code. It makes adding computer telephony to ...
Search Query points:80 FONTCOMBO ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Ideal tool to select fonts from an enumerated font families. 2. TrueType/OpenType and other font types recognizing ability. 3. Multi-language Charsets enumerating and font scripts support. 4. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, ...
Search Query points:80 BARCODE ACTIVEX CONTROL 3.3 Barcode ActiveX Control.Add Barcode Printing to Access, VB, Web pages, C++, Excel etc. Simply insert the BarCode ActiveX Control into your application and specify a few properties in the properties window and your desired bar codes will be generated automatically. ...
Search Query points:80 ABSOLUTE COLOR PICKER ACTIVEX CONTROL 3.0 Absolute Color Picker ActiveX Control is a component that includes color selection for different color modes and gradient filling dialogs. It is designed with simplicity in mind and could be easily integrated into most of contemporary IDEs. Extensive methods and ...
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