Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 11429 funded different spoken book The Great Gatsby programs. You can simply download any of spoken book The Great Gatsby soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:130 "THE GREAT GATSBY" AUDIO-TEXT SYNCHRONIZED BOOK 1.0 Audio book "The Great Gatsby" is played by the specially developed software program that uses the text of the book for navigation started and stoped by clicking the right mouse button and also shows translations of the separate sentences to ...
Search Query points:130 "THE GREAT GATSBY" AUDIO-TEXT SYNCHRONIZED BOOK 1.0 Audio book "The Great Gatsby" is played by the specially developed software program that uses the text of the book for navigation started and stoped by clicking the right mouse button and also shows translations of the separate sentences to ...
Search Query points:60 THE GREAT PUZZLE 1.0 The Great Puzzle, written by Ram Adamos, delivers the essence of human knowledge and experience throughout history with respect to a long list of universal questions such as health, money, luck, power, success, happiness, faith, religion, God, fate, prayer, miracles, ...
Search Query points:60 OPEN BOOK 2.0.1 A vocabulary builder with text-to-speech abilities that automates your language studies. Learn ready-made Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian vocabularies. Make an unlimited number of your own vocabularies with the included vocabularies editor. Select the right words in the 'Multiple Choice' ...
Search Query points:50 BOOK REPORTER 2.1 Book Reporter educational software is designed to be used in the classroom to teach students computer skills, keyboarding, reading, and language arts skills in one activity. The teacher's section is password protected and, if the teacher wants to, the ...
Search Query points:50 APPOINTMENT BOOK 1 Appointments Book is the latest most advanced software for booking, managing, tracking and analysing your customers and appointments. You can now book appointments in seconds. Add or search for customers, find available appointment times by employee, time period, or customer ...
Search Query points:50 BOOK TRACKER - COLLECTOR 3.0 BookTracker-Collector's Edition will help you catalog all your books with 19 different customizable fields including Title, Author, Category, Value, Printing Date, Publish Date, Purchase Price, Date Purchased, Edition, Rating, Condition, Location, publisher, ISBN, and a graphic field. BookTracker has ...
Search Query points:50 GUEST BOOK CRAWLER 1.0 There are millions of guest books at the web! Imagine, that only a little part of them have your link. The software enables you to post to many guest books. You are searching in search engines for guest books and ...
Search Query points:50 BOOK LIBRARY 1.4.162 Book Library is an easy-to-use yet powerful book collection manager. It lets you catalog any printed materials such as books, magazines, comic books and newspapers with a MS Access database. Book Library offers a comprehensive set of database fields, it ...
Search Query points:50 MYPHONE BOOK DIALER 6.0.2 MyPhone Book Dialer is a full-featured contact manager program in an easy to use interface. You can store all of your friends, family and business contacts' information in an organized database. MyPhone Book Dialer makes it easy for you to ...
Search Query points:50 BOOK OF TIME 3D SCREENSAVER 3.1 This screen saver is a philosophic approach to the process of time. The book, which has next moment on each of its pages. On the one page it has the past on the next the future comes. Where is the ...
Search Query points:50 ALIVE ADDRESS BOOK A sterling electronic address book. Each entry contains over 50 different fields providing the most comprehensive description of the contact. If any desired field is missing, information can be added to the Remarks field. Export/import and data synchronization are available. ...
Search Query points:50 A GREAT GRABBER 1.2 A Great Grabber is a software to scan, search and grab the Internet. All text based webpages, like html, htm etc. are scanned for needed files. You input a start webpage, the extensions of the files where you are interested ...
Search Query points:50 POW POW'S GREAT ADVENTURE 1.1C Pow Pow's Great Adventure is a 3D platformer with classic 2D gameplay. Pow Pow is thrown into a strange world with his girlfriend Mai Mei. However, it turns out Mai Mei and Pow Pow are at the opposite ends of ...
Search Query points:50 GREAT WORKS OF ART/THE IMPRESSIONISTS 1.0 A large collection of beautiful note and greeting cards featuring the paintings of the famous Impressionists, Cezanne, Monet, Renoir, Degas and others. Cards are formatted and ready to print. You may never have to shop for another card. Perfect for ...
Search Query points:50 FORTUNE-TELLING BY "THE BOOK OF CHANGES" 3.60 Attention!!! A retro! This 'ancient' program suggests most interesting guessing with a technique of ancient Chinese hexagrams ("the Book of Changes" - I-Ching). There is the explanation corresponds each combination of hexagrams. This guessing get a special urgency in our ...
Search Query points:50 "LE PETIT PRINCE" AUDIO-TEXT SYNCHRONIZED BOOK 1.1 Audio book "Le Petit Prince" is played by the specially developed software program that uses the text of the book for navigation started and stoped by clicking the right mouse button and also shows translations of the separate sentences to ...
Search Query points:50 DELICIOUS ADDRESS BOOK 2.1 Failed to find your best friend's phone number? Lost your partner's email? Tired of searching the bulky address book on your table? Try Delicious Address Book ! It's a program with user-friendly interface that will help you to start ...
Search Query points:50 BOOK ORGANIZER 1.00 In Book Organizer, the books in the database are displayed in a flexible, explorer-like screen. It lets you group, sort and filter the data in every possible way. It has a very comprehensive set of fields, enabling you to catalogue ...
Search Query points:50 MAGIC BOOK 3D SCREENSAVER 1.0 Magic Book 3D Screensaver presents a philosophic approach to the process of time. The book fixes the moments of our life on each page. On one page, it has the past; on the next, the future comes. Where is the ...
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