Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 6814 funded different TRAY ICON STANDARD SOFTWARE programs. You can simply download any of TRAY ICON STANDARD soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:60 (DOCUMENTS)TRAY FOLDER 2.04 The (Documents)Tray Folder... is a secure and hidden folder, located in your "My Documents" folder, that is accessible through the tray icon, but only when you want it to be accessible. You can completely hide your personal ...
Search Query points:60 TRAY FOLDER 2.03 Tray Folder is a launcher. Start the program and an icon will appear in your tray displaying the date. Right-click on the tray icon to open your tray folder or to use the program's other features. Put anything in ...
Search Query points:60 TRAYICON STANDARD 1.4 TrayIcon Standard is a Windows 95/98/NT system tray manager that allows you to easily add, edit, delete, and re-order your application icons in the system tray. Other features include: security, foreign language support, Windows Explorer context menu support, sound, and ...
Search Query points:60 CLOCK TRAY SKINS 2.0 Clock Tray Skins extends standard Windows Taskbar clock capabilities. Now your system clock can display seconds, current day and date. With skins support. ...
Search Query points:60 TRAY DATE 2.0 Tray Date is a very small program that displays the current date in an attractive tray icon. Tray Date's executive file is a very small file so there will be virtually no startup lag as a result of ...
Search Query points:60 (HIDDEN)TRAY FOLDER 2.05 (Hidden)Tray Folder... is a secure and hidden folder, located in your "Application Data" folder, that is accessible through the tray icon, but only when you want it to be accessible. You can completely hide your personal files and folders. ...
Search Query points:50 FOLLOWUPXPERT STANDARD 3.3 Simple autoresponder software. No banners and no monthly fees. Use it to create both simple "I'm out of office" kind of autoresponders to ones sending series of emails to your prospects at predefined times. Can also send newsletters and bulk ...
Search Query points:50 E-MAIL ICON SET 2006.4 E-mail Icon Set is a collection of wonderfully-crafted stock icons for use in commercial and personal products, including software applications, websites, blogs and presentations. The icons have a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges. They are delivered in a ...
Search Query points:50 FALCO ICON STUDIO 1.1 Falco Icon Editor is a Graphics Tool to create, edit and export icons. Create professional looking icons with ease. ...
Search Query points:50 EMAIL MARKETER STANDARD EDITION 1.40F Email Marketer is the perfect desktop solution for all your email marketing needs. It is also the most proven customer email relationship management software for successful opt-in newsletter or email marketing campaigns, subscriber lists building. It makes building your business ...
Search Query points:50 PRACTICOUNT TOOLBAR STANDARD FOR MS OFFICE 1.1 PractiCount Toolbar Standard for Word, Excel and PowerPoint is a dream come true for writers, translators and editors. Most such professionals are paid either per unit of work (word, line, page, character) or per unit of time (hour). With PractiCount ...
Search Query points:50 SIB ICON STUDIO 2.0 Sib Icon Studio is a program for editing and creating icons. It can create both standard sizes and arbitrarily sized icons with color depth of up to 16 million colors. It also will create and edit Windows Vista icons (32-bit ...
Search Query points:50 SIB ICON EDITOR 3.0 Sib Icon Editor is your way for creating and editing PNG-packed Windows Vista icons; icons in either standard or custom sizes, in color depths up to 16 million colors; icons for Windows XP in 32-bit color depth. It offers a ...
Search Query points:50 MONEY ICON SET 2006.5 Money Icon Set is a collection of hand-made icons for use in commercial and personal products, including software applications, websites, blogs and presentations. The icons have a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges. They are delivered in a variety ...
Search Query points:50 GRAPHIC ICON SET 2006.5 Graphic Icon Set is a collection of wonderfully-crafted stock icons for use in commercial and personal products, including software applications, websites, blogs and presentations. Icons have a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges. They are delivered in a variety ...
Search Query points:50 TRANSPORT ICON SET 2006.7 Your business or logistics software will look more modern and attractive with Transport Icon Set. Color formats include Windows XP and 8-bit formats. Available sizes are 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256. This icon set includes vehicle and geographic icons: ...
Search Query points:50 MAILENABLE STANDARD 1.8 The Standard version provides robust SMTP and POP3 services for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 systems. Its simple installation procedure and powerful administration software means that you will be up and running quickly. This version is free for both personal and commercial usage, ...
Search Query points:50 ECMERGE STANDARD (LINUX) 2.0 ECMerge compares and merges text/images/folders/FTP sites, side-by-side. It is designed for software engineers, web authors and other professionals who work with multiple revisions of text files or who need to keep multiple folder hierarchies in sync. Define favourite comparisons as ...
Search Query points:50 SECURITY ICON SET 2006.6 Security Icon Set is a collection of wonderfully-crafted stock icons for use in commercial and personal products, including software applications, websites, blogs and presentations. The icons have a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges. They are delivered in a ...
Search Query points:50 DATABASE ICON SET 2006.4 Database Icon Set is a collection of wonderfully-crafted stock icons for use in commercial and personal products, including software applications, websites, blogs and presentations. Icons have a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges. They are delivered in a variety ...
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