Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 12674 funded different tools to open xvid file format programs. You can simply download any of tools to open xvid file format soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:65 OPEN VIDEO CONVERTER 3.0.0 Open Video Converter is an easy-to-use tool for video conversion, splitting and editing. It can convert many video formats such as MPG, AVI, ASF, WMV to AVI file. It changes the frame size, frame rate, video compression codec and audio ...
Search Query points:65 1-ABC.NET FILE ENCRYPTER 1.00 Anyone who has access to your computer is also able to open all files located on your system. These files include personal documents as well as backups of old e-mail messages, photographs from your last holiday as well as contracts ...
Search Query points:65 SHUTDOWN MANAGER AND TOOLS Features: - Clipboard Viewer: view your clipboards content, save images to BMP, JPG, GIF formats with several options, saves text content to file, send text content to keyboard to emulate keystrokes (i.e.: saves time when have to enter long ...
Search Query points:60 OPEN VIDEO JOINER 3.0.0 Open Video Joiner is an easy-to-use tool for joining all kinds of video files into one large avi file with transition effects. It can convert many video formats such as MPEG (MPG), VCD, AVI, ASF, WMV which have different frame ...
Search Query points:55 XR PERFMON TOOLS 3.0 XR PerfMon Tools remotely monitors MS Windows computers using WMI technology, providing valuable information for system administrators to optimize the efficiency and setup of servers and workstations. XR PerfMon Tools can get from a computer more than 1 million different ...
Search Query points:55 HANDY FILE TOOL 1.03 Handy File Tool (HFT) is a very fast and simple file manager. It has some internal utilities such as Renamer, Replacer and Finder. HFT has utilities necessary for webmasters, programmers and anybody who is concerned with computers. Imagine that you ...
Search Query points:55 ADRC DATA RECOVERY TOOLS V1.0 1.0 ADRC Data Recovery Tools v1.0 contains a collection of DIY data recovery tools that supports a wide variety of drives (fixed drives or removable drives) and file systems (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS) for Windows 95/ 98, Windows ME, ...
Search Query points:55 XR SNMP TOOLS 3.0 XR SNMP Tools monitors network traffic and bandwidth usage as well as many others network parameters like error and collision rates, memory and CPU usages. It provides valuable info for system administrators to optimize the efficiency, layout and setup of ...
Search Query points:55 ADVANCED PDF TOOLS COMMAND LINE 1.3 Advanced PDF Tools is a fast and easy to use utility to maintain your PDF files, it allows you to edit or add data into the document information fields of single or multiple PDF files, it also allows you to ...
Search Query points:55 DVD VIDEO TOOLS OFFER FOR CHRISTMAS SUITE The discount pack are customized for coming Christmas, which include the best DVD and video tools picked by our editors like DVD ripper, DVD copy, DVD creator, video converter, iPod video converter, Zune video converter, etc.. The highest discount is ...
Search Query points:55 FILE TREE PRINTER 3.0.0 File Tree Printer is used to export directory or CD/DVD listings to a text file, which can be displayed, edited or printed by other programs such as Notepad, Wordpad, Microsoft Word. It is an easy to use and efficient tool ...
Search Query points:55 WINDOWS XP TOOLS 2.0 Windows XP Tools helps keep your computer running at top efficiency and speed with powerful tools to optimize system performance and diagnose, repair and prevent PC problems and crashes. 10 great tools for Windows XP that will improve your PC ...
Search Query points:55 AVS VIDEO TOOLS PRO 3.7 AVS Video Tools packs 4 tools that are designed to meet your most various video tasks! AVS Video Converter converts between all key formats such as: DVD, AVI (DivX, XviD, etc.), DV AVI, MP4 (compatible with iPod, Sony PSP, mobiles ...
Search Query points:55 MS WORD BACKUP FILE AUTO SAVE SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this software to automatically save all open Word documents to a separate backup file at a interval that you define. Backups can be set to occur every 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, etc. This application sits in the ...
Search Query points:55 ADVANCED PDF TOOLS 1.3 Advanced PDF Tools is a fast and easy to use utility to maintain your PDF files, it allows you to edit or add data into the document information fields of single or multiple PDF files, it also allows you to ...
Search Query points:55 AVS VIDEO TOOLS 2007 3.1.1 AVS Video Tools packs 4 tools that are designed to meet your most various video tasks! AVS Video Converter converts between all key formats such as: DVD, AVI (DivX, XviD, etc.), DV AVI, MP4 (compatible with iPod, Sony PSP, mobiles ...
Search Query points:55 FILE DELETER 1.0 File Deleter is an easy-to-use tool for delete files permanently. Because some disk tools can recover the files which have been deleted from Windows Explorer, Command Prompt, Recycle Bin etc., even from formatted disks, deleting file under windows is not ...
Search Query points:55 1-ABC.NET FILE FINDER 1.01 Let's be honest: Does any Windows user always save his or her files to a place where he or she will really find it again immediately? Some documents are located on a DVD, some music was saved to a desktop ...
Search Query points:55 PRINT TOOLS FOR OUTLOOK 1.7.2 A Microsoft Outlook add-in for printing incoming and outgoing messages and/or attachments. Being an action for Rules it can print the messages automatically without even opening them. It prints documents from ZIP and RAR archives and allows you to specify ...
Search Query points:55 EF MULTI FILE RENAMER 1.00 EF Multi File Renamer a versatile tool for comfortable renaming of numerous files or whole directories (including subfolders) in a processing step. In relation to comparable programs, EF Multi File Renamer stands out by its concept for the clear definition ...
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