Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 14680 funded different two way file folder sync linux windows programs. You can simply download any of two way file folder sync linux windows soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:100 FILE COMPARE & FOLDER SYNCHRONIZATION SOFTWARE 6.0 Use this program to keep track of and merge the most recent versions of your files from any device or computer. Keep your files updated by automatically synchronizing multiple copies of individual files. This tool is useful if you do ...
Search Query points:100 FILE COMPARE & FOLDER SYNCHRONIZATION SOFTWARE 6.0 Use this program to keep track of and merge the most recent versions of your files from any device or computer. Keep your files updated by automatically synchronizing multiple copies of individual files. This tool is useful if you do ...
Search Query points:100 1 CLICK ENCRYPT FILE FOLDER ENCRYPTION 1.4.1 1 Click Encrypt is a highly secure encryption utility that brings military strength encryption power at your fingertips, assuring that your files, folders are secured and protected from intruders and spies. You can use this product to encrypt or securely ...
Search Query points:90 EASY FILE AND FOLDER WATCHER 1.0 This software make it easy to watch all file and folder activity on your local (or network) computer, for security or file management. ...
Search Query points:90 ECMERGE PRO (WINDOWS) 2.0 ECMerge compares and merges text/images/folders/FTP sites, side-by-side or 3-way. It is designed for software engineers, web authors and other professionals who work with multiple revisions of text files or who need to keep multiple folder hierarchies in sync. Two text ...
Search Query points:90 FILE AND FOLDER PRIVACY 2.62 Password-protect and hide your files and folders with a click of mouse. The program will always prompt to enter your access password when protection is enabled and a user is trying to access a protected file or folder. The protected ...
Search Query points:90 EASY FILE & FOLDER PROTECTOR 4.21 Protect files and folders situated on local media of Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP with Easy File & Folder Protector at Windows kernel level. Your can deny access to certain files and folders, or to hide them securely from viewing and searching. Easy ...
Search Query points:90 PROTECT FILE / PROTECT FOLDER 1.0 a great software tool to protect your files and protect your folders to prevent others from seeing your private files ...
Search Query points:90 1 CLICK ENCRYPT FILE FOLDER ENCRYPTION 1.4 1 Click Encrypt is a powerful encryption utility that brings military strength encryption with just one click. The application operates in Windows 98, NT, and XP environment. It is very fast, comfortable and safe and also can encrypt any kind ...
Search Query points:90 FILE & FOLDER PROTECTOR - Protect Files and Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:90 EASY FILE & FOLDER PROTECTOR - Protect files and folders situated on local media of Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP with Easy File & Folder Protector at Windows kernel level. Your can deny access to certain files and folders, or to hide them securely from viewing and searching. Easy ...
Search Query points:90 FILE AND FOLDER PROTECTOR - Protect Files and Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:90 FILE & FOLDER PROTECTOR - Protect Files and Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:80 ECMERGE STANDARD (LINUX) 2.0 ECMerge compares and merges text/images/folders/FTP sites, side-by-side. It is designed for software engineers, web authors and other professionals who work with multiple revisions of text files or who need to keep multiple folder hierarchies in sync. Define favourite comparisons as ...
Search Query points:80 ECMERGE STANDARD (WINDOWS) 2.0 ECMerge compares and merges text/images/folders/FTP sites, side-by-side. It is designed for software engineers, web authors and other professionals who work with multiple revisions of text files or who need to keep multiple folder hierarchies in sync. Define favourite comparisons as ...
Search Query points:70 COMPARATOR FAST FOR WINDOWS Comparator Fast is an application that simplifies the comparison / verification / synchronization status of two different directories on any media (local drives, network drives, writable CD's, Compact Flash and electronic media, any drive/disk or device managed as valid windows ...
Search Query points:70 DISK DOCTORS LINUX DATA RECOVERY 1.0 Disk Doctors Linux Data Recovery software is a tool that helps you to recover data from Ext2 & Ext3 File System which may be on any Linux distribution. To name a few Redhat Linux, Suse Linux, Mandriva Linux, Ubuntu Linux, ...
Search Query points:70 MSCUPLOAD FOR LINUX 2.0 MSCUpload is an Active Server File Upload component. It extentds standard Request object capabilities in handling uploaded data. MSCUpload is a perfect way for ASP applications to handle multiple uploaded files and still make another form fields easily accessable. ...
Search Query points:70 ECMERGE STANDARD (WINDOWS) 1.2 ECMerge compares and merges files and folders, side-by-side. It provides syntax colouring for C/C++, Java, HTML, ASP, PHP and many others. Save your work at intermediate situation and restart it later! Generates reports in Unix patch, XML and HTML format ...
Search Query points:70 ECMERGE PRO (WINDOWS) 1.2 ECMerge compares and merges files and folders, side-by-side. It provides syntax colouring for C/C++, Java, HTML, ASP, PHP and many others. Save your work at intermediate situation and restart it later! Generates reports in Unix patch, XML and HTML format ...
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