Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 12785 funded different sorting the name using javascript in simple programs programs. You can simply download any of sorting the name using javascript in simple soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:75 ANTECHINUS JAVASCRIPT EDITOR 8.0 Become a JavaScript expert in record time with JavaScript Editor, and reap the benefits: 1. Turn your website into powerful interactive web application – instantly add multilevel menu, e-Commerce, form validation, multimedia, and much more. Or, just add JavaScript ...
Search Query points:70 EASY WAY TO BUILD XML-ENABLED PROGRAMS 1.0 Would you like to know how to create XML-enabled applications using Visual C++ with TinyXML? What is TinyXML? TinyXML is a simple, small C++ XML parser that can be easily integrated into your applications. Are you looking for ...
Search Query points:65 JAVASCRIPT PLUS! 3.2.0 JavaScript Plus! is an advanced javascript editor for windows. Modern, clean and convenient interface, quick startup, true flexibility and powerful features allow you to create and edit JavaScript. JavaScript Plus! makes it easy to handle JavaScript. This version ...
Search Query points:60 SIMPLE STARTUP MANAGER 1.14 When Windows starts it automatically launches a number of additional programs. Simple Startup Manager allows you to manage which programs to run at Windows startup. This software gives you the ability to add, delete and edit applications to be run ...
Search Query points:60 SPREADSHEETCONVERTER TO HTML/JAVASCRIPT 3.7.3 Calculate on the WEB. Convert MS Excel spreadsheet into good-looking calculating web page. No plugins. Solve your problem using Excel and convert it to HTML with JavaScript. No programming. Makes interactive calculating webpages feasible. Easy updating. Supports 190 Excel-functions. Use ...
Search Query points:60 EASY WAY TO BUILD MYSQL CLIENT PROGRAMS 2.0 Would you like to know how to create MySQL client applications using Visual C++ with MySQL C API? What is MySQL? The MySQL database server is the world's most popular open source database. Its C API allows you to ...
Search Query points:60 SPREADSHEETCONVERTER TO HTML/JAVASCRIPT 3.5.3 Calculate on the WEB. Convert MS Excel spreadsheet into good-looking calculating web page. No plugins. Solve your problem using Excel and convert it to HTML with JavaScript. No programming. Makes interactive calculating webpages feasible. Easy updating. Supports 190 Excel-functions. Use ...
Search Query points:55 JASOB JAVASCRIPT OBFUSCATOR 1.8 Jasob JavaScript Obfuscator is the ultimate solution for JavaScript obfuscation! Protects your JavaScript code from stealing, significantly shrinks size and improves download time and execution speed. With Jasob your JavaScript code will become impossible to understand thus preventing anyone to ...
Search Query points:55 JAVASCRIPT SPELL CHECK 1.4 JavaScript Spell Check is the spell checking component for JavaScript. JavaScript Spell Check extends your Website: A Pop-Up Spell Checker Window similar to that in Microsoft Word. This is ideal for spell checking website forms and data entry; Ajax ...
Search Query points:55 JAVASCRIPT CALENDAR BUILDER 1.0 JavaScript-producing design tool for creating calendar on web pages. The calendar script can be customized highly and easily through the SCP(Script Configuration Program). You can specify color, theme, language and so much more to script. It is unnecessary to write ...
Search Query points:55 ALLWEBMENUS JAVASCRIPT MENU DREAMWEAVER EXTENSION 1.0.1 AllWebMenus is a javascript menu builder that lets you create any popup or drop-down menu visually, without any DHTML or Javascript experience required. It creates cross-browser navigation bars that work alike in all browsers supporting DHTML. This free Extension allows ...
Search Query points:55 JAVASCRIPT FADENEWS 1.0 JavaScript-producing design tool for creating scrolling text on Web pages. The script can be customized highly and easily through the SCP(Script Configuration Program). You can specify caption, font, color, link and much more to script. It is unnecessary to write ...
Search Query points:55 JAVASCRIPT IMAGE SLIDER 1.1 JavaScript-producing design tool for creating scrolling images on Web pages. The script can be customized highly and easily through the SCP(Script Configuration Program). You can specify size, image, color, link and much more to script. It is unnecessary to write ...
Search Query points:55 JAVASCRIPT SPELL CHECK 1.2 JavaScript Spell Check is the spell checking component for JavaScript. JavaScript Spell Check extends your Website: A Pop-Up Spell Checker Window similar to that in Microsoft Word. This is ideal for spell checking website forms and data entry; Ajax ...
Search Query points:55 JAVASCRIPT FADEIN SLIDESHOW 1.0 JavaScript-producing design tool for creating slideshow on Web pages. The script can be customized highly and easily through the SCP(Script Configuration Program). You can specify size, image, color, link and much more to script. It is unnecessary to write any ...
Search Query points:55 JAVASCRIPT VERTICAL IMAGE SLIDER 1.1 JavaScript-producing design tool for creating scrolling images on web pages. The script can be customized highly and easily through the SCP(Script Configuration Program). You can specify size, image, color, link and much more to script. It is unnecessary to write ...
Search Query points:55 VISUAL JAVASCRIPT LIBRARY 1.4.1 Visual Java Script Library is an easy to use script collection that helps you add java scripts and applets to your web pages with no experience or HTML knowledge. The program contains scripts of clocks, calendars, calculators, menus, text and ...
Search Query points:55 MSN SIMPLE SEARCH BAR 1.0 It does not occupy space in the taskbar or in Internet Explorer. It allows you to save space on your screen. This tool is different from any others because it simplifies the searching process to the maximum. It even allows ...
Search Query points:55 EXTREMELY SIMPLE DESKTOP LOCK 1.0 It locks the computer protecting it with a password. It has only a few options. You can choose to make the screen black while it is in lock mode. This software is made specially to be simple and effective. ...
Search Query points:55 JAVASCRIPT MENU BUILDER TITANIUM 1.0 JavaScript-producing design tool for creating menu system on web pages. The menu script can be customized highly and easily through the SCP(Script Configuration Program). You can specify caption, font, color, link and more to script. It is unnecessary to write ...
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