Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 14347 funded different STOP 98 USERS FROM CHANGING THE TIME programs. You can simply download any of STOP 98 USERS FROM CHANGING THE TIME soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:75 TITLEBAR TIME 2 Displays the day of the week, the date, and the time in the titlebar of the active window. Titlebar Time's executive file is a very small file so there will be virtually no startup lag as a result of ...
Search Query points:75 TIME LOGGER 1.2 Time Logger 1.2 is designed to make the job of filling in your time sheets a no-brainer. It records the time you spend on your activities and then presents you with a summary timesheet for the current week or any ...
Search Query points:65 ADVANCED TIME SYNCHRONIZER 2.8 Advanced Time Synchronizer is a powerful and easy-to-use PC clock synchronizer working with time servers via the Internet. Advanced Time Synchronizer can update the system time at certain intervals from one second to few months, supports three time synchronization protocols, ...
Search Query points:65 EMSA TIME SYNCHRONIZER 1.0.46 Emsa Time Synchronizer is a very simple but useful time synchronization utility. Users that like simplicity, may indeed like this program. Just one click of a button - and your computer clock is automatically set, using an atomic internet time ...
Search Query points:65 GPS TIME AND TEST 1.4 It is a PC Clock synchronization program. It is alternative solution to synchronizing with atomic clock using NTP(SNTP) and Internet. The program works in the interactive mode or in background. The program can be used as NMEA and COM ...
Search Query points:65 NETWORK TIME SYSTEM 1.4 Network Time System allows creation of custom exact time source in corporate network environment establishing interconnected server time synchronization system for each and every machine on the enterprise network. This powerful software solution is ideal for networks of all sizes ...
Search Query points:65 SOFTWARE TIME LOCK 1.0.1 Control at what times the Web, specific programs, and even Windows itself can be used on a particular computer. Also, control how long these functions can be used in the course of a day. 1) Set blocks of time ...
Search Query points:65 USER TIME CONTROL 2.1 User Time Control Center lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits. You can schedule time intervals and the number of ...
Search Query points:65 TIME FOR FISHING SCREENSAVER 1.0 Do you like fishing party? Time For Fishing screensaver provides a wonderful morning lake with plashing waves, fish boat, gulls and mysterious forest. This screensaver gives you not only relaxing animated image for your eyes rest, but also has three ...
Search Query points:65 GPS TIME AND TEST 1.3 It is a PC Clock synchronization program. It is alternative solution to synchronizing with atomic clock using NTP(SNTP) and Internet. The program works in the interactive mode or in background. The program can be used as NMEA and COM ...
Search Query points:65 ADVANCED DESKTOP SHIELD 1.81 Advanced Desktop Shield - protect public access PCs, stop users from changing desktop wallpaper and screen saver, deleting, creating and renaming desktop icons, changing display settings and so on. Backup, restore and manage desktop layouts, which include desktop files and ...
Search Query points:65 NETWORK TIME SYSTEM 1.5 Network Time System allows creation of custom exact time source in corporate network environment establishing interconnected server time synchronization system for each and every machine on the enterprise network. This powerful software solution is ideal for networks of all sizes ...
Search Query points:65 TWEAKI...FOR POWER USERS 4.3.5 Designed for *all* Windows operating systems, Tweaki is your Swiss Army knife of utilities. Configure, secure and optimize Windows, MS Office and Internet Explorer. Add productivity enhancements like right click functions that allow you to print the contents of a ...
Search Query points:65 ADVANCED DESKTOP SHIELD - Advanced Desktop Shield - protect public access PCs, stop users from changing desktop wallpaper and screen saver, deleting, creating and renaming desktop icons, changing display settings and so on. Backup, restore and manage desktop layouts, which include desktop files and ...
Search Query points:65 STOP MY POPUPS 12.0 Stop My Popups is an exciting software program that makes your Web surfing enjoyable again! It automatically kills all popups, before they get a chance to appear. It even blocks the gray Messenger ads that most popup blockers ignore. Stop ...
Search Query points:60 NTP TIME SERVER MONITOR 0.9D The NTP Time Server Monitor software allows the user to control and configure the NTP service for Windows with a userfriendly graphical user interface. Additionally it eases the handling with the NTP service. Here is a small list of the ...
Search Query points:55 MOTO TIME 3.0 The game Moto Time welcomes you to the world of breathtaking motor-cycle races and formidable opponents. Various effects, splendid graphics and many fantastic routes will not leave you indifferent. You can choose one of the fastest superbikes and drive a ...
Search Query points:55 MAX SECURE SPYWARE DETECTOR 6.1 Spyware Detector is the only product in the market today which not only scans and removes Spyware but also blocks them from installing on your PC. It has the following features: Scans for spyware Removes spyware Recovers spyware Excludes spyware ...
Search Query points:55 ONCE UPON A TIME 1.0 A vicious Wolf, a greasy Prince and a wicked Queen are hunting for the same Princess, but she's not going quietly. Hone your character's unique skills and join up to three friends online in heated competition as you play as ...
Search Query points:55 ZONETICK WORLD TIME ZONE CLOCK 2.6.5 The ZoneTick download replaces Windows system clock with a multiple time zone clock, utilizing online time synchronization, and double-click actions for each timezone. This enterprise-class software is handy for anyone traveling overseas, or doing business in other world countries. Automatic ...
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