Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 400 funded different Sothink SWF Quicker 1.6 programs. You can simply download any of Sothink SWF Quicker 1.6 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:225 SOTHINK SWF QUICKER 1.6 Sothink SWF Quicker is a full function Flash movie maker which supports shape design, motion tween creation , guideline, mask layer, stream and event sound, frame label, setting movieclip instance name and more. Over 80 cool configurable effects are included ...
Search Query points:80 SOTHINK SWF DECOMPILER-FLASH DECOMPILER MX 2005B Professional Flash decompiler.The world's leading tool to catch, decompile, view, and extract Shockwave Flash movies (.swf and .exe files), especially convert your SWF to FLA. Using Sothink SWF Decompiler, you can find out almost everything in a Flash movie. ...
Search Query points:50 SOTHINK FLASHVIDEO ENCODER 1.1 Sothink FlashVideo Encoder is a professional video encoder. It converts standard video file into swf or flv file; It also extracts audio and image files from the video by your setting. In this way, you can transmit the video and ...
Search Query points:50 SOTHINK GLANDA 2005 Sothink Glanda is a fast and easy movie maker. Flash album, banner, and button can be created in a minute without any Flash design experience. Lots of cool animated effects available. With a few clicks and value changes, you can ...
Search Query points:45 SWF PICTURE EXTRACTOR 1.6 SWF Pictutre Extractor is a program for image extraction from SWF files. You can view the images that are saved in a SWF file and save one or all of them (BMP, JPEG, PNG formats) using SWF Picture Extractor. SWF ...
Search Query points:40 MP3 TO SWF CONVERTER MP3 to SWF Converter converts MP3 and WAV to SWF quickly. It's very easy to use. MP3 to SWF Converter can encode MP3 and WAV with different parameters (like sample frequency, bit rate, channels or encoding quality). This means MP3 ...
Search Query points:40 FXWITZ SWF EDITOR 1.0 FXWITZ build easily in minutes animated and professional Flash Slideshow/Gallery. All Flash power: dynamism, graphical impact, interactivity, ready to use with popular HTML Editors or Flash, light swf files, no number's images limit, many options to custom files, change Flash ...
Search Query points:40 SWF LIVE PREVIEW 1.0 This software is aimed to help you preview Flash movie files using standard Windows Explorer. Once SWF Live Preview is installed you can scan directories and subdirectories for flash files, create and preview thumbnails for SWF files and fetch information ...
Search Query points:40 SWF TO IPOD CONVERTER 1.10.0315 How to convert Flash Swf to MPEG-4 and transfer Flash to iPod easily and quickly? Swf to iPod Converter is a powerful utility that convert Macromedia Flash movie to iPod MPEG-4 files including movie clips, action scripts and audio ...
Search Query points:40 EASY FLASHMAKER (SWF CREATOR) 1.0 "Easy FlashMaker" is a tool to create simple Macromedia Flash Movies (SWF files) quickly and easily. It is well known that Flash creation using professional software is very difficult process for beginners and even for more experienced users. We have ...
Search Query points:40 POWERPOINT TO SWF CONVERTER 2.36 PowerPoint to SWF Converter is a powerful PowerPoint plug-in let you convert PowerPoint to flash.easy of use, accurate conversion, and small size; keywords:PowerPoint to Flash, ppt to swf. Send us your PowerPoint file to us, let us convert it ...
Search Query points:40 ELTIMA SWF DECOMPILER 2.99 Eltima SWF Decompiler allows quick decompilation of SWF file to see what elements it consists of and shows detailed information on every tag, tracking their placements in frames and sprites. Choose the format for the exported SWF elements, the destination ...
Search Query points:40 SWF COMPRESSOR-DECOMPRESSOR 2.0.1 SWF Compressor/Decompressor will allow you to pack and unpack files of the SWF Flash format (SWF Flash may be of any version) without loss of data and qualities. The program has the built-in player of SWF-files. The program is simple ...
Search Query points:40 DELPHI SWF SDK 2.0.3 Main features: SWF reading and recreating; visual objects creating (shape, button, text); advanced objects creating (morphing shape, sprite); various image (jpg, bmp, png, gif); wave and MP3 sound inserting as event or streaming; FLV video; ...
Search Query points:40 AMADIS AVI/WMV/MPEG/MOV/SWF/FLV VIDEO CO 2.0.0 Amadis Video Converter is an all-in-one video converter application, which, is more powerful and conversion from videos toAVI (DivX, XviD, etc.), DV AVI, MP4 (inc. Sony PSP, Apple iPod, Archos DVR, Creative Zen), WMV, 3GP, 3G2, QuickTime (MOV, QT), SWF, ...
Search Query points:40 AMOR SWF TO VCD SVCD DVD CREATOR BURNER 4.39 Amor SWF to VCD SVCD DVD Creator Burner converts your Flash swf files to compliant Mpeg, VCD, SVCD or DVD structures (VOB and IFO). ...
Search Query points:40 SWF MOVIE PLAYER FOR MAC 1.1 SWF Movie Player is a new free SWF player for Mac OS based on Macromedia Flash player which helps you to get best experience from flash movies. SWF Movie Player by Eltima Software offers advanced and unique features that allow ...
Search Query points:40 SWF TO MP3 CONVERTER Swf to Mp3 Converter is an audio converter. It can convert audio in SWF file (Macromedia Flash Movie File) into MP3. The SWF audio consists of one or more sound elements the format of which is MP3 or WAV. Swf ...
Search Query points:40 SOTHINK DHTMLMENU 6.0 User-friendly and Professional DHTML menu builder to easily create professinal DHTML pop- up menus, cross-browser drop down navigation menus in minutes without any DHTML or JavaScript experience. Compatible with almost all available web browsers and platforms and work with FrontPage ...
Search Query points:40 SWF DEBUG REMOVER 2.0.1 SWF Debug Remover will allow you to delete enabledebuger(enabledebuger2) tags with the password or without it (tags for protection against debugging ) from files of any versions of the SWF Flash format (deletes enabledebuger from SWF-files of version 5 and ...
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