Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 3857 funded different sort by character length programs. You can simply download any of sort by character length soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:95 EXCEL ADVANCED SORT BY CHARACTERS, POSITION, LENGTH, COLOR, DATES SOFTWARE 1.1 Sort a group of selected cells in MS Excel using different methods. Features include: A-Z Sort Selected Cells Starting at Second Character Position, Starting at Third Character Position, Starting at x Character Position, Starting at Second Word, Starting at Third ...
Search Query points:45 CHINESE CHARACTER BIBLE 2.0 Learning Chinese is not as difficult as it sounds, only to master Chinese characters either patience OR a right tool is required. If you learn Chinese, you need to learn Chinese Character. If you learn Chinese Character, you need to ...
Search Query points:40 WORKSHEET SORT 3.0 Worksheet Sort will sort the worksheets in an Excel workbook in either ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) order. ...
Search Query points:40 EXCEL RANDOM SORT ORDER OF CELLS, ROWS & COLUMNS SOFTWARE 7.0 Randomly shuffle Excel cells, entire rows, or entire columns. Sorting is done quickly and at complete random. ...
Search Query points:40 CHARACTER (LETTER) FREQUENCY COUNT SOFTWARE 7.0 Count the number of times a character appears in a MS Word doc or text file. The results can be saved to a file. ...
Search Query points:40 CHARACTER PICTURE MAKER 2.0 This program creates astonishing reproductions of your favorite images entirely in color text characters. Select the text you want to use and the graphic and the program will create a file you can use to print the image. You really ...
Search Query points:25 COLLECTORZ.COM COMIC COLLECTOR 3.0.1 Catalog your comics automatically, no typing. Just type the series name and select the issues you own to download all data from our online Comic Database, including publisher, publication date, credits, character, genre and the cover. Browse your collection ...
Search Query points:20 PASSWORD GENERATOR PRO 3.6.1 Password Generator Pro automatically generates passwords, serial numbers, and random numbers. It features 5 methods for generating the passwords: normal, masked, dictionary mode, pronounceable and character list. All the functionality is available in command line form. Can generate up to ...
Search Query points:20 KRYLACK PASSWORD RECOVERY 1.60 KRyLack Password Recovery: recover lost or forgotten passwords on ZIP, RAR and ACE archives. Key Features: Unlimited Password Length; Drag & Drop Support; RAR 2.0 & 3.0 Support; Archives with encrypted Filenames Support; ZIP Archives Support; ACE Archives Support; SFX ...
Search Query points:20 PASSWORD GENERATOR 2004 1.2.1628 Diplodock Password Generator 2004 is a professional random password generator that can produce 100,000 passwords, serial numbers, registration codes, masked strings, and usernames of any length and character content in seconds. With features such as built-in dictionaries, customizable character groups, ...
Search Query points:20 NOTEPAGER 32 3 An easy to use SMS or alphanumeric paging software solution for mobile phones and pagers. Send text or SMS messages to one or more paging devices via a computer. NotePager 32 supports sending messages to cell phones, PCMCIA pagers ...
Search Query points:20 KRYLACK PASSWORD RECOVERY 2.11 KRyLack Password Recovery is a program to recover lost or forgotten passwords on ZIP, RAR and ACE archives. Key Features: Unlimited Password Length; Drag & Drop Support; RAR 2.0 and 3.0 Support; Archives with encrypted Filenames Support; ZIP Archives Support; ...
Search Query points:20 ADVANCED PASSWORD GENERATOR 2.89 Advanced Password Generator is a application designed to generate passwords of any length and character content. Program allow users to do choice random number generator, which built into this application.This feature is used to generate an extremely random seed ...
Search Query points:20 ALBUM TRACKER 3.0 Album Tracker will help you catalog all your music media with 18 different customizable fields including Title, Artist, Category, Value, Media, Copyright Date, Purchase Price, Lent to, Lend Date, Label, Rating, Condition, Location, Length, Producer, Engineer, and a graphic field. ...
Search Query points:20 ADVANCED PASSWORD GENERATOR 2.95 Advanced Password Generator is a application designed to generate passwords of any length and character content. Program allow users to do choice random number generator, which built into this application.This feature is used to generate an extremely random seed ...
Search Query points:15 WEB CACHE ILLUMINATOR 4.8.2 Whether you're a computer forensic professional or you just want to investigate what web sites someone has been visiting, the Web Cache Illuminator makes the task much easier. Just point and click to the web cache folder and it ...
Search Query points:15 KOFFIX BLOCKER 1.01 Koffix Blocker is a desktop application that helps you to block or restrict sites that are involved in questionable practices. When you surf the web you may sometimes accidentally visit sites that, for example, try to install some sort of ...
Search Query points:15 CINEMA PREMIERE DELUXE MOVIE MANAGER 1.1 Access your movie manager from any PC with an internet connection and playback movie files on your local PC or any PC on your network. Add your movies quickly and easily by scanning your hard drive for movie files, scanning ...
Search Query points:15 EXCEL IMPORT MULTIPLE WORD FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Import Word files into one Excel file quickly. Each line of the file can be chopped up by a specific character to create new Excel columns. You must have Excel installed on your machine. ...
Search Query points:15 BOOK REPORTER 2.1 Book Reporter educational software is designed to be used in the classroom to teach students computer skills, keyboarding, reading, and language arts skills in one activity. The teacher's section is password protected and, if the teacher wants to, the ...
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