Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 6205 funded different VC 920 software programs. You can simply download any of VC 920 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:35 E-XD++MFC LIBRARY PROFESSIONAL V9.20 9.20 E-XD++ MFC Library Professional Edition is an MFC extension library that allows you to create the most advanced user interface in the world. It combines easy of use and very powerful feature set implemented by highly customizable collection of MFC ...
Search Query points:15 QVCS-PRO 3.10.6 QVCS-Pro is an affordable version control system that includes IDE integration. It matches more expensive products in features that are useful to small teams, and is easy to use and administer. Integrate with MS VS.Net 2003, MS VC++, and ...
Search Query points:15 CRYSTAL FLOW FOR C 1.42 Create Flowchart from Source Code with one click. Get a clear view of the code with Flowcharts. Inherited legacy code? A new member of the team? You will be up to speed in significantly less time. Export flowcharts as .bmp ...
Search Query points:15 SERIAL PORT ACTIVEXCONTROL 2.0 Serial Port AX Control is a powerful ActiveX component that lets developers quickly and effectively organize work with serial ports. Serial Port AX Control makes communicating with external devices on rs232 connection really fast and reliable. Serial Port AX Control ...
Search Query points:15 SCRIPTC ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.1 ScriptC is small and effectual programming C-like language. Optimized for engineers and scientific users alike, the ScriptC component can be easy plugged directly into your applications.Syntax ScriptC supports the basic elements of a script language: recognition of variable names and ...
Search Query points:15 LEOGUARD 1.0 Anti piracy solution in VC++ and PHP codes with IPN via PayPal. Protection features include antidebuging time limitations, hiding password from end user and third parties processing payments , ability to modify algorithms at will. Trial users access is registered ...
Search Query points:15 VBTO CONVERTER 2.26 Software for converting Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 projects (including source code) to MS Visual Studio VB.NET, C#, J#, VC.NET, VC++ (MFC), Borland C++ Builder, Borland Delphi. Visual Basic forms viewer (.frm, .frx files) and source code analyzer (.frm, .bas, .cls ...
Search Query points:15 3DRAY ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.0 3DRay - is very simple ActiveX Component allow you to efficiently create application with 3D graphics. 3DRay supports VB, VC++, Delphi, VB.NET, VBA. ...
Search Query points:15 CRYSTAL REVS FOR C 1.42 *** Understand Code in Less Time *** Reading a 50-line function or a 500-line function? View the flowchart first. You will save time. Comment-based flowcharts for a wider audience. Export flowcharts as .bmp or .jpg files and also to ...
Search Query points:15 QVCS-PRO 3.10.10 QVCS-Pro is an affordable version control system that includes IDE integration. It matches more expensive products in features that are useful to small teams, and is easy to use and administer. Integrate with MS VS.Net 2003, MS VC++, and ...
Search Query points:15 VBTO CONVERTER 1.5 Software for converting MS Visual Basic 6.0 forms to resource, source files and project MS VC++, MS VB.NET, MS C#.NET, Borland C++ Builder, Borland Delphi. VBto Converter create or update any project. For MS VC++ all forms of VB projects ...
Search Query points:15 CRYSTAL FLOW FOR C++ 1.42 *** Understand Code in Less Time *** Create Flowchart from Source Code with one click. Get a clear view of the code with flowcharts. Inherited legacy code? A new member of the team? You will be up to speed ...
Search Query points:15 EXPERT PDF VIEWERX CONTROL 1.0 eXPert PDF ViewerX is a standalone PDF Viewer activex control for windows application developers.Using VB,VC,Delphi or any other programming language/tool been able to handle activex controls, developers can build a customer interface for viewing/printing pdf documents. PDF documents can be ...
Search Query points:15 RASTER TO VECTOR CONVERTER SDK 1.1 Raster to Vector Converter SDK (DLL) is developed by DWGTool Software . It can convert raster image into vector image, and output into dxf or text file. The format of raster image include bmp, jpg, tiff, pcx and tga. ...
Search Query points:10 SCIMOREDB EMBEDDED DATABASE 1.5.2 ScimoreDB Embedded database is in-process running SQL database with over 20.000 deployments that has a small footprint, easy-to-use interface and yet a full set of stand-alone database server's features. Developers use ScimoreDB to simplify software development for any sized database ...
Search Query points:10 SMARTPOP2EXCHANGE 6.3.2 SmartPOP2Exchange helps you to connect your existing POP3/IMAP accounts to an SMTP or Exchange mail server. An easy to use configuration tool allows you to adjust common options like download interval, timeout, log file etc. and to configure SMTP/Exchange and ...
Search Query points:10 LENOGO DVD MOVIE TO IPOD VIDEO CONVERTER 3.2 Lenogo DVD Movie to iPod Video Converter build 2006 is the fastest DVD movie to iPod video converter software so far in the world. ...
Search Query points:10 DIGITAL PICTURES RECOVERY SOFTWARE Digital Camera Data recovery software recover restore accidentally deleted corrupted formatted pictures images photos. Files recovery utility retrieve inaccessible undetected Compact flash card smart media card multimedia memory card secure digital card extreme xD card mmc card audio video ...
Search Query points:10 1ST DISK DRIVE PROTECTOR 1.42 Protect your PC from abusive use of removable media and enforce whether your users are allowed to use removable media or access your local drives. This software lets you hide, lock and prevent usage of local, network, Floppy and USB ...
Search Query points:10 OCCAM 2.5 Make the best out of your budget: Decision trees are a proven technique for better founded investment decisions. Occam's Tree will make them widely used as an easy practice to optimize investments and other decisions. Occam's Tree helps you to ...
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