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Search Query points:105 VDOCAPTURE NETWORK VIDEO SERVER 2.4 ip video server (client) that provides users with a easy way to remotely view any camera by using their Microsoft® Internet Explorer Web Browser as a camera viewer. This series of products to satisfy users to combine the company ...
Search Query points:65 123 LIVE HELP CHAT SERVER SOFTWARE 2.1 123 Live Help Chat Server Software offers full-featured software or hosting service for your sales rep. or supporter to one-to-one chat with website visitors, to promote sales with online customer support. It's Java chat server& flash live chat client with ...
Search Query points:65 ACTIVE WHOIS BROWSER 3.0 Active Whois is an easy-to-use network tool for the retrieving of all information such as country, email and postal addresses for the owners of IP addresses and Internet domains. Unlike other WHOIS clients, Active Whois does not require special ...
Search Query points:60 PERSONAL SITE SERVER 2.5.8 Easy to use Drag and Drop Web Site builder and Server that requires no HTML knowledge at all. The InstaFlash Designer works within the browser so you can permit other to design web pages (over the internet) using your ...
Search Query points:60 BROWSER CRM 4.603 Browser CRM is a web-based CRM suite combining integrated Email functionality with flexible and powerful CRM - Customer Relationship Management - and Collaboration tools, running in any web browser. Browser CRM is a commercial CRM application, backed by a company ...
Search Query points:60 EASY FILE SHARING FTP SERVER 2.0 Easy File Sharing FTP Server is a very easy to use FTP Server that allows visitors to download/upload/remove/create files/folders easily through a Web Browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla) or an FTP Client such as CuteFTP. It can help you share files ...
Search Query points:60 FLASH TO VIDEO BATCH CONVERTER 3.2 Convert Flash swf and flv movies to video in a batch. Flash To Video Bach Converter lets you easily transform any Flash to video movie file. Best choice for video editing software. You can capture Flash to Video including ...
Search Query points:60 CEREMU MEDIA BROWSER 1.0 Browse your media files on all your folders. Preview and full screen view for videos/bitmaps. Supported formats : Video : divx, mp4, mpeg, wmv, mkv, avi, mpg, mv1, mv2, m2v, vob, mov, rm Sound : fla, flac, ofr, ...
Search Query points:60 BROWSER CRM 4.603 Browser CRM is a web-based CRM suite combining integrated Email functionality with flexible and powerful CRM - Customer Relationship Management - and Collaboration tools, running in any web browser. Browser CRM is a commercial CRM application, backed by a company ...
Search Query points:60 MM3-WEBASSISTANT - PROXY OFFLINE BROWSER 2006 The proxy offline browser archives all websites you have visited online. Offline too each page is available with its URL. There is no difference between surfing the internet and surfing the archive. You can even use your bookmarks and favorites ...
Search Query points:60 EDOCK SERVER 2.1 eDock Server is a secure document server that provides fast and convenient access to your documents from anywhere. Revolutionize the way you publish, share and distribute your documents online. Access eDock Server using a standard web browser from your local ...
Search Query points:60 EASY CHAT SERVER 2.1 Easy Chat Server is a easy, fast and affordable way to host and manage your own real-time communication software, it allows friends/colleagues to chat with you through a Web Browser (IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera etc.) on any computer (Windows, Linux, ...
Search Query points:60 VIDEO CASTER 3.43 Streaming media creation tool that allows you to capture, encode, and publish media files online. It allows you to record audio at different sample rates and sound qualities, create video footage by using a web cam or by ...
Search Query points:60 FULL CONVERT PROFESSIONAL SQL SERVER ED. 1.3 Full Convert provides powerful and comfortable way to convert data of many databases. Databases supported: Microsoft Access, dBase, FoxPro, Microsoft Excel, Interbase/Firebird, Lotus 1-2-3, MySQL, Oracle, Paradox, SQL Server, Text files. All editions feature target database tree-like browser with multiselect ...
Search Query points:60 123 FLASH CHAT SERVER SOFTWARE 5.1 123 Flash Chat Server Software brings you fast, amazing real-time chat solution. *With the 100% Pure Java server, it's a cross-platform application with reliability and high load support. *With the 100% pure flash client, it provides stunning and skinable interface ...
Search Query points:60 WORKGROUPMAIL MAIL SERVER 7.6 WorkgroupMail is a full featured mail server, which can provide any size organization with secure and dependable messaging. WorkgroupMail includes spam filtering, content filtering, server-based virus protection mailing list and shared address book functions. It can function with ISPs or ...
Search Query points:60 FULL CONVERT STANDARD SQL SERVER EDITION 1.3 Full Convert provides powerful and comfortable way to convert data of many databases. Databases supported: Microsoft Access, dBase, FoxPro, Microsoft Excel, Interbase/Firebird, Lotus 1-2-3, MySQL, Oracle, Paradox, SQL Server, Text files. All editions feature target database tree-like browser with multiselect ...
Search Query points:60 CALENDAR BROWSER FOR OUTLOOK 5.0 Adds lots of features to any Outlook Calendar. Mark an appointment with a mandatory project name or add booking of services (cofee, notepads etc) to the booking. No client installation, simply place the files on a server and you are ...
Search Query points:55 HAPPY BROWSER 1.03 Happy Browser is a multifunctional web browser with integrated many utilities.Find anonymous,free or fastest proxy,check of proxy status,response time,country,proxy type (Transparent, Anonymous or High anonymity),import and export proxy,download proxy lists from web,IP to country,surf the web anonymously,block AD,execute script,network tools(Ping,Traceroute,Finger,Whois),external ...
Search Query points:55 TITAN FTP SERVER 4.30 Titan FTP Server is a powerful secure multi-threaded FTP Server for Windows. Since Titan FTP is a fully multi- threaded Windows application, you can setup multiple servers all running simultaneously on different IP address/port combinations. Features secure file transfers using ...
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