Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 8262 funded different stop user from rename files programs. You can simply download any of stop user from rename files soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 RENAME FILES MASTER 1.0 Rename Files Master gives you a quick way to rename as many files as you want, thousands of files, in just seconds!Features:Change the file name Change the file extension Auto-Incrementing Pad File Names with Zeros so that the names sort ...
Search Query points:80 RENAME FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Quickly change the name of files. Features include: Change case of files(s) to UPPER CASE, Change case of files(s) to lower case, Change case of files(s) to Proper Case, Change case of files(s) to Sentence case, Add x to beginning ...
Search Query points:60 DVD AUDIO FILES SPLITTER 1.0 DVD Audio Files Splitter is a software designed for dividing an Audio file into smaller files according to the user-specified time intervals. DVD Audio Files Splitter deals with DVD-compliant Audio file formats. Those formats are: AC3, DTS, WAV (PCM), MPA. ...
Search Query points:60 HIDE FILES & FOLDERS - Hide Files & Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:60 TASKTRACKER™ - KEEP YOUR FILES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS™ 1.1 TaskTracker™ takes the Windows® Explorer and turns it inside out. Say goodbye to tedious searches for files in Windows' convoluted file system. Now you can get to the files you want to work with - and open, copy, rename, or ...
Search Query points:60 HIDE FILES & FOLDERS 2.51 Hide Files & Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:60 REPLACE AND RENAME 1.3 Replace and Rename allows you to perform both file renaming AND text replacing in one easy batch file from one "keyword" import file. The software works with files from directories and subdirectories. All you need is to select a directory ...
Search Query points:60 IPOD FILES RESTORATION iPod Files Restoration Software is read only software which recover all type of music files. Software restores all iTunes transfer updated music files and folders. It recovers digital music played on iTunes player by iPod update software. This non-destructive data ...
Search Query points:60 IPOD FILES UNDELETE iPod deleted data undelete software tool is read only and non destructive. Restore reset factory setting and provides graphical user interface which is compatible for the user. Retrieves all types of iPod files like apple m4v, shuffle m4a, mini m4b, ...
Search Query points:60 WINDOWS DATA FILES UNDELETE Windows Undelete data recovery utility is GUI based read only user friendly software which recover all deleted formatted files folders root directory NTFS FAT partition system folders and other lost data. It provides complete restoration of lost deleted missing inaccessible ...
Search Query points:50 HIDE SECRET FILES 2.01 Hide Secret Files is a security product based on an unequalled data hiding method. As a result of many years research within our company, this product hides and safely protects from erasure your private information. Would you ...
Search Query points:50 KERNEL POWERPOINT - REPAIR POWERPOINT FILES 4.02 Kernel for PowerPoint - recovers corrupted PowerPoint presentation files corrupted due to unexpected system shutdown, virus attacks. During repairing process a complete scan of the all the damaged files is performed to locate and extract the recoverable information. After the ...
Search Query points:50 HIDE SECRET FILES 1.02 Hide Secret Files is a security product based on an unequalled data hiding method. As a result of many years research within our company, this product hides and safely protects from erasure your private information. Would you ...
Search Query points:50 HIDE MY FILES 1.0.2 Hide My Files is an easy to use file security utility that protects files and folders from unauthorized use. Hide My Files is a simple file and folder security application that provides an easy to use interface that allows you ...
Search Query points:50 KERNEL POWERPOINT - REPAIR POWERPOINT FILES 4.02 Kernel for PowerPoint - recovers corrupted PowerPoint presentation files corrupted due to unexpected system shutdown, virus attacks. During repairing process a complete scan of the all the damaged files is performed to locate and extract the recoverable information. After the ...
Search Query points:50 KERNEL POWERPOINT - REPAIR POWERPOINT FILES 4.05 Kernel for PowerPoint - recovers corrupted PowerPoint presentation files corrupted due to unexpected system shutdown, virus attacks. During repairing process a complete scan of the all the damaged files is performed to locate and extract the recoverable information. After the ...
Search Query points:50 SAME FILES ASSISTANT 3.1 Same Files Assistant is ultimate application for hard links managment. This utility can create hard links. You can do it manually or from results of analyzing your disk for duplicate data results. This will help you not to use space ...
Search Query points:50 EXTRACT EMAIL ADDRESSES FROM MULTIPLE PDF FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Find email addresses in PDF files. Load your PDFs into the list, and this application will return a list of e-mail addresses that can be saved as a list or comma separated list. ...
Search Query points:50 EXCEL JOIN (MERGE, COMBINE) MULTIPLE SHEETS & FILES INTO ONE SOFTWARE 7.0 Combine several Excel files into one sheet or one file. Select many Excel files and this program will take data from all sheets and combine them in Excel. ...
Search Query points:50 EXTRACT DATA & TEXT FROM MULTIPLE PDF FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Search for text within multiple PDF files and, if found, extract the entire line. Similarly, extract entire lines that do not contain certain text. Also, extract text between starting and ending characters throughout all files. Finally, extract the same line ...
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