Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1959 funded different vb server multiple connections programs. You can simply download any of vb server multiple connections soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 MS SQL SERVER IMPORT MULTIPLE TEXT FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Load text files (or csv files) to MS SQL Server. Create a new table or append to an existing table based on the contents of a file on your computer. ...
Search Query points:60 CLIENT/SERVER COMM LIB FOR DELPHI 3.0 Client/Server Delphi comm component library for TCP/IP winsock communication across a network such as the internet or intranet (lan). Allows multiple servers and clients to run simultaneously. Supports "one time" passwords for improved security. Servers can handle multiple connections concurrently. ...
Search Query points:60 SELENIUM SERVER 1.0 Selenium Server lets you create a FTP or a WEB server with a few clicks. Server features include multiple files or folders with specific read/write permissions, login or annonymous access, multiple connections, tray icons to easily monitor activity, and much ...
Search Query points:60 ZILAB REMOTE CONSOLE SERVER 3.2.9 Zilab Remote Console Server, as its name implies, is an advanced and convenient remote access server for Windows 2003/XP/2000/NT that works with console-based and DOS legacy applications. It runs as a regular network service for Windows 2003/XP/2000/NT and features multiple ...
Search Query points:50 FILECOPA FTP SERVER 1.01 FileCOPA takes the hard work out of running an FTP Server. The FileCOPA FTP Server installs on any version of the Microsoft Windows operating system with just a few clicks of the mouse and automatically configures itself for anonymous ...
Search Query points:50 123 LIVE HELP CHAT SERVER SOFTWARE 1.0 123 Live Help Chat Server Software offers full-featured software or hosting service for your sales rep. or supporter to one-to-one chat with website visitors, to promote sales with online customer support. It's Java chat server& flash live chat client with ...
Search Query points:50 DISKEEPER SERVER ENTERPRISE 10.0 Server performance comes down to one thing: How fast can the drives deliver data? No matter how much you spend on multiple processors and additional memory, that investment is wasted if the hard drive can't deliver data in a timely ...
Search Query points:50 BEST SMTP SERVER 2.12 Ultra fast SMTP/POP3 server program. Can be used as a corporate or personal server. Use with any SMTP compliant mail client. Accept mail on behalf of your users. Simple, powerful and bullet-proof. Lots of security features to protect the server ...
Search Query points:50 TITAN FTP SERVER 4.30 Titan FTP Server is a powerful secure multi-threaded FTP Server for Windows. Since Titan FTP is a fully multi- threaded Windows application, you can setup multiple servers all running simultaneously on different IP address/port combinations. Features secure file transfers using ...
Search Query points:50 GOLDEN FTP SERVER 1.32B Golden FTP Server is a free personal FTP server for Windows. It is extremely easy to use and can be run by anyone with basic computer skills. The program runs automatically on Windows startup and you can identify the files ...
Search Query points:50 1ST MAIL SERVER 1.71 Ultra fast Professional SMTP/POP3 server. Can be used as a corporate or personal server. Use with any SMTP compliant mail client. Accept mail on behalf of your users. Simple, powerful and bullet-proof. Lots of security features to protect the server ...
Search Query points:50 123 LIVE HELP CHAT SERVER SOFTWARE 2.1 123 Live Help Chat Server Software offers full-featured software or hosting service for your sales rep. or supporter to one-to-one chat with website visitors, to promote sales with online customer support. It's Java chat server& flash live chat client with ...
Search Query points:50 VISION BACKUP SERVER W/ MSSQL AND EXCHAN 10 Vision Backup Server w/MS SQL and Exchange is a robust backup and recovery tool designed to protect your "connected world". This is accomplished by enabling your organization to protect their entire network and remote branch offices through one single screen. ...
Search Query points:50 CC PROXY SERVER 6.4.1 is easy-to-use, inexpensive and powerful proxy software and Internet sharing software. Can be used to share Internet connection on the LAN. Features web cache, web filter, dial-on-demand, Web/IP/MAC/IP Range authorization, cascading proxy,bandwidth control and support for many proxy protocols. ...
Search Query points:50 VISION BACKUP SERVER 10 Vision Backup Server is a robust backup and recovery tool designed to protect your connected world. This is accomplished by enabling your organization to protect their entire network and remote branch offices through one single screen. Choose from multiple ...
Search Query points:50 RICH CHART SERVER 1.0 Rich Chart Server generates captivating dynamic Flash charts from ASP.NET. Use the included authoring tool to visually design a chart template which can include stunning animation effects, audio narration, text and image elements, links and tooltips. Apply the template to ...
Search Query points:50 EDOCK SERVER 2.1 eDock Server is a secure document server that provides fast and convenient access to your documents from anywhere. Revolutionize the way you publish, share and distribute your documents online. Access eDock Server using a standard web browser from your local ...
Search Query points:50 ABILITY MAIL SERVER 2.10 Ability Mail Server is an advanced, secure and high performing mail server. Featuring SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, WebMail, Remote Admin, LDAP, SSL, SPAM Protection, Antivirus Protection, Content Filtering, POP3 retrievals, ODBC, mailing lists, static routing, aliases, redirections, auto-responses, multiple folders, address ...
Search Query points:50 NET TIME SERVER & CLIENT The time synchronization application allows you to synchronize your PC's system clock or all PC's system clock in your LAN using various time server types commonly available on TCP/IP networks, such as the Internet or LAN, And multiple time protocols ...
Search Query points:50 NAVICOPA WEB SERVER 2.01 NaviCOPA takes the hard work out of running a Web Server. The NaviCOPA Web Server installs on any version of the Microsoft Windows operating system with just a few clicks of the mouse and automatically configures itself for instant ...
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