Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 427 funded different date fromat programs. You can simply download any of date fromat soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 TITLEBAR DATE 2 Displays the day of the week and date in the titlebar of the active window. Titlebar Date's executive file is a very small file so there will be almost no startup lag as a result of Titlebar Date starting ...
Search Query points:40 DATE AND TIME CALCULATOR 1.00.0000 Date and Time Calculator will let you easily add and subtract dates and time intervals in just a few clicks. It features common date-related calculations, detailed date information (julian day number, day of year, etc), moon phase information, birth date ...
Search Query points:40 EXCEL ADD TIME & DATE SOFTWARE 7.0 Add or subtract hours, minutes, seconds, years, months, days to selected (highlighted) Excel cells. ...
Search Query points:40 TRAY DATE 2.0 Tray Date is a very small program that displays the current date in an attractive tray icon. Tray Date's executive file is a very small file so there will be virtually no startup lag as a result of ...
Search Query points:40 MAGIC DATE PICKER 1.0 Magic Date Picker is a very easy-to-use utility for changing the date on your computer. It might come in handy when you are using a time-limited demo of a shareware program that check computer date. If the date is too ...
Search Query points:40 EASY DATE CONVERTER 7.56 Does date arithmetic (adds a number of days to a date and calculates the number of days between two dates) and converts among Gregorian dates, Julian dates, Annus Novus dates, Julian day numbers and day-in-year dates of the form ...
Search Query points:40 SMART DATE PICKER ASP.NET CALENDAR WEB CONTROL 1.173 Smart date picker comes with many convenient features and has a very sophisticated formatting mechanism, Advanced JavaScript API and Event Model. For the end-user, Smart date picker is easy to use, and for the developer it is easy to implement. ...
Search Query points:40 VB.NET CODE LIBRARY VB.NET Code Library is a powerful multi-language source code Library with the following benefits: 1. Built-in library with 10,000+ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. Password protection & strong 448 bits encryption (optional) 5. User notes ...
Search Query points:20 VISTADB 2.1 VistaDB is the #1 embedded SQL database for building robust small to midsize .NET database applications using C#, VB.NET and Delphi. VistaDB is an alternative database engine to Jet/Access and MSDE that provides robust, high-speed SQL data management in ...
Search Query points:10 FAST PHOTO RENAMER 2.1 If you are not happy about such names of your photo files as "Img_0275.jpg", "Dsc00403.jpg", you need a tool to solve this problem - it is Fast Photo Renamer. You can rename either each photo separately or all photos in ...
Search Query points:10 TORRENT SEARCH EXPERT 1.0 You just need input keywords and category, then you will find almost everything you want. Main features of Torrent Search Expert: #Search torrent file by keywords and category. #Save/load search result. #Sort result by name, date, size, type, ...
Search Query points:10 4WOMENONLY 5.2 A system for monitoring women's health. Detect the period most propitious for conception or preventing a pregnancy. Get detailed data about each day of your menstrual cycle, the prediction of your child's sex, information about your child's birth date. Supporting ...
Search Query points:10 TCLOCKER 1.4 TClocker enhances the standard Windows taskbar clock, adding the ability to display the date, time and lots of other information in any format you like. TClocker is highly customizable, from the format to the font and colour, and even the ...
Search Query points:10 INTERTRAFF PARKING MANAGER 1.0 Intertraff Parking Manager is an ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) software which allows keeping track of vehicles entering and exiting a Parking Lot. Once installed and running Operator has the ability to monitor each vehicle's registration plate which enters and ...
Search Query points:10 IMGIANT INSTANT MESSENGER 2.1 IMGIANT v2.1 contains NO spyware or adware! IMGiant is a new instant messaging client that lets you unify all your screen names from AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, and IRC in one tabbed chat window. All your buddies from your screen ...
Search Query points:10 AUTO MAIL SENDER 1.80 AMS is a very helpful E-mail utility. Help you to send many E-mails to your multiple recipients automatically & fast at anytime & any frequency as your wish. e.g. you can use it to auto send E-mails as below purpose: ...
Search Query points:10 SWIFTPRO CVPLUS VISUAL RECRUITMENT SOFTWARE 2.1.8 Swiftpro CVPlus Visual is a comprehensive and robust recruitment software package for handling all aspects of a busy recruitment agencies' front office. Designed to make consultants more effective, it organizes, automates, and streamlines the complete recruitment process, from entering a ...
Search Query points:10 TRACKERV3 4.00 TrackerV3 is an Advanced File System Explorer targeting everybody who is looking for a real alternative to the Windows Explorer. Features: tabbed browsing, Extended file find supporting full Boolean logic, Regular Expressions, advanced pattern matching, NT-only features, and including ...
Search Query points:10 BATCH FAX TO PDF 2.20 Batch Fax to PDF is a fax to pdf converter able to convert variuos fax to pdf in batches, such as: 1) Convert APRO, MightyFax apf fax to pdf files; 2) Convert MS awd fax to PDF files (on ...
Search Query points:10 ZIPWORX SECUREEXE 3.0 ZipWorx SecureEXE is an Advanced Protection Program System for Executables. ZipWorx SecureEXE Encapsulates Program Executables with a special loader that offers many benefits. Once the program is encapsulated the original executable file is no longer 'visible' on disk and is ...
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