Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 8736 funded different stand alone encryption for USB programs. You can simply download any of stand alone encryption for USB soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:60 FILE ENCRYPTION XP 1.4.53 Need a military grade file encryption software? Would you like to delete (shred) files and be 100% sure they can't be "undeleted"? How about protecting data stored with removable drives? File Encryption XP does all that and more! File Encryption ...
Search Query points:50 REMORA USB FILE GUARD Remora (r?m´ere) : warmwater fishes of the family Echeneidae, characterized by an oval sucking disk on the top of the head. With this apparatus the remora, or suckerfish, attaches itself to sharks, swordfishes, drums, marlins, and sea turtles. In this ...
Search Query points:50 REMORA USB FILE GUARD PRO Remora (r?m´ere) : warmwater fishes of the family Echeneidae, characterized by an oval sucking disk on the top of the head. With this apparatus the remora, or suckerfish, attaches itself to sharks, swordfishes, drums, marlins, and sea turtles. In this ...
Search Query points:50 RECOVER USB DRIVE DATA USB drive data restoration software is compatible with Windows and supports all type of USB drives like USB pen drive, Flash drive, Flash disk, Thumb drive, USB zip drive, memory stick, USB key, magic stick, pocket drive, Geek stick. This ...
Search Query points:50 REMORA USB DISK GUARD PRO Remora (r?m´ere) : warmwater fishes of the family Echeneidae, characterized by an oval sucking disk on the top of the head. With this apparatus the remora, or suckerfish, attaches itself to sharks, swordfishes, drums, marlins, and sea turtles. In this ...
Search Query points:50 ALARIT VIRTUAL USB DRIVER 2.1 There is a number of the equipment controlled through a serial port from a PC or a terminal. Also there is a lot of the technologies in the market allowing to operate remotely the consecutive devices through the network TCP/IP. ...
Search Query points:50 REMORA USB DISK GUARD Remora (r?m´ere) : warmwater fishes of the family Echeneidae, characterized by an oval sucking disk on the top of the head. With this apparatus the remora, or suckerfish, attaches itself to sharks, swordfishes, drums, marlins, and sea turtles. In this ...
Search Query points:50 USB MONITOR PRO 2.0 USB Monitor Pro is an effective and, at the same time, simple in use analyzer of USB traffic for Windows. It allows to monitor incoming and outgoing data of a USB device plugged into the computer. USB Monitor Pro is ...
Search Query points:50 USB MONITOR 2.26 USB Monitor is a monitoring software, which allows you to view, log and analyze Universal Serial Bus devices activity. This USB sniffer and analyzer utility captures all the Request Blocks transferred from the Windows device driver to the host controller ...
Search Query points:50 USB DRIVE DATA RECOVERY Download USB drive data restoration, retrieval utility retrieve not detected, not visible and inaccessible files lost due to deletion, format, Virus attack, corruption, damaged file system etc. Pen drive recovery utility can restore formatted memory stick JPG, JPEG, GIF, BMP ...
Search Query points:50 REMORA USB QUICK LAUNCH Remora (r?m´ere) : warmwater fishes of the family Echeneidae, characterized by an oval sucking disk on the top of the head. With this apparatus the remora, or suckerfish, attaches itself to sharks, swordfishes, drums, marlins, and sea turtles. In this ...
Search Query points:50 REMORA USB QUICK LAUNCH PRO Remora (r?m´ere) : warmwater fishes of the family Echeneidae, characterized by an oval sucking disk on the top of the head. With this apparatus the remora, or suckerfish, attaches itself to sharks, swordfishes, drums, marlins, and sea turtles. In this ...
Search Query points:50 MF ENCRYPTION PAD 2.0 MF Encryption Pad is a simple (and free) application that lets you encrypt and decrypt rich text messages using cut and paste. MF Encryption Pad uses 256-bit AES encryption with a key that it generates from the 'Pass Phrase' ...
Search Query points:50 CRYPTAINER LE FREE ENCRYPTION SOFTWARE 6.0.1 Cryptainer LE totally free 128 bit disk encryption software. Simple, easy to use encryption application that creates encrypted "vaults". One can store any kind of data in them. Cryptainer LE allows you to encrypt any file or folder on any ...
Search Query points:50 EMSA EZ ENCRYPTION TOOL 1.0.46 EMSA EZ Encryption Tool is a simple encryption program for Windows which uses the Blowfish algorithm to encrypt files or text chunks. This algorithm is a strong encryption algorithm using a private key, therefore keeping your data safe. The ...
Search Query points:50 USB TO ETHERNET CONNECTOR 2.1 USB to Ethernet Connector lets you connect to any USB device located on a remote PC on a local network or the Internet. You will be able to work with it as with a local USB device and applications working ...
Search Query points:50 XCEED ENCRYPTION LIBRARY 1.1 Xceed Encryption Library lets Windows apps encrypt/decrypt data using latest industry standard strong encryption algorithms. Supports traditional secret-key encryption & public-key encryption, and can encrypt/decrypt memory buffers, strings, blobs, streaming data or files. Supports AES (US Advanced Encryption Standard) symmetric ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED ENCRYPTION PLUG-IN PRO FOR WINDOWS EXPLORER 4.0.2 AEPE PRO lets you encrypt/shred/make sfx files from Windows Explorer's context menu using 17 encryption algortithms including Advanced Encryption Standard, CAST, Blowfish, Twofish, RC2 and so on. AEPE has full support for ZIP archives. Well, you don't need any ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED ENCRYPTION PACKAGE 2005 4.0.8 AEP2005's most noteworthy feature may be its flexibility and military grade encryption: Not only can you encrypt files for your own protection but you can easily create "self-decrypting" versions of your files that others can run witthout needing AEP2005. The ...
Search Query points:50 ANIMABILIS RS FILE ENCRYPTION 1.3 Need a military grade file encryption solution? Would you like to delete (shred) files and be 100% sure they can't be "undeleted"? Now about protecting data stored with removable drives? RS File Encryption does all that and more! ...
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