Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 7392 funded different Tidy Up software programs. You can simply download any of Tidy Up soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:45 LBE CONTACT TIDY UP FOR MS OUTLOOK 3.0 Tidy up Contact names - Remove any accidental double-spaces. Capitalizie the first letter of each word in name and address fields. Stop fax numbers appearing as email addresses by prefixing them with e.g. "Fax:" ...
Search Query points:40 TIDY START MENU 3.00 Are you tired of searching for programs in a long "Start Menu" list? If so, this program is for you. It allows you to arrange all the shortcuts in the Start Menu. Your Start Menu looks neat, and you can ...
Search Query points:40 TIDY START MENU 3.2 Are you tired of searching for programs in a long "Start Menu" list? If so, this program is for you. It allows you to arrange all the shortcuts in the Start Menu. Your Start Menu looks neat, and you can ...
Search Query points:40 TIDY START MENU 2.3 If you feel tired of searching for programs in the long "Start Menu" list, then this program is for you. It allows to arrange all shortcuts in the Start Menu. As a result, the menu looks neat, and you ...
Search Query points:25 MINDSOFT REGISTRY CLEANER 2.0 Keeping a clean desktop might be an easy chore, but the heart of your computer is in the system Registry. With programs, installations, and all Windows activities writing to your registry, it's easy to understand why it's filled with errors, ...
Search Query points:15 UNIVERSAL FILE SPLITTER & MERGER 1.1 Universal File Splitter & Merger is a powerful, friendly and easy tool that helps you to split and merge any kind of files. You can then send, store, record, carry, upload, view, or play them. Features: * splitting/merging very ...
Search Query points:15 NETWORK ASSET TRACKER 2.2.1 Network Asset Tracker allows you to make up a network inventory without installation of software on the user's PCs. This program allows you to get quick and complete information about operational systems, service packs, hotfixes, hardware, installed software and running ...
Search Query points:15 TURBO EMAIL ANSWER & AUTORESPONDER 2.0.1 Speeds up interactive email answering by smart text templates and also enables selective auto-responding and forwarding. Shifts answered emails to pre-defined folders. Puts reusable reply text snippets at your fingertips. Windows-wide hotkey access. Integrates with MS Outlook, Outlook Express, MAPI ...
Search Query points:15 SECURE REMINDER 4.6 Reminder software, that offers you an easy way to organize important information dates and events. Lets you create sticky notes and reminders. Reminds about important date and events using various alarm actions (repeating alarm; pop up or flash reminder; run ...
Search Query points:15 GROUPMAN 1.0 GroupMAN (Group Manager) functions as a list-server program and makes it easy to create and manage both announcement mailing lists and interactive discussions on your Windows PC. GroupMAN is unique because it's designed to work from your personal electronic- mail ...
Search Query points:15 DISKEEPER HOME EDITION 9.0 Your Computer Is Incomplete Without Diskeeper. Automatic defragmentation is the only way to keep your computer running fast. Manual defragmenters can't keep up and are incomplete. Diskeeper is one of the fastest and most recommended automatic defragmenters ever built. Install ...
Search Query points:15 NOTESPLUSPLUS 4.1 Sticky notes software that offers you an easy way to keep all information you have to remember on the desktop and manage your time in a more efficient way. This is a great tool to organize information, make to-do ...
Search Query points:15 WINRESCUE 2000 2.08.24 Four Tools in One: Crash Fixer, RegPack, File Backup, and Troubleshooter. Don't spend hours reinstalling Windows 2000, restore in minutes with WinRescue 2000. Defrag the Registry with RegPack. Back up files, directories, and types of files. Fix problems with the ...
Search Query points:15 MSDE MANAGER 4.01 Manage MSDE/SQL databases via an intuitive graphical interface and do all of the common operations that a typical deployment of MSDE/SQL would entail and much more besides. Add, edit and delete Databases, Tables, Views, Users, Rules, SP's & ...
Search Query points:15 UFO WATCHER 3.0 This is the perfect computer program for UFO Watchers. This program lets you record detailed information about each sighting, such as: DATE OF SIGHTING, TIME, SIGHTING DETAILEDLOCATION, DETAILS OF THE SIGHTING, NAMES, EMAILS, NOTES, COMMENTS, and much more. Plus you ...
Search Query points:15 ROBOTASK 2.5 RoboTask allows you to automate any combination of tasks on your computer, ranging from simply launching applications, to checking email, moving or backing up files to uploading/downloading, sending email and much more. The program allows you to easily create simple ...
Search Query points:15 DYNASOFT CYBERCAFE SURFSHOP PRO 5.01 Fully skin-configurable, Cybercafe SurfShop Pro is the latest generation of cybercafe software that offers an intuitive interface and powerful security, centralised management and reporting features. Get your Internet, games or cyber cafe up and running in minutes with continental Europe's ...
Search Query points:15 I-FLASH MARKET ALERT SOFTWARE 1.10.1001 LLC exists to provide you and every individual investors with the BIG PICTURE by exposing them to accurate reliable pattern recognition, technical and fundamental analysis trading methodologies, via the Publication Network.Our sole purpose has been, is, and will ...
Search Query points:15 WEBCAM DASHBOARD 2.0 Watch up to 24 webcams simultaneously! Save any new pictures! Click on a webcam's thumbnail to view it full size! Even use a webcam as your screensaver! ...
Search Query points:15 CRYPTOEXPERT EXPRESS 2.1 CryptoExpert Express is easy to use on the fly encryption software with user friendly interface. Uses strong AES encryption to protect important files and has ability to create large encrypted volumes up to 10Gb ...
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