Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1547 funded different sybase mouse over programs. You can simply download any of sybase mouse over soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 MACRO KEYBOARD MOUSE RECORDER WIZARD 2.1 Macro Wizard Keyboard Mouse Recorder 2.1 lets you record and play back keyboard and mouse actions. Also has Hot Keys that enable you to Run Marcos, Run Applications, Send a string a text, Send Key Strokes too. - by: ...
Search Query points:40 MOUSE WHEEL CONTROL 2.0 Mouse Wheel Control enhances the features of the mouse wheel. With it, you can use the mouse wheel everywhere, change its functionality or extend its use. There are a lot of programs where the mouse wheel is not used or ...
Search Query points:40 VISOCO BDP.NET FOR SYBASE ASE 1.0 VISOCO BDP.NET for Sybase ASE is a BDP.NET provider that allows a developer to get direct access to Sybase ASE from applications based on Borland Delphi and C# Builder. It provides a high performance data-access architecture, easy installation and distribution, ...
Search Query points:40 ALTOOLS LUNAR ZODIAC MOUSE WALLPAPER 2005 The Mouse is the 1st animal in the Chinese Zodiac. If you were born in 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, or 1996 then your Chinese Zodiac sign is the Mouse and this ALTools Lunar Zodiac Mouse wallpaper is for you. ...
Search Query points:40 MACRO MOUSE KEYBOARD WIZARD 4.1 Macro Wizard Keyboard Mouse Recorder 2.1 lets you record and play back keyboard and mouse actions. Also has Hot Keys that enable you to Run Marcos, Run Applications, Send a string a text, Send Key Strokes too. . - by: ...
Search Query points:40 AMBIDEXTER MOUSE 1.2 "Ambidexter Mouse" is a utility that can let you mousing in both hands very conveniently. Mousing ambidextrously can effectively release pains that called as RSI(Repetitive Strain Injuries). If you are a lefy, it will also make the convenience for you. ...
Search Query points:40 SQL BALANCE FOR SYBASE 1.1.0 Database Administrators rejoice! Now you don't have to compare and synchronize databases run by Sybase manually. SQLBalance compares the structure of two databases line by line, object by object, and highlights the differences! It shows full information ...
Search Query points:40 VISOCO DBEXPRESS DRIVER FOR SYBASE ASE 2.0 VISOCO dbExpress driver for Sybase ASE provides direct access to Sybase ASE and allows you to avoid Borland Database Engine (BDE), ODBC, ADO. Key features: High-performance; Native access; Easy installation and distribution; Minimized driver size and use of system resources; ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED KEY AND MOUSE RECORDER 2.1.4 Advanced Key and Mouse Recorder is designed to record and replay the keyboard and mouse activities for automating the plodding and repetitive tasks. You may utilize it to record and save mouse movements, mouse clicks, and keyboard keystrokes in any ...
Search Query points:20 IEBMAKER 1.2 IEBMaker lets you customize and build an Internet Explorer bar tailored to your company's needs. The software generates a small executable file that you can distribute to your customers. With this executable, your customers can install or uninstall your IE ...
Search Query points:20 HOTKEYMANAGER 1.0 HotKey Manager is a Windows application for shortcuts creation and customisation. HotKey Manager assumes all your repetitive work on the computer. With the help of this program you can greatly speed up your rate of work. Pressing hot keys you ...
Search Query points:20 SV BOOKMARK 2.7 SV Bookmark is a visual bookmark manager that allows you to associate screenshots of a web site with each entry. Hovering your mouse over an entry displays a small popup screenshot of the site, making it easy to remember the ...
Search Query points:20 VERIFICATION ENGINE 2.1.0 VerificationEngine (VE) is an innovative, free multi-browser anti-phishing and identity assurance tool to help consumers achieve a new level of online transactional security two ways. First, VE helps consumers differentiate between ?good? business-verified gold padlocks from ?bad? ...
Search Query points:20 INSTANT REMOTE CONTROL 2.2.9 Powerful network administrative tool-enables total control of PCs on your network instantly without having to install any software on remote PCs-valuable tool for system administrators/IT Managers to view/access employee PCs over corporate LANs-no need for multiple licenses-requires to be installed ...
Search Query points:20 FINEBROWSER 3.2.25 FineBrowser allows you to view multiple web pages in a single browser window. It includes features for annoying popup blocking and clearing any trace of web surfing. The Quick Groups Manager allows you to create lists of most frequently used ...
Search Query points:20 ADSCLEANER 4.3.20 AdsCleaner a perfect ad stopper and pop up blocker. Block ads and clear all tracks of your online activities. In addition to the possibility of blocking ads by URL-masks included into black list AdsCleaner has obtained the ability to block ...
Search Query points:20 INETADVISER 4.5.12 iNetAdviser is an IE based multi-window browser with integrated bookmark management that personalizes surfing based on your browsing history and existing bookmarks. It includes features for ads and popup blocking and clearing any trace of web surfing web page and ...
Search Query points:20 FINEBROWSER FREEWARE 3.2.24 FineBrowser allows you to view multiple web pages in a single browser window. It includes features for annoying popup blocking and clearing any trace of web surfing. The Quick Groups Manager allows you to create lists of most frequently used ...
Search Query points:20 SV BOOKMARK 2.4 SV Bookmark is a visual bookmark manager that allows you to associate screenshots of a web site with each entry. Hovering your mouse over an entry displays a small popup screenshot of the site, making it easy to remember the ...
Search Query points:20 BUZZZREMINDER 1.01 buzZzReminder is a simple and effective application, which helps you to easily maintain tasks and appointments on your computer. It combined to do list, calendar and reminder. Intuitive interface lets you manage tasks list in a few clicks of mouse. ...
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