Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 12191 funded different to multiInstrument 2.1 programs. You can simply download any of to multiInstrument 2.1 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 VIRTINS SOUND CARD MULTIINSTRUMENT 2.1 Virtins Sound Card MultiInstrument is a powerful PC based virtual instrument software. It consists of a sound card real time oscilloscope, a sound card real time spectrum analyzer and a sound card signal generator, and can run them simultaneously. Unlike ...
Search Query points:10 PIXEL EDITOR 2.1 Transferring images from the depths of your fantasy to your website or cellular phone? It's easy! Pixel Editor is a smart software tool for the job. It supports a variety of graphic formats and has specialized tools to process images ...
Search Query points:10 STORAGEPATROL 2.1 Storage Patrol is a remarkably easy tool for monitoring FTP, network, and local files. With only one mouse click, you can search for new, updated, and deleted files and folders and download them to your PC. Featuring an Explorer-style interface, ...
Search Query points:10 EDOCK SERVER 2.1 eDock Server is a secure document server that provides fast and convenient access to your documents from anywhere. Revolutionize the way you publish, share and distribute your documents online. Access eDock Server using a standard web browser from your local ...
Search Query points:10 IPOD TO PC TRANSFER BUILD 2006 2.1 iPod to pc transfer Build 2006 is an ultimate application for transferring songs from an iPod to a Windows based PC. iPod to PC Transfer is a sound of blessing for frustrated Apple's iTune users who can't copy ...
Search Query points:10 ZIPWORX OUTLOOK COMPANION 2.1 Using ZipWORX Outlook Companion v2.1 and sending email attachments with Outlook allows users to compress their email attachments and minimize bandwidth encrypt email attachments and secure your transfer The intended audience for ZipWORX Outlook Companion v2.1 are users of Microsoft ...
Search Query points:10 AD ANNIHILATOR 2.1 Intelligent banner, popup and cookie blocker with offline browsing capabilities: -Rids you from annoying advertisements and pop-up windows found on the web; -Protects your privacy while you surf the web; -Spares your online time, bandwidth and money; ...
Search Query points:10 ZIPWORX EXPLORER WIZARD 2.1 ZipWorx Explorer Wizard v2.1 is a Free Add-On of ZipWorx Explorer version 2.0 and up Using this Wizard you can Zip/UnZIP Files with ease, plus get features like - Ability to Monitor, Record and LOG current Wizard Operation. - Create/Update ...
Search Query points:10 TURBOVB MINI APPS 2.1 TurboVB Mini Apps is a set of four tools for programming. The Component Registering Tool allows you to quickly and easily register and unregister components from explorers right click menu. VB Image Extractor extracts the graphics that are stored ...
Search Query points:10 SOLIDCAPTURE 2.1 With a single hot key, easily capture anything on the screen and send the screenshot to the clipboard, a file, or your favorite image editing application in the format of your choice. Screen capture modes: Full Screen, Window (multiple windows), ...
Search Query points:10 REBOOT BUDDY 2.1 Reboot Buddy 2.1 automatically reboots the PC at the set time or on command. The application allows users to set multiple reboot times or reboot on Command, Reboot Buddy 2.1 allows user to Reboot, Logoff, Shutdown, Lock workstation and also ...
Search Query points:10 LORD OF SEARCH 2.1 Lord of Search is a media search tool . It can find almost any MP3, WAV, MPEG, AVI, WMA, DiVx, EXE files you want. Lord of Search not only search from Gnutella network that connects to LimeWire, Morpheus, ...
Search Query points:10 REAJPEG - CONVERT TO JPG 2.1 ReaJPEG is our popular image converter, allowing you to convert images from most commonly used graphic formats to JPEG. You can convert you images to JPEG either one by one or all at once as a batch job. ...
Search Query points:10 E-PDF CONVERTER AND CREATOR PRINTER 2.1 e-PDF Converter and Creator Printer is a PDF printer driver that can be used to create high-quality and searchable PDF files from any Windows application. e-PDF Converter and Creator Printer installs itself as a virtual Printer. This enables any Windows ...
Search Query points:10 CRYPTIC DISK 2.1.6 Cryptic Disk 2.1 provides a simple and affordable way to protect disks and disk partitions by encrypting them. The encrypted data cannot be accessed without entering the password, even if a hacker gets access to a PC or the hard ...
Search Query points:10 REATIFF - CONVERT TO TIF 2.1 ReaTIFF is our popular image converter, allowing you to convert images from most commonly used graphic formats to TIFF. You can convert you images to TIFF either one by one or all at once as a batch job. ...
Search Query points:10 COVER ME 2.1 Cover Me is a tool to print, scan, edit and search Covers of any kind, e.g. CD, DVD, Video, MC-Tape, LS, VCD, etc. The integrated web browser provides you furthermore a free web portal with cover related information. You can ...
Search Query points:10 ABVIEW 2.1 ABView - the fastest, most powerful, and easy-to-use video, audio and image viewer available for Windows! A simple, effective, multi-format viewer add-on for any standard window or dialog (wherever there is list of files, for example: Windows Explorer, File Open ...
Search Query points:10 MAGIC TRANSFER 2.1 Magic Transfer is the easiest solution for synchronizing settings and information on several PCs that you use constantly! Many people use two or more PCs - on work, at home, on a trip or at friends' place! If all of ...
Search Query points:10 DELICIOUS ADDRESS BOOK 2.1 Failed to find your best friend's phone number? Lost your partner's email? Tired of searching the bulky address book on your table? Try Delicious Address Book ! It's a program with user-friendly interface that will help you to start ...
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