Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 14569 funded different the lock xp 5.04 programs. You can simply download any of the lock xp 5.04 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:55 INTERNET LOCK 5.0 Internet Lock is an access control and password protection software for your Internet programs, it can deny or password protect any program and connection from accessing the Internet. Internet Lock works with the "Rules" mode: you can add one or ...
Search Query points:55 1ST SCREEN LOCK 6.52 1st Screen Lock is a password-protected desktop security utility that lets you lock your desktop with a password on boot, or at the time you are leaving your PC. You can use the built-in spy utility that works in background ...
Search Query points:55 HIDE FOLDER HIBIT LOCK 2 (1)-Protect any folder or file by : Hide, Lock, Encrypt or make a folder as a recycle Bin. (2)-The protected folders or files still protected even in other computers. (3)-The protect Operation just take 1 second at any computer. (4)-You ...
Search Query points:55 1ST SCREEN LOCK - 1st Screen Lock is a password-protected desktop security utility that lets you lock your desktop with a password on boot, or at the time you are leaving your PC. You can use the built-in spy utility that works in background ...
Search Query points:55 ACCESS LOCK - Access Lock is a system-tray security utility, which enables you to lock your PC with a password by two methods. The first one hides your desktop and shows a screen saver while the second one does not hide it allowing ...
Search Query points:55 1 CLICK & LOCK 2.91 1Click & Lock up is a system tray security utility you can use to secure your desktop when you step away from your PC. It's secure and very easy-to-use. Just define a password, and select Lock to hide and deny ...
Search Query points:55 LOCK MY PC 4.2 According to IT specialists reports, the majority of electronic data theft crimes happen due to improper protection of computer systems from the inside. Co-workers and even our spouses can easily recover any bit of information simply by looking at the ...
Search Query points:55 LOCK MY COMPUTER 3.62 Desktop security solution for personal or publicly accessible computers. It disallows unauthorized changes to various settings of the Windows system, such as Control Panel, Desktop, Local Security Policies, Outlook Express account settings, etc. Disable access to local hard disks, Floppy, ...
Search Query points:55 FILE LOCK 7.1 File Lock is a secure software that can lock and/or hide your files, folders and drives. It can prevent access to any of your files, folders or drives. File Lock also supports to hide files and folders, to make them ...
Search Query points:55 SHUTDOWN LOCK 1.3 Irritated with the fact that some applications just don't go well together with Window's Hibernate or Suspend features? The easiest way to fix the problem is to get Shutdown Lock that can hibernate-enable any application, like FlashGet, or AudioGrabber. ...
Search Query points:55 LOCK FOLDER XP 3.4 Lock Folder XP is a new security tool that lets you lock your files, folders and drives with your personal password. The program uses advanced encryption algorithm approved by the US Government. The program protects your sensitive data ...
Search Query points:55 FOLDER LOCK 5.6.3 Folder Lock lets you lock, hide or encrypt confidential files, folders, pictures, documents or any type of files from other users of your computer. It takes seconds to lock, even with Terabytes of data. It can also be used to ...
Search Query points:55 DESKTOP LOCK 7.1 Desktop Lock is a computer security protection and access control software product, you can use it to lock computer to prevent people from accessing your private documents and resources. When the computer being locked by Desktop Lock, none can access ...
Search Query points:55 THE LOCK XP 5.04.0620 Provides user access, Internet and system security for any computer running Windows 95 to Windows XP (with FUS). All user security is group based configurable by any members of the Administrators group. User security data is stored locally ...
Search Query points:55 INTERNET PASSWORD LOCK 1.0.0 Internet Password Lock is a software program for Windows 2000/XP/NT computers (does not work on Windows 95/98/Me) that allows you to password protect all access to the Internet. This includes Web surfing, Instant Messaging, and email. Parents can use Internet ...
Search Query points:55 FOLDER LOCK 5.2.1 Folder Lock lets you lock, hide or encrypt confidential files, folders, pictures, documents or any type of files from other users of your computer. It takes seconds to lock, even with Terabytes of data. It can also be used to ...
Search Query points:55 SOFTWARE TIME LOCK 1.0.1 Control at what times the Web, specific programs, and even Windows itself can be used on a particular computer. Also, control how long these functions can be used in the course of a day. 1) Set blocks of time ...
Search Query points:55 4S LOCK 1.07 4S Lock 1.07 enables you to lock your workstation at any time by simple double click on system tray icon. Transparent lock is available. 4S Lock also provides startup/logon computer lockdown. During computer startup 4S Lock seamlessly replaces standard windows ...
Search Query points:55 EXTREMELY SIMPLE DESKTOP LOCK 1.0 It locks the computer protecting it with a password. It has only a few options. You can choose to make the screen black while it is in lock mode. This software is made specially to be simple and effective. ...
Search Query points:55 MINOS LOCK 1.62 Minos Lock is a highly performed files security software that can hide or encrypt any number of files, folders and documents in seconds. Folders and files are protected with a password when you login the ABC Lock program. Protected files ...
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