Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 44 funded different Themida [] programs. You can simply download any of Themida [] soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 THEMIDA 1.007 Powerful Windows Software Protector. Designed for software developers who wish to protect their applications against advanced reverse engineering and software cracking. SecureEngine® is an innovating and revolutionary technology for protecting Microsoft Windows applications against modern cracking. Its architecture and design ...
Search Query points:25 COMODO BACKUP Comodo BackUp - Automatic file backup and recovery for Windows XP / 2000 Comodo BackUp is the straightforward and powerful utility that allows users to quickly and easily create backup copies of critical files. Free of charge, its features ...
Search Query points:25 COMODO ANTIVIRUS Comodo AntiVirus ? Eliminates all known viruses, worms and trojans from desktops and networks. Comodo AntiVirus - Eliminates all known viruses, worms and trojans from Windows computers. Features on-demand & on-access scanning, email scanning, process monitoring, worm blocker, scan scheduling ...
Search Query points:25 FREEWARE .NET OBFUSCATOR SKATER LIGHT 1.00.0 Freeware .NET Obfuscator Skater Light Edition is an obfuscation tool for .NET code protection. Prohibits reverse engineering;Obfuscated application usually is not recompilable;Protects any .NET app, executable or assembly;Encrypts string constants;Compatible with any .NET framework (1.0, 1.1, and 2.0);Control flow obfuscation ...
Search Query points:25 COMPUTEREXPERT 2005 ComputerExpert 2005 is a Online Immediate Q/A software committed to offering computer help and tutorials. whether you are novice or veteran, while using computer you will meet all kinds of questions such as - Why my computer crashed for no ...
Search Query points:25 GOWITHME If there is no bundled launchpad tool in your USB disk or USB hard disk, or the bundled tool is not quite handy, then you should try GoWithMe. GoWithMe integrates all desired features of USB drive user, which including launchpad, ...
Search Query points:25 AXSELLIT CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS SUITE 1.000 Is anyone watching your computer activity right now? You may choose to ignore this, but for just around $100 anyone may monitor the following activities on your computer: A full snapshot of your screen every three to five ...
Search Query points:25 LOGICIEL INSTALLATEUR The software INSTALLATEUR can be launched on any network computer provided that the PC is on Windows XP or Windows 2000. In fact, even if you have no access to the domain server, you can install your security patches or ...
Search Query points:25 VIDEO EDIT GURU Video Edit Guru is a 3 in 1 program that consists of three types of video editing programs which are video converter, video decompiler and video cutter & splitter. Each of which has its own function that makes those who ...
Search Query points:25 TICK TRACER Tick Tracer is a tool to trace and monitor user activities on keyboard which can be recorded and analyzed, also you can do shortcuts for opening files, pasting text and other system operations by typing a shortcut name anywhere on ...
Search Query points:10 PLC TRAINING - RSLOGIX SIMULATOR 3.0 The NEW PLCTrainer version 3 uses RSLogix ladder logic look and feel and now includes analog instruction, an area that has been overlooked by most PLC training materials. Order now and receive a second CD free LogixPro, an RSLogix logic ...
Search Query points:10 BRAND WORLDS TOOLS 1.0 Make Web and Flash Animations, animated Avatars from 3D Models. With just a few mouse clicks you can dress up avatars, create faces, choose expressions and motions. Compose environments from 3D items, lights and camera, select output formats for graphics ...
Search Query points:10 RRS UNIT CONVERTER 3.0 RR's Unit Converter is an useful tool for any kind of simple or compound unit conversions, using double precision 64-bit format values and operations, with build in dictionary for over 1000 units. Scientist, engineers, students or anyone involved in scientific, ...
Search Query points:10 ASTRONOID.NET 1.2.0 The player is in the front seat in an armed space ship going faster than 1000 mph. Patrolling obscure canyons or open asteroid terrain, he confronts obstacles and opponents throughout galactic races in real-time 3-D action. The game's progression ...
Search Query points:10 EAZFIX PRO 7.2.1 EAZFIX is an instant system recovery software. It gives you the power to undo PC problems. EAZFIX has been provided with snapshot technology, which can help you to recover computers from system crash. It supports up to 1000 snapshots. EAZFIX ...
Search Query points:10 3C POKER PLUS 5.1 Software includes most popular poker variants: Texas Holdem, Omaha, Draw Poker. You may choose your favorite holdem betting structure: Limit, Pot Limit or No Limit. In Limit Holdem amount that can be bet is set. No Limit Texas Holdem is ...
Search Query points:10 LIVE TV PLAYER 2.1 Live TV Player allows you to view, in a in a geographically organized way, 1000+ live TV shows and listen to online radio stations from 100+ countries on your PC. There is no need for TV card and other hardware ...
Search Query points:10 OPT-IN EMAIL LIST DOWNLOAD MANAGER 1.0 Instantly reach out to Millions of people - just imagine, if only 1 in 1000 people follow up on your offer, that's tousends of new customers!! You need to download the Software " Opt-In Email List Download 1.0 " This ...
Search Query points:10 IMAGE COMPRESSOR 5 LITE EDITION 5.1 Image Compressor 5 is a software to compress your JPEG - digital photo file with barely noticeable quality loss. It also provides image resizing and rotating tools mostly used by digital photography users. All can be done in batch mode. ...
Search Query points:10 AHSAY OFFSITE BACKUP SERVER AhsayOBS is a popular online backup software chosen by over 1000 ASPs worldwide with a total of over 400,000 licenses sold. It is brandable and supports Exchange Server (both full backup and single mail-level backup), SQL Server, Oracle, Lotus Notes, ...
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