Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 30 funded different Surprise programs. You can simply download any of Surprise .com soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 FREE TURKEY'S SURPRISE 11.23 Anecdote!Have you ever seen a wish paper coming out from a turkey? ...
Search Query points:10 A1 JUMMFA CDRIPPER AND CONVERTER 5.0 A1 Jummfa CDRipper and Converter is a lightweight, and fast program for digitally extracting audio from CD-ROMs, written for 32/64 bit Windows platforms (95/98/NT/ 2000/XP/2003/Vista). If the CD-ROM unit on your computer supports Digital Audio Extraction and has an ASPI ...
Search Query points:10 A1 JUMMFA DVD CONVERTER AND SLIM DVD 5.0 A1 Jummfa DVD Converter and Slim DVD allows you to convert DVD to VCD2.0/SVCD1.0/AVI/DIVX/XVID/MPEG1/ MPEG2 in one step (Including multiplexing, splitting). It produces good quality movies in AVI/MPEG1/2 format and you don't need to have 5Gb free on your hard ...
Search Query points:10 A1 JUMMFA CDRIPPER 5.0 A1 Jummfa CD-Ripper is a lightweight, and fast program for digitally extracting audio from CD-ROMs, written for 32/64 bit Windows platforms (95/98/NT/ 2000/XP/2003/Vista). If the CD-ROM unit on your computer supports Digital Audio Extraction and has an ASPI manager installed, ...
Search Query points:10 PHOTO TO SKETCH PRO 3.51 Convert photos to sketchs,very easy. To figure a sketch for your friend !! You can convert your photo to: Pen sketch; Pencil sketch; Pastel sketch; Brush sketch; It's free. Surprise your friends by giving them a ...
Search Query points:10 RECORD AND EDIT ANYTHING INTO MP3 2.6 It can record online radio, CD music, music played by Media Player, RealPlayer, Winamp, video sound, game sound, meetings, chats over microphone, even telephone, generally - almost any sound! It also offers exciting features like: One-click-recording that enables you to ...
Search Query points:10 A1 JUMMFA DVDCUTTER AND MERGER 5.0 You can split DVD(VOB) moives musics or join any segments of them into a big one without any quality loss! Yes, we are so sure what we are saying - without any quality loss, becuase it's(or they're) still .vob file(s) ...
Search Query points:10 A1 JUMMFA MP3RECORDER 2.6 A1 Jummfa Mp3Recorder can record online radio, CD music, music played by Media Player, RealPlayer, Winamp, video sound, game sound, meetings, chats over microphone, even telephone, generally - almost any sound! It also offers exciting features like: One-click-recording that enables ...
Search Query points:10 ALTOOLS ST. VALENTINE'S DAY WALLPAPER SERIES-11 Valentine's Day is time for love, hugs, kisses, candy, kisses, chocolate, more kisses and all that good stuff! Decorate your PC desktop with ALTools desktop wallpapers to help put you in a romantic mood for your sweetie. Or put them ...
Search Query points:10 INTRALAUNCH 5.0 As corporate Intranets and the software that builds them become larger and more complex, the required information that employees need to stay productive also become increasingly difficult to access and maintain. IT professionals need to find ways to integrate all ...
Search Query points:10 GO MISSIONRISK 3.02 It is a strategy game for up to 6 players. MissionRisk is based on Risk, the classic military strategy game of world domination. To win, you must launch decisive attacks with aggression, cunning and boldness while defending your borders on ...
Search Query points:10 ARKANOID: SPACE BALL 1.1.1 "Arkanoid: Space Ball" will be a surprise for the amateurs of unusual and picturesque games as Arkanoid and space games. Everybody who wishes to spend time perfectly will take a pleasure in "Arkanoid: Space Ball" too. A futuristic atmosphere, modern ...
Search Query points:10 A1 JUMMFA MP3 OGG SPLITTER JOINER 5.0 A1 Jummfa Mp3 Ogg Splitter Joiner allows you to split, cut, or trim a large MP3/OGG file into smaller pieces or to merge multiple MP3s or OGGs into a single file. Provided with a editbox to show the working progress. ...
Search Query points:10 BELIEVE IN SANTA 1.0 Just before Christmas, Sandy visits her granny and learns that granny's bank loan on her gift shop is due in 10 days! How is she going to make $10,000 in such a short time? With the help of two cheerful ...
Search Query points:10 DVDCUTTER STREAM MP3CDWAV CONVERTER STD 5.0 It is an AV Convertor, Editor, Capturer and Ripper. Make conversion among CD,Mp3,Wav,Ogg,Wma,VCD(dat),MPG,MPEG,DVD(vob),Avi,DivX,xvid,rm,rmvb, ... It is also good at splitting and merging AV files. It can help you cut or split your favourite part or backup whole mpg/dat/vob/mp3/ogg/avi/rm/rmvb/divX/VCD/SVCD/DVD, ... ...
Search Query points:10 GALACTIC BATTLE 1.2 Master a classic turn based strategy game. Fight a war against a galaxy of aliens, build a colony in space, and make your ships fly through the orion nebula. Create an empire of countless planets, explore unknown space, expand your ...
Search Query points:10 WAP UPLOAD 2.0.1 WAP Upload software helps people whose mobile phones do not have IrDA, cable, or Bluetooth interfaces to make their phones special. It allows you to upload games, music, MIDI, MP3, graphics, video and themes to the phone via WAP. Surprise ...
Search Query points:10 PHOTO TO SKETCH 3.1 Convert photo to sketch,input photo from PC Camera,usage is easy. Surprise your friends by giving them a different kind of gift Convert a photograph to excellent sketch. You can dDraw a perfect Water Color. Real time get photo with PC ...
Search Query points:10 MACHINECODE SCREENSAVER 1.0 Surprise your friends and colleagues with this screen saver as images emerge and fade from a screen of seemingly random numbers. Stand further back from your computer and mysteriously the images appear more detailed. Choose your own pictures or logos ...
Search Query points:10 SIMPLY JOURNAL 1.1 Easily search, print, date & time stamp, password protect, & even browse entries. Keep them personal by using richly styled text or by using different colors to reflect your mood when you made an entry. Simply Journal allows ...
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