Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 2926 funded different vb6 sample code frequency generator sound pc programs. You can simply download any of vb6 sample code frequency generator sound pc soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:95 VIRTINS SOUND CARD SIGNAL GENERATOR 2.1 Virtins Sound Card Signal Generator is a powerful PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a sound card based Signal Generator and an off-line Oscilloscope. 1. The dual channel Signal Generator (Sweep/Arbitrary/Function Generator) provides the following types of waveform for ...
Search Query points:90 SOUND GENERATOR 3.12 The audio frequency sinusoidal signal generator is intended for adjusting and measuring parameters of audio equipment. Works with 16, 24 and 32 bit sound cards at sampling rate up to 384 kHz. Independent channels frequency and amplitude controls. Adjustable phase ...
Search Query points:80 BLUE SKY .NET CODE GENERATOR 2.0.1 Blue Sky .Net Code Generator is a quick develop tool for .Net applications. It generates all class file base on database schema due to three layer system framwork. It can generate a web site . ...
Search Query points:80 TWO CHANNELS FREQUENCY GENERATOR 1.0 Two Channels Frequency Generator. Version 1.0. The program allows independent control of frequency, phase and volume on left and right channels. Measured data points can be easily captured to data table for storage and later statistical analysis. The generator ...
Search Query points:75 FLEXIMUSIC GENERATOR JUNE 2002 1) In FlexiMusic Generator you can generate different types of sound with various algorithms using Graphs, Sine definition, wave, envelops, numbers, random, existing wave file, noise etc. 2) Sine type Sound Source: The complete waveform is created automatically using sine ...
Search Query points:65 VIRTINS POCKET SIGNAL GENERATOR 1.0 Virtins Pocket Signal Generator is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a Signal Generator and an off-line Oscilloscope. 1. The dual channel Signal Generator (Sweep/Arbitrary/Function Generator) provides the following types of waveform for output: (1) Sine ...
Search Query points:60 SUPER SOUND JOINER 3.0 Super Sound Joiner is an easy-to-use tool for joining all kinds of sound files into one large wav file. It supports many audio formats such as MP3, WAV, WMA, AC3, OGG, MPA, MP2, AU, AIF, SND, etc. and video formats ...
Search Query points:60 SAMPLE CHAMPION 3.6 Sample Champion is a powerful real-time software tool designed for high precision acoustic measurements. With Sample Champion you will be able to measure the Impulse Response of a room, or analyze loudspeaker Frequency Responses using the MLS (Maximum Length Sequence) ...
Search Query points:60 AUDIO MULTI-TONE GENERATOR 4.19 Two-channel multi-tone audio frequency sinusoidal and noise signal generator is intended for adjusting and measuring parameters of audio equipment. Works with 16, 24 and 32 bit sound cards at sampling rate up to 384 kHz. Independent channels frequency and amplitude ...
Search Query points:55 VIRTINS SOUND CARD MULTIINSTRUMENT 2.1 Virtins Sound Card MultiInstrument is a powerful PC based virtual instrument software. It consists of a sound card real time oscilloscope, a sound card real time spectrum analyzer and a sound card signal generator, and can run them simultaneously. Unlike ...
Search Query points:50 BARCODE GENERATOR FOR CRYSTAL REPORTS 2006 The Native Generator creates bar-codes in Crystal Reports without the installation of additional fonts or other components. Supported symbologies include Code 39, Code 128, UCC/EAN-128, MSI, Interleaved 2 of 5, PostNet and PDF417. It is a complete barcode generator object ...
Search Query points:50 FREQUENCY ANALYZER 1.0 Whistle a melody and watch this program graph the pitch in real time. The Frequency Analyzer technically speaking performs a Fast Fourier Transform of the sound (you need a sound card and a microphone to use this program). What it ...
Search Query points:50 MP# HTML GENERATOR 3.07 MP3 HTML Generator allows you to create MP3 HTML list for your Web pages without writing a single line of code. The page can contain information such as artist, album, title, filename, and more (using ID3v1 or ID3v2 tag With ...
Search Query points:50 PUZZLE GENERATOR 2.0 The puzzle generator software is an educational/teaching tool. It generates puzzles and other worksheets that could be used as class activity. This program makes teachers' life easy. Sometimes when kids are bored the puzzle game can warm them up and ...
Search Query points:50 CODE 128 BARCODE FONT PACK 1.0 Our Code 128 Barcode Font Pack lets you create and print high quality Code 128 barcodes (including UCC/EAN-128 - one variant of Code 128) in any program. In addition to the TrueType bar code fonts, our Code 128 font pack ...
Search Query points:50 SOUND EFFECT MAKER 1.0 Sound Effect Maker can create sound effects for sound file. It supports the sound effects such as chorus, compression, distortion, echo, flange, gargle, parametric equalizer, reverberation. It can adjust the following parameters of the sound effects: Chorus: ...
Search Query points:50 ALL SYMBOLS LABEL GENERATOR 1.0 ALL Symbols Label Generator is a powerful Barcode editor and Printer, which can generate all types of in common used 1D barcode, can support any paper of sales on the market, can import data from every database provider, completely WYSIWYG(What ...
Search Query points:50 CODE 39 BARCODE FONT PACK 1.0 32Tech Code 39 Barcode Font Pack lets you create, display and print high quality code 39 barcodes in any program supporting TrueType fonts. In addition to the TrueType bar code fonts, the Code 39 font pack also includes Microsoft Office ...
Search Query points:45 SOUND MINE 2006.08 Program trick must to force game maniac or loud music lover shut down your dear PC. Program imitates sound card damage and sounds after 0, 1, 5, 10 or 20 minutes after start. All 5 time versions are placed in ...
Search Query points:45 VIRTINS SOUND CARD SPECTRUM ANALYZER 2.1 Virtins Sound Card Spectrum Analyzer is a powerful PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a sound card real time oscilloscope and a sound card real time spectrum analyzer and can run them concurrently. Unlike most of the sound card ...
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