Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 39 funded different symbian expense programs. You can simply download any of symbian expense soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 CAR EXPENSE TRACKER (SYMBIAN SERIES 60) 1.0 CarTracker helps you keep track of your car expenses, consumable changes, fuel usage and other usefull information. With a very user friendly and easy to use interface, this software is guaranteed to become one of your favourites. Registering If you ...
Search Query points:40 CAR EXPENSE TRACKER 1.0 Keep track of your car consumables, costs, fuel and much more, with this new software product from eXs Studios. Car Expense Tracker, is an easy to use, full featured software, that will allow you to keep track of all ...
Search Query points:40 WEATHERGUIDE (SYMBIAN SERIES 60) 1.0 WeatherGuide for Symbian Series 60 phones, offers you current and 5-day weather forecast for almost any city in the world. If your city is not in the list of supported cities, you can email us and we will add it ...
Search Query points:40 EASY EXPENSE TRACKER 1.3 Easily track financial transactions for business and or personal use. Track tax deductible transactions. Unlimited user defined categories and sub-categories. Choose from several pre-defined reports or create your own. Analyze your data with ease. View and print charts. Easy to ...
Search Query points:40 MOBILE EXCHANGE RATE (SYMBIAN SERIES 60) 1.0 Quickly access live foreign currency exchange rates, for the most popular currencies. Mobile Exchange Rate, allows you to quickly view the official exchange rate on your mobile phone, and update through a mobile internet connection. Features : - ...
Search Query points:40 OXYGEN PHONE MANAGER FOR SYMBIAN PHONES 2.8 Oxygen Phone Manager II for Symbian OS phones lets your PC and mobile phone with Symbian OS communicate with each other. The program allows you to work with Phonebook, Calendar, To-Do List, Profiles, Log records, Images, Melodies and Messages. OPMS ...
Search Query points:40 OXYGEN PHONE MANAGER FOR SYMBIAN PHONES 2.12 Oxygen Phone Manager II for Symbian OS phones lets your PC and mobile phone with Symbian OS communicate with each other. The program allows you to work with Phonebook, Calendar, To-Do List, Profiles, Log records, Applications and Games, Images, Melodies ...
Search Query points:10 THE PASTOR'S STUDY 5.0 The Pastor's Study program produced by RCL Software was designed to help a pastor keep track of the many sermons he delivers and to help in the initial design. Add unlimited additional Bible references for each sermon. The sermon subjects ...
Search Query points:10 ACTUAL PERSONAL BUDGET - LITE 1.2 How to see and control where my money is going? What is the expense item that takes most money? Active Personal Budget makes it simple to see where your money is going by automatically flowing together all your income/expense items ...
Search Query points:10 PROJECTFORUM 4.5.0 ProjectForum provides a professional and easy-to-use web-based focus for your team's work and collaboration, helping to move documents and projects forward fast. Its flexible wiki-style forums fill the gap between the scattered flurry of email and the time and ...
Search Query points:10 OUTLOOK CONNECTOR FOR MDAEMON 2.1.2 Outlook Connector for MDaemon unlocks the collaborative functions of Microsoft Outlook using MDaemon as the mail server platform. Outlook users can share Calendar, Tasks, Contacts, Notes, and Journal folders without the expense or expertise required by Microsoft Exchange Server. ...
Search Query points:10 AMF DAILY PLANNER AND PIM 10.0 The super sleek, fully networkable, Internet-enabled PIM is finally here! AMF Daily Planner & PIM 10.0 schedules, organizes tasks, orders your address book and contacts, manages due dates, expenses, and email, and keeps you totally organized! AMF ...
Search Query points:10 EXCELEVERYWHERE FOR HTML 3.3.4 Calculate on the WEB. Create WEB form that looks and functions the same as your MS Excel spreadsheet. Solve your problem using Excel and convert it to HTML with JavaScript. No programming. Makes interactive calculating webpages feasible. Easy updating. Supports ...
Search Query points:10 MY BUDGET KEEPER 1.1 Earning money and having it is not the same! Careless spending and lack of budgeting skills plague millions of families worldwide. My Budget Keeper will help you budget and track all your expenses in order to put you ...
Search Query points:10 PLC TRAINING - RSLOGIX SIMULATOR 3.0 The NEW PLCTrainer version 3 uses RSLogix ladder logic look and feel and now includes analog instruction, an area that has been overlooked by most PLC training materials. Order now and receive a second CD free LogixPro, an RSLogix logic ...
Search Query points:10 SERVICE DESKTOP PRO 2.0 Service Desktop Pro is an integrated Business and Personal Information Management Software. Basically aimed at IT Service Providers, Freelancers, Consultants, Web Developers and Software Developers, this tool can be extremely useful for all types of business managers for managing their ...
Search Query points:10 HOME ACCOUNTING UDF 1.0 Software for keeping home budget, it does not require you to know even accounting basics. As easy to keep home budget and work with the program as possible. Month and year balance, the correlation between actual and planned income (expenses), ...
Search Query points:10 HANDWALLET 4.11 Balance your account, plan your budget, track expense and income and avoid over-draft. Control your credit cards, bank accounts and cash transactions. Multi currency, multi language, PDA's and smart phone support. Graphic analyses of all aspects of the ...
Search Query points:10 ENERGY DIARY 1.00 Change your mind, Change your body, Change your life. Main goal of Energy Diary is a logging food and activities during day. Program contains database of 7146 foods with nutrition data for each food. Program also contains database of 603 ...
Search Query points:10 SPREADSHEETCONVERTER TO HTML/JAVASCRIPT 3.5.3 Calculate on the WEB. Convert MS Excel spreadsheet into good-looking calculating web page. No plugins. Solve your problem using Excel and convert it to HTML with JavaScript. No programming. Makes interactive calculating webpages feasible. Easy updating. Supports 190 Excel-functions. Use ...
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