Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 8638 funded different third party controls for charting programs. You can simply download any of third party controls for charting soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 ZAPASPAM FOR OUTLOOK EXPRESS W/PARENTAL CONTROLS 2.0 ZAPaSPAM for Outlook Express wiht parental controls. Completely eliminates unwanted e-mails. ZAPaSPAM is powerful and accurate. By using this software, we guarantee that you will only receive e-mail messages from individuals who you authorized. ZAPaSPAM is software and not a ...
Search Query points:50 PARTY POKER 1.8.1 Party Poker Sign up Bonus Code: uUse "PLAY25" - Get $25 bonus immediately. You can also choose bonus code of 20% up to $100 Extra on First Deposit - use "PLAY20NOW". Both Party Poker sign up bonus codes are ...
Search Query points:50 ZAPASPAM FOR OUTLOOK WITH PARENTAL CONTROLS 2.0 ZAPaSPAM for Outlook with Parental Controls. Completely eliminates unwanted e-mails. ZAPaSPAM is powerful and accurate. By using this software, we guarantee that you will only receive e-mail messages from individuals who you authorized. ZAPaSPAM is software and not a service. ...
Search Query points:50 COMBOPRO ACTIVEX CONTROLS SUITE Key Features: 1. Ideal tools for picking Picture, Color, Font name, GDI pen and brush. 2. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information. 3. Item type can be General, Default, Browse and ...
Search Query points:50 TOOLBAR CONTROLS .NET FOR MICROSOFT OFFICE 1.0 This component allows developers to add any visual .NET controls onto Microsoft Office applications' toolbars at design-time. You can create feature-rich toolbars of Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint. Supports Visual Basic .NET, C#, C++ .NET, J# in Visual Studio 2003 and ...
Search Query points:50 PARTY POKER DEPOSIT BONUS CODE - 50VIP 1.8.1 Party Poker Deposit Bonus Code: use "50VIP" - Get $50 bonus immediately. You can also choose bonus code of 120% up to $200 Extra on first deposit - Use "MORE20NOW". Both Party Poker Bonus Codes are for real money ...
Search Query points:50 SAM PARTY DJ 3.3.2 SAM Party DJ is a fully featured, professional DJ system designed to meet the needs of even the most demanding DJs! If you are serious about your music - then SAM Party DJ is for you! Features Dual decks, Crossfading, ...
Search Query points:50 PARTY POKER BONUS CODE - IWANT25 1.8.1 Party Poker Bonus Code: Use "IWANT25" - Get $25 bonus immediately. You can also choose Bonus code of 20% up to $100 Extra on First Deposit - Use "IWANT100". Both Party Poker Bonus Codes are for real money deposit, ...
Search Query points:50 PARTY GAMMON 1.1.6 Download Party Gammon and join the leading online backgammon room in the world and a special 20% Bonus up to $100. PartyGammon offer great variety of backgammon games for very reasonable rake. Play PartyGammon and enjoy gammon games and tournaments ...
Search Query points:50 PARTY POKER - REAL MONEY POKER W/ BONUS 2.6.1 Download Party Poker free and join the leading online poker room in the world. Download PartyPoker for the greatest selection of games and limits: Texas Hold'em, Omaha, 7 Card Stud. Now over 17 million players. Play Party Poker and enjoy ...
Search Query points:40 RAIZEX 3RD PARTY COMPONENTS 3.1 RaizeX 3rd Party Components. TRzxShellTreeChk - Explorer-like tree view of the namespace, with checkboxes. Use SelectedNames:TStringList property to get list of selected (checked) filenames. TRzxTransparentGroupBar - Transparent version of TRzGroupBar. TRzxTransparentPageControl - Transparent version of TRzPageControl. You need Raize Components ...
Search Query points:40 PARTY POKER 2006 - PREMIUM EDITION 1.1 V2006 Hosted by Mike Sexton. You are sure to have fun. This game features real time simulation, simultaneous play and instant message communication with the other "live" people at the table. It's Fun and easy to learn. if ...
Search Query points:30 SHUTDOWN LOCK 1.3 Irritated with the fact that some applications just don't go well together with Window's Hibernate or Suspend features? The easiest way to fix the problem is to get Shutdown Lock that can hibernate-enable any application, like FlashGet, or AudioGrabber. ...
Search Query points:30 RED CALL RECORDER 1.0 Would you like to record phone calls ? 'Red Call Recorder 1.0' is the perfect way. When accepting a call, this program will immediately recognize the caller, than just click the button and start recording. You can pause, or continue ...
Search Query points:30 MASTERCHART 1.2 Easy to use .NET charting controls for ASP.NET and Windows Forms applications. The package includes Graph, Line, Area, Bar and Pie Chart components. Each of them can be fully customized via the hundreds properties and methods exposed. All controls support ...
Search Query points:30 PDF EXTRACT TIFF 1.5 It supports LZW,RunLength,CCITTFax,DCT,Flate decompress technology. High speed processing Convert PDF files to TIFF files and JPG files on the fly Supports PDF1.4 protocol (formerly only supported by Acrobat5.0) Keep original compress method in generated TIFF images Supports command line operation ...
Search Query points:30 PGUARD - PRIVACY PROTECTION TOOL 1.2 PGuard is a easy-to-use tool for protecting information about your activity on Internet and on your personal computer. PGuard deletes all activity tracks of internet browsers, Microsoft Windows and other software on your PC. PGuard deletes all activity ...
Search Query points:30 PHP PROCESSOR PHP Processor is designed to help you protect your intellectual property when distributing PHP source files. The other use for PHP Processor is to optimize PHP source code and considerably decrease size of your source code files. PHP Processor provides ...
Search Query points:30 UNIVERSAL FILE SPLITTER & MERGER 1.1 Universal File Splitter & Merger is a powerful, friendly and easy tool that helps you to split and merge any kind of files. You can then send, store, record, carry, upload, view, or play them. Features: * splitting/merging very ...
Search Query points:30 DCIPHERMAIL 1.0 dCipherMAILallows seamless and secure communication within and enterprise and with end customers without compromising ease of use. The product employs Industry standard public/private key Infrastructure for key exchange and management and asymmetric key encryption/decryption using US military grade AES encryption ...
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