Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 14645 funded different trail software how to unlimited use xp programs. You can simply download any of trail how to unlimited use xp soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:70 PDF ENCRYPT COM/SDK UNLIMITED LICENSE 2.3 This software is a very flexible and powerful program, PDF Encrypt software allows you to encrypt (using standard 40-bit or 128-bit supported by Acrobat Reader 5.0 and up) existing PDFs, set permissions, add user and owner password. For example you ...
Search Query points:70 PDF PASSWORD RECOVERY COM SDK UNLIMITED LICENSE 3.0 The PDF Password Recovery can be used to decrypt protected Adobe Acrobat PDF files. Supports PDF1.6 protocol (Acrobat 7.x). Removing restrictions on printing, editing, copying. Supports Adobe Standard 40-bit Encryption and Adobe Advanced 128-bit Encryption. Supports AES ...
Search Query points:70 BUG TRACKING/DEFECT TRACKING UNLIMITED USER LICENSE 2.5 Bug Tracker is an application for bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking, and managing bugs during software testing stage. Auto task assignment helps assign bugs to the proper developer. You can use the powerful filter with AND, OR operator and ...
Search Query points:60 PDF STAMP COM SDK UNLIMITED LICENSE 2.2 PDF Stamp is an advanced product that enables you to stamp content into a PDF document. Besides images, texts and graphics, PDF Stamp is able to add links and notes. These processes can be realized in a determined number of ...
Search Query points:60 TEXT TO PDF COM/SDK UNLIMITED LICENSE 2.2 Text To PDF ( txt2pdf ) is a program to convert ASCII texts into PDF format with a minimum loss of formatting information. support command line, batch convert, encryption, page orientation,font setting etc. .Searchable text base on the generated PDF ...
Search Query points:60 TIFF TO PDF COM/SDK UNLIMITED LICENSE 2.20 Supports virtually all TIFF compressions, including ZIP,LZW,CCITT G4/G3, JPEG, Packbits. Outstanding compression. Does NOT need Adobe Acrobat. Supports Multi-page tiff file to PDF conversion. Can set automatic despeckling (of B/W images; removes noise) and skew-correction. Makes use of effective ...
Search Query points:60 1-ABC.NET SURF TRAIL WASHER 1.20 There are many ways and tools to delete the trail you leave on your computer when you visit websites - but this one already washes it away while you are surfing! The program runs nearly unrecognizable in the background. You ...
Search Query points:60 CLEAN TRAIL 3.4 Clean Trail removes the trail of information left behind when surfing the Internet and using your computer. Your computer makes no distinction between what’s public and what’s private. Use Clean Trail to remove your online activity. ...
Search Query points:50 INTERNET TRAIL REMOVER 1.4 An Internet Trail Remover secures your privacy by searching and removing trails that were left by your Internet browser and various web-sites on your disk after you browsed the Internet. A person that got an access to those files can ...
Search Query points:50 PDF SPLIT-MERGE COM UNLIMITED LICENSE 2.5 PDF Split Merge is a stand-alone tool for splitting, merging PDF documents,allows you to split/merge large PDF files into smaller PDF files, The split functionality lets you split one or more PDF files based on page groups, page ...
Search Query points:50 AMARA FLASH MENU AND FLASH BUTTON MAKER 1.4 With Amara Flash Menu Maker you can create professional Flash buttons and menus for your web site fast and easily. All the Flash buttons and Flash menus, you can now make yourself in minutes. Create navigation bars, scrolling menus and ...
Search Query points:50 PUSHCLU (PUSH&CLEAR UNLIMITED) 2.11 The game can be related to a classical type of games, but with original rules. The purpose of game PushClU is the clearing of a game field of the multi-coloured units, installed on it. That to delete its, it is ...
Search Query points:50 AV VOICE CHANGER SOFTWARE 4.0.50 Apart from other voice changers, Voice Changer Software changes your voice over internet in real time and acquires unlimited number of new voices. You can modify voice by changing voice pitch and voice timbre, applying effects, adjusting advanced tuner, and ...
Search Query points:50 IMAGE TO PDF COM/SDK UNLIMITED LICENSE 2.20 1. Specify page size. 2. Support system fonts. 3. Convert JPEG,TIFF to PDF. 4. Convert Text to PDF. 5. Supports tiff,jpeg,bmp,dib,emf,gif,icon,jbig,jp2,pcd,pcx,pict,png,pnm,psd,rle,tga,txt,wmf,xbm and xpm format. 6. 40,128-bit encryption. 7. Append to existing PDF file. ...
Search Query points:50 PDF SPLIT-MERGE COM UNLIMITED LICENSE 2.4 PDF Split Merge is a stand-alone tool for splitting, merging PDF documents,allows you to split/merge large PDF files into smaller PDF files, The split functionality lets you split one or more PDF files based on page groups, page ...
Search Query points:50 PUSHCLU (PUSH&CLEAR UNLIMITED) 2.11 The game can be related to a classical type of games, but with original rules. The purpose of game PushClU is the clearing of a game field of the multi-coloured units, installed on it. That to delete its, it is ...
Search Query points:45 CLEARDNU (CLEAR DOWN UNLIMITED) 2.11 Dynamic game, for children and adult. The objective of the game is the clearing of a field from placed on a field, and falling from above, multi-coloured blocks is faster, than the field will be filled. The clearing is carried ...
Search Query points:40 DU METER 3.07 DU Meter is a powerful and user-friendly tool that enables you to use your Internet connection more efficiently. DU Meter lets you see how much of your full bandwidth potential is actually utilized at any given point, either by displaying ...
Search Query points:40 WEB SITE ZAPPER 1.1 Web Site Zapper is a Windows 95/98/2000/ME/XP software program (does not work on NT) that closes Web browsers that are displaying undesirable Web sites. It can be used for several purposes: 1) Blocking your browser from being redirected to dangerous ...
Search Query points:40 EZACCT ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE 3.0 No need to know accounting! Ezacct helps you do quotation, sales order, invoicing, issuing purchase order, receiving merchandises, inventory control, collecting payments, paying bill, managing customer/vendor records, even prepare profit/loss statements. EZAcct’s snapshot provides management dashboard view of your ...
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