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Search Query points:30 AQUA DESKPERIENCE 1.3 Copy/Paste unavailable? Capture text from anywhere on the screen, in any application, even text where copy/paste is disabled as in folder trees, message boxes, dialog boxes, file lists, database reports, buttons and more... Then automatically paste captured text into your ...
Search Query points:25 VIRTUALTOUR 4.0 Ever want to show your place to the world? This is a fun and easy way to make a tour. Just take some pictures around your house with your digital camera. Stand in your front hall, take a picture, turn ...
Search Query points:25 CHORD ALCHEMY 4.0 ChordAlchemy offers a rich and robust set of capabilities for looking up chords, determining what chords you are playing and hearing how they sound. Chord variations are easily handled by ChordAlchemy's powerful, Advanced Chord Theory and Chord Diagram ...
Search Query points:25 DBPUT DATA TRANSFER 2.2 DBPut data transfer is a creative and advanced software used for converting data between different databases. The most convenient way of converting data between different databases such as MySQL, Oracle, Sybase and so on. With the least technical ...
Search Query points:20 UCCDRAW ACTIVEX CONTROL V10.20 10.20 UCCDraw ActiveX Control with FULL source code! UCCDraw is an ActiveX Component that enables you to build Visio-style charts from within your application. Figure 1:Allows you to create flow charts, vector drawings, raster images and more with ...
Search Query points:20 BEST CASINO DEL RIO 2006 1.1 Escape into tropical bliss with the exotic sights and sounds of Casino Del Rio. Choose to play either for fun or real money, in a playing environment that suits your tastes. You get to customize the card sizes, sound effects, ...
Search Query points:20 3D-AMAZING POKER! LIVE TOURNAMENTS! 2005 Play realistic 3D poker anywhere anytime for fun or for money.Once you've mastered the basics of the game you can move up and play to win real money. Entertain yourself! Start playing in our tournaments - meet ...
Search Query points:20 BACKGAMMON-HOT GAMES (3D ENVIRONMENT) 2005 Play realistic 3D backgammon anywhere anytime for fun or for money.Once you've mastered the basics of the game you can move up and play to win real money. Entertain yourself! ...
Search Query points:20 PLUCK 1.0 Pluck's Award-winning RSS Reader lets you get your favorite RSS feeds when and how you want them in an easy-to-view interface. Pluck's browser-based RSS Reader persistently searches Web pages and product listings from Google, eBay, Amazon, news sites, and Web ...
Search Query points:20 COLORCOMBO ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Ideal tool to select color from 16 colors, system colors or customized color list. 2. A built-in professional color dialog. 3. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information and ...
Search Query points:20 CDLAUNCHERCREATOR 1.3.0 'Softbay CDLauncherCreator' allows you to easily create front-end interfaces to your CD-ROM's. Don't make your users have to search through your CD-ROM to find the content they desire! Quickly create a custom 'quick-launch' front-end for your software. Create a custom ...
Search Query points:20 MIG33 1.01 Mig33 lets you do more with your mobile. It's a combination of mobile chat rooms, messenger on your mobile and an international calling card as well. Mig33 is the most compatible MSN Messenger for your mobile phone. Group chat & ...
Search Query points:20 COMODO BACKUP Comodo BackUp - Automatic file backup and recovery for Windows XP / 2000 Comodo BackUp is the straightforward and powerful utility that allows users to quickly and easily create backup copies of critical files. Free of charge, its features ...
Search Query points:20 OWL COMMANDER 1.4 Owl Commander is a multi panel and multi desktop file manager for Windows (TM). It's small, fast, stable and user-friendly program offers you a complete replacement for Windows Explorer and many other utility programs for handling FTP, ZIP, viewing files ...
Search Query points:20 CRAWLER RADIO&MP3 PLAYER 4.1 Listen to Internet radio streams and music! Enjoy radio streams from our tuner and add your own favorites. You can record your favorite radio shows and songs. Drag & drop feature lets you play music faster. Create your own endless ...
Search Query points:20 CRAWLER WEATHER 4.2 Get current weather information for forecasts, maps, storms and traffic news for your hometown or anywhere else in the world. View graphic forecast, radar, maps and more! Comes with a FREE customizable Crawler Toolbar that has terrific plugins. Comes with ...
Search Query points:20 SITE SNITCH 1.2 Site Snitch helps you keep up to date with changes anywhere in the World Wide Web. You just tell Site Snitch what page you want to monitor and how often you want it to be checked. Site Snitch will do ...
Search Query points:20 TOP SECRET 1.1 TopSecret is the top software on the market of its kind, which used to hide text message into image. Images created with TopSecret are undetectable by other softwares and the image can be used anywhere as the regular images. TopSecret ...
Search Query points:20 CRAWLER GAMES 4.1 Play FREE games online! Choose from a large assortment of action and adventure games, dancing and shows, jokes, puzzles, shoot'em up and sport games. We have something for everyone! Comes with a free customizable Crawler Toolbar that has ...
Search Query points:20 FREE STICKY NOTES 3.5 Free Sticky Notes (desktop sticky notes freeware) is a new way to record, keep and manage important information, dates and events using desktop sticky notes. Free Sticky Notes is an ideal sticky notes program for home and office. You ...
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