Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 8849 funded different split file in delphi programs. You can simply download any of split file in delphi soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:55 PDF SPLIT MERGE ACTIVEX 2.0.2007.1 Split PDF files into multiple files by range Merge multiple PDF files into one PDF Standalone, doesn't depend on Adobe Acrobat or Reader Provide demos in ASP, ColdFusion, VB, VB Script, Delphi, VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net. ...
Search Query points:55 FILE ACE 1.01 File Ace is the ultimate file management utility suite. It simplifies complex and time-consuming file tasks by providing tools that are powerful yet flexible and efficient. File Ace is perfect for those that work with any significant amount of files ...
Search Query points:55 FILE SPLITTER DELUXE 3.23N Split large files (of any type), then easily rejoin without the use of this software. Easily break up large files for copying to floppy or sending via email, as anyone can recreate the original file without having this software. When ...
Search Query points:55 ADVANCED FILE JOINER 1.1 Advanced File Joiner is a simple software to combine files. If you have downloaded several parts of a larger file split in smaller files you may join them together. Advanced File Joiner merges plain ASCII text files, combines some movie ...
Search Query points:55 SMIMPORT SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 2.36 Components from SMImport suite allows to import a data from external file formats: 1. MS Excel spreadsheet (directly without OLE/DDE) 2. text delimited file 3. text fixed width file 4. XML file 5. HTML file 6. MS Access database 7. ...
Search Query points:55 SMLOGGING SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 1.40 SMLogging suite is a set of components for errors/exceptions logging, tracing of messages, events etc - TSMExceptionLog: the useful processing of errors and exceptions for your application in one place. Your user can automatically send to you a bug ...
Search Query points:55 SMWORDDOCUMENT FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 1.20 SMWord suite for Delphi/CBuilder is a native VCL components for direct and fast text extraction from any MS Word document. MSWordDocument component allow to read any Word document directly without OLE automation of MS Word application (MS Word installed is ...
Search Query points:55 RAPID SPLIT 2.00 Rapid Split is an easy-to-use, wizard-based file splitting software with step-by-step assistance in splitting process. It enables you to split files of all types into pieces that can be stored on removable storage media such as floppy disk and zip ...
Search Query points:55 SIMPLI-FILE SPLIT AND MERGE 1.3.0 Do you have lists that you need to split up or many files that you want to put into one? This might be the perfect program for you. Simpli-File Split & Merge is the easiest way to split or merge ...
Search Query points:50 FILE SPLITTER 1.0 File Splitter can split any type of file into smaller pieces and rejoin them to the original file. It helps you copy the split ones to floppy disk or CD/DVD, or send them via e-mail. File Splitter supports 3 split ...
Search Query points:50 DELPHI CODE LIBRARY Delphi Code Library is a powerful multi-language source code Library with the following benefits: 1. Built-in library with 10,000+ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. Password protection & strong 448 bits encryption (optional) 5. User notes ...
Search Query points:50 SPRINTBIT FILE MANAGER 2.4 Sprintbit File Manager for Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP is a fully featured application for viewing and managing files on your computer. File Manager includes: CD-DVD Writer, FTP Client, Zip Archiver, Picture Viewer, Mass File Renamer, Folder Synchronizer, Link Validator, Search & Replace, ...
Search Query points:50 FILE SPLITTER 1.01 Split files into multiple files using KB or number of lines as limits. File Splitter simply takes an input file, output folder and a number of lines per file or a kilobytes per file limit. Then the program ...
Search Query points:50 UNIVERSAL FILE SPLITTER & MERGER 1.1 Universal File Splitter & Merger is a powerful, friendly and easy tool that helps you to split and merge any kind of files. You can then send, store, record, carry, upload, view, or play them. Features: * splitting/merging very ...
Search Query points:50 UNIVERSAL FILE SPLITTER & MERGER 1.1 Universal File Splitter & Merger is a powerful, friendly and easy tool that helps you to split and merge any kind of files. You can then send, store, record, carry, upload, view, or play them. Features: * splitting/merging very ...
Search Query points:50 CIAN FILE SPLITTER V3.70 PRO Main features : - No input file size limit. - Split files by Part Size or Number of Parts. - Send splitted Parts to floppy disks on-the-fly!. - Self-Join no software needed on destination computer to restore to original ...
Search Query points:50 SC VIDEO CUT AND SPLIT SC Video Cut and Split is a powerfull video editing program that can cut and save a region from any video file, Split the movie file into two parts at a certain scene and save them as two movies, save ...
Search Query points:45 BURN RUBBER: FILE SEARCH ACCELERATOR 2.3.0 Do you ever find yourself searching for a file you know is on your hard drive somewhere? Or maybe you need to find a file on the network, and you don't know where it is? Tired using Windows file search ...
Search Query points:45 ADVANCED FILE ORGANIZER 2.61 Advanced File Organizer is a powerful yet easy-to-use cataloging utility that helps you find any file stored on a removable media or on your hard drive in a matter of seconds. Advanced File Organizer supports all kinds of media recognized ...
Search Query points:45 EFFECTIVE FILE SEARCH 4.3 Effective File Search is a must-have search tool for any PC user. It performs a multitasking search for any type of a file in a PC or local network. Effective File Search offers flexible search settings, different features for working ...
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