Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 10208 funded different Standards of Engineering Calculations down load programs. You can simply download any of Standards of Engineering Calculations down load soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:45 RPN ENGINEERING CALCULATOR 6.3.1 This RPN calculator offers 250 solutions with six unique keypads. It has a complete help system with individual tips for all but the most ordinary functions and a Tip of the Day feature for new users. You can select fixed, ...
Search Query points:25 ALAGUS PRINT ADMIN PRO 3.0 Alagus Print Admin 3.0 is a client-server program for monitoring and management of network printers and print jobs. The program offers you an opportunity to reduce your printer related expenses. It makes statistics, analysis and reports for the printed pages ...
Search Query points:25 LOANEXPERT PLUS 3.2.6 LoanExpert is your complete loan and mortgage calculator and analysis tool for Palm OS® handhelds, Pocket PC or Windows Mobile handhelds, and Windows PCs! Calculate interest rate, price, down payment, loan length, and more! Save scenarios for easy loan comparisons. ...
Search Query points:25 SHADOWCLOCK 1.5 Save your time, use ShadowClock on your desktop. It is not necessary to go down in the task bar to find out time. These analog clock are always accessible, before eyes, ShadowClock do not prevent job and entertainment. ...
Search Query points:25 ATOMIC WATCH 1.01 Website Downtime = Lost Revenue Watch your website to ensure you minimize downtime and maximize uptime. If your website is down, search engines may remove your site, partners may remove links to your site, visitors will have a negative ...
Search Query points:25 ACRONYMGENIE 4.2 AcronymGenie is a simple desktop program that lets you look up the expansion of a computer acronym, abbreviation or initialism using an offline database. Simply type the first few letters of the acronym or abbreviation you are looking for and ...
Search Query points:25 GETZUY 1.0.0 Getzuy is a Download Spider for any type of file, Images, video, mp3, pdf, zip-archives, whatever. This tool that helps you to download multiple files from Web sites. It searches the Web sites for the specified files. ...
Search Query points:25 REGISTRY FIRST AID 4.0 New 4.0 - It's faster, finds more problems than others and is even easier to use! People's Choice Winner 2003 Shareware Industry Conference! Tired of Windows crashing? Sick of having software lock up on you or taking forever to load? ...
Search Query points:25 ANTIQUITY ROULETTE 2.0 We call your attention to Antiquity Roulette. Play and you will notice roulette has never been so funny! You will see three pterodactyls holding the roulette, and the game table made of a stone of slate. It is a game ...
Search Query points:25 CHORD PICKOUT 1.2 This program uses its artificial intelligence to guess chords for you. All you have to do is to load a media file (wav or mp3) and click a button. Chord Pickout will transcribe the music and write down the recognized ...
Search Query points:25 ABACRE RESTAURANT POINT OF SALES 1.8 A complete restaurant management system that begins with taking the guest order and ends with billing and tax reports. Reports show a complete picture of restaurant operations and life cycles: menu consumption, reservation frequency, hours of high restaurant load, busiest ...
Search Query points:25 CHORD PICKOUT 1.5 This program uses its artificial intelligence to guess chords for you. All you have to do is to load a media file (wav or mp3) and click a button. Chord Pickout will transcribe the music and write down the recognized ...
Search Query points:25 TEMPO 2.12 Tempo is an electronic reminder which functions under Windows (32 bits) and displays notes at will. Like Post-It Notes block but with time management. Once installed, it starts automatically with Windows and is summarized by an animated sand-glass in ...
Search Query points:25 MITCALC 1.20 MITCalc is a multi-language set of mechanical, industrial and technical calculations for the day-to-day routines. It will reliably, precisely, and most of all quickly guide customer through the design of components, the solution of a technical problem, or a calculation ...
Search Query points:20 SUPERBLOGGING 2.08D PC Based website content management software, much faster to create and maintain a top quality website. WYSIWYG or HTML editors are not suited to the latest web standards whereas Super blogging allows beginners to enter their content easily and experts ...
Search Query points:20 DESKTOP U.S. ARMY BODY FAT % CALCULATOR 1.0 Simple calculator for calculating Body Fat Percentage on PC. t calculates Body Fat % according to rules applied in U.S. Army. Features: Body Fat Percentage calculation Load and Save Calculations Maintain your body measurements Know your status: Overweight or OK ...
Search Query points:20 SCREEN PROTRACTOR MAC EDITION 3.2 The Screen Protractor allows you to easily and quickly measure any angle on the screen to the nearest Degree or Radian. This perfect compliment to the Screen Calipers, the Protractor is simple and easy to use with any program. ...
Search Query points:20 SCREEN PROTRACTOR 1.1 The Screen Protractor allows you to easily and quickly measure any angle on the screen to the nearest Degree or Radian. This perfect compliment to the Screen Calipers, the Protractor is simple and easy to use with any program. ...
Search Query points:15 EXCEL ACTIVEX CONTROL 2.4 Excel OCX is a powerful ActiveX Control with over two hundred useful functions to assist in exchanging data between Excel and Visual Basic and much more using COM technology! Included in the download is a sample Visual Basic project which ...
Search Query points:15 CHANGE CASE OF FILE NAMES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to change the filenames of files to upper, lower, proper (title), sentence case. Load multiple files into the program, and quickly convert the letters (characters). ...
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