Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1805 funded different StatTrak Address Manager 2 programs. You can simply download any of StatTrak Address Manager 2 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:120 STATTRAK ADDRESS MANAGER 2.0 Address Manager is a simple, easy to use address management program. Perfect for sending your holiday cards or other correspondence. Easily add names, addresses, phone numbers, and birthdays. Select your label or envelope size and your addresses are ...
Search Query points:50 WORDWARE PERSONAL INFORMATION MANAGER FOR WORD 10.0 Wordware PIM: A complete solution for quick and easy access to contacts in Word. It's people management made simple! Finally, a Personal Information Manager (PIM) comes to Word for Windows! Have your own address book and telephone directory at your ...
Search Query points:50 EMAIL MANAGER 1.0 Do you have something to sell? Use this amazing software only in the free trial period, and you can start your business - it will find your clients in a few clicks. This is the new and revolutionary method to ...
Search Query points:50 ENVELOPE PRINTER MANAGER PRO 2.1 Envelope Printer Manager Pro 2.1 will print a single or multiple address on to envelops. It will also import address from CSV lists - by: ...
Search Query points:50 DEBT MANAGER PROFESSIONAL 4.0 Create high quality debt management plans for your clients in less than 5 minutes. Debt Manager Professional gives you the most powerful toolset available for developing rapid debt repayment plans. Your clients will just love these custom reports. ...
Search Query points:42 ONE CAT FILE MANAGER 2.21 Side by side file management, easy multiple file renaming, and customizable looks combine to make the perfect file manager. Do you find yourself constantly sizing and resizing file management windows when moving or copying files between folders and drives? Have ...
Search Query points:42 MP3 EZLIB MUSIC LIBRARY/PLAYLIST MANAGER 1.9.2 EZlib is a Free MP3 Music Library/Playlist Manager, written in assembly language, featuring a front-end Title/Artist (and 12 other ID3v2 tag fields) search which can be used to build a more refined working list of songs. EZlib features a ...
Search Query points:42 CRAWLER DOWNLOAD MANAGER 4.1 Gain control with FREE Crawler download manager! Perform fast and efficient downloads. Start, pause/resume, stop and set options of the selected download, and get an overview about the download progress. Comes with a free customizable Crawler Toolbar that has ...
Search Query points:42 EXCEL INVOICE MANAGER EXPRESS 2.5.1009 Excel Invoice Manager Express edition is an invoice software for small or home business invoicing. It is seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Excel, providing you with a true what-you-see-is-what-you-get invoice form for creating invoices. The invoice software is suitable for businesses ...
Search Query points:42 SECURE SHIELDED PASSWORD KEYS MANAGER 2.0.10 Guards private data during its entry, storage and use. ENTRY Prevents would be keystroke loggers to steal passwords during online logon sessions, and thus blocks one kind of known cyber identity theft and fraud that plagues the Internet. ...
Search Query points:42 MOBTIME CELL PHONE MANAGER V6.1.0 A easy-to-use pc software that helps you manage your mobile phone via data cable, IrDA or Bluetooth. The software supports most famous mobile phones of Nokia, Samsung, SonyEricsson, Motorola, LG, Siemens and so on. Now more than 300 models ...
Search Query points:42 INNOVATIVE FIREWALL MANAGER 2.0 Innovative Firewall Manager is a small but very powerful application that will allow you to take advantage of the new security features included in Windows XP service pack 2! You will be able to easily manage Windows XP’s ...
Search Query points:42 NOKIA HOME INVENTORY MANAGER 2.0 This program allows you to keep track of the value of your household possessions for insurance purposes and display them by Room or Category. It also allows inflation indexing. It is based on the Home Inventory module produced for Quicken. ...
Search Query points:42 ACTUAL WINDOW MANAGER 4.3 Thinking about having 2 desktops instead of one to avoid constant switching between windows? Save your money and relax now! Try Actual Window Manager and you will like your work more! Eliminate the need to minimize and restore windows, free ...
Search Query points:42 GRANTHAALOK: THE BOOK-LIBRARY MANAGER 1.0 Granthaalok is meant for managing in a password-proteced secured way the book-lending & book-returning information of a small library, such as someone's personal (books & discs) collection, a neighborhood library or the mini-library in an academic department. (It doesn't take ...
Search Query points:42 ACTUAL WINDOW MANAGER 3.6 Thinking about having 2 desktops instead of one to avoid constant switching between windows? Save your money and relax now! Try Actual Window Manager and you will like your work more! Eliminate the need to minimize and restore windows, free ...
Search Query points:40 REMOTE TASK MANAGER 3.8.2 Remote Task Manager (RTM) is a systems control interface that can be run from any remote Windows 2000/NT computer. This enables a Systems Administrator to control most aspects of a remote environment. The simple-to-use, tabbed interface separates applications, services, devices, ...
Search Query points:40 EMS MS SQL MANAGER LITE 1.8.5 EMS MS SQL Manager Lite is a light and easy-to-use freeware graphical tool for MS SQL/MSDE administration. It has minimal required set of instruments for those users who are new to MS SQL server and need only it's basic functionality. ...
Search Query points:40 REMOTE QUEUE MANAGER PERSONAL 3.7 Remote Queue Manager is a professional tool to manage print jobs. There is no need to install any drivers to control a remote printer. The program uses the remote computer's drivers. Instead of searching through non-descriptive job names, Remote Queue ...
Search Query points:40 FOTOSLATE PHOTO PRINT MANAGER 4.0 FotoSlate 4 Photo Print Studio takes your photo printing to a new creative level.In no time you'll create scrapbook-style photo albums, greeting cards, calendars, CD or DVD covers, and photo layouts. You'll do it all quickly and easily using FotoSlate's ...
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