Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 397 funded different url catalog review programs. You can simply download any of url catalog review soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 ADVANCED URL CATALOG 1.23 Advanced URL Catalog is a world-wide awarded software that will help you to manage your favorite urls. This software will help you store, organize, annotate, delete duplicates, password protect your database, grab url from browsers, search using multiple criteria, creates ...
Search Query points:80 ADVANCED URL CATALOG 1.22 Advanced URL Catalog is a world-wide awarded software that will help you to manage your favorite urls. This software will help you store, organize, annotate, delete duplicates, password protect your database, grab url from browsers, search using multiple criteria, creates ...
Search Query points:50 URL SPIDER JEANIE WEB DOMAIN SPIDER Url Spider Jeanie Standard the professional tool Url Spider Jeanie extracted, spidered and indexed Url for your link pages, catalog system or search engine. In only a few day's you can index more than hundred thousand of url and ...
Search Query points:40 SMART CD CATALOG STANDARD 1.10 Still having troubles organizing your discs? Smart CD Catalog will help you organize your personal database with all your discs in it, saving time and effort and solving the problem of organizing your discs! Smart CD Catalog offers powerful search ...
Search Query points:40 MEDIA CATALOG STUDIO LITE 5.4 Is your music and video file collection growing out of control, making it impossible to find anything? Fight the problem with Media Catalog Studio, a handy software application for classifying and tracking media files or CDs. This database is capable ...
Search Query points:40 EF FILE CATALOG 1.10 Catalog whole disks or only single directories with familiar Explorer-like user interface and makes it available for offline browsing and searching. Some key features: * Internal support for all usual compressed file formats * Unlimited external packer/description plugging support * ...
Search Query points:40 SMART CD CATALOG PROFESSIONAL 2.06 Still having troubles organizing your discs? Smart CD Catalog will help you organize your personal database with all your discs in it, saving time and effort and solving the problem of organizing your discs! Smart CD Catalog offers powerful search ...
Search Query points:40 BOOKMARK CATALOG PRO 2.0 Bookmark Catalog PRO is powerful and easy to use bookmark manager with explorer-like interface. It can easily handle more than thousands of bookmarks. Bookmark Catalog PRO support three most popular browsers- Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera. You can find and ...
Search Query points:40 CD CATALOG 01.17 Scan all your CDs onto this soft. Catalogue your CDs without papers. Search any your CDs. Never lose a files. It works with all disks, which are recognized by windows system (CDs, DVDs, diskettes, hard disks, Memory Stick card ...
Search Query points:40 SMART CD CATALOG STANDARD 1.0 Still having troubles organizing your discs? Smart CD Catalog will help you organize your personal database with all your discs in it, saving time and effort and solving the problem of organizing your discs! Smart CD Catalog offers powerful search ...
Search Query points:40 CD CATALOG EXPERT 9.10 CD Catalog Expert is a cataloging tool for organizing all kinds of your media collection, including files, folders, CD/DVDs, Movies, MP3s, hard disks, network drives and multifarious removable disks, etc. It helps you to easily view and find all necessary ...
Search Query points:40 PAESSLER URL RECORDER 1.0 Paessler URL Recorder helps to find out the URLs and POSTDATA strings that a user sends to a web server while surfing a sequence of URLs. It works like a standard web browser, whereby you can enter a URL at ...
Search Query points:40 MEDIA LIBRARY CATALOG 7.0 Media Library Catalog was designed to give the churches library ministry a cost effective and functional way to catalog, search and report all any type of resource the library may have in its collection. The church defines all of the ...
Search Query points:40 LINK EXCHANGE SEO AND ADD URL TOOL 2.7 Link Exchange SEO and Add URL is a reciprocal link exchange tool that manages your website's link pages. First, the software helps find similar sites to trade links with and automates the email contact process. The program then automatically generates ...
Search Query points:40 URL ORGANIZER 2 2.4.16 Compact, fast, simple bookmark manager to store, organize, annotate, copy and backup large and/or multiple collections of Internet bookmarks/favorites and also shortcuts to programs, documents and folders. Innovative, intuitive and highly-customizable. Three clicks or free-text search to find any URL. ...
Search Query points:40 GOOGLE URL EXTRACT AND WEBSPIDER Google Url Extract and Url Spider Jeanie Pro the perfect tool. Google Url Extract the perfect tool for search engine-, webcatalog`s or linkdirectory- operators. In only a few days you enlarge your search engine, webcatalog`s or linkdirectory with a ...
Search Query points:40 EXTREME URL GENERATOR 1.0 Extreme URL Generator is an easy way to generate and save a list of similar URLs. It provides clean and intuitive user interface that lets you generate hundreds and thousands of URLs with just a few mouse clicks. After the ...
Search Query points:40 CHECK IF URL EXISTS (IS VALID) SOFTWARE 7.0 Verify links (URLs) to see if web sites are still active. This program can extract the links inside a web page and check if those links exist as well. You have the option to save the valid or invalid links ...
Search Query points:40 IMAGECD CATALOG 2.6 Keep your image CDs at your fingertips and browse all your photo CDs while they are on the shelf. Variable user defined thumbnail size and quality, let you to manage how much space will take on disk your catalog. ...
Search Query points:40 MY DVD CATALOG 1.1 My DVD Catalog is a simple dvd cataloger. Easily organize your DVDs by genre and rating. My DVD Catalog allows you to input DVD features and descriptions. ...
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