Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 6245 funded different software odbc datasource programs. You can simply download any of odbc datasource soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 ASP/ODBC CONFIG 1.00 ASP/ODBC Config is a server side COM component that helps web developers to managing a ODBC Data Source Name (DSN). Allow you to create new DSN, edit, remove existing DSN. ...
Search Query points:40 ODBC 4 ALL 2.0 Allows any application, including DOS apps and batch files, to easily run SQL queries using any ODBC data source, (Access, MySql, Oracle, Informix, ...) redirecting the output to the screen, an ascii file / table or a DBF table. Can ...
Search Query points:40 ODBC 4 ALL 2.1 -1- Allows any application, including DOS apps and batch files, to easily run SQL queries using any ODBC data source, (Access, MySql, Oracle, Informix, ...) redirecting the output to the screen, an ascii file / table or a DBF table. Can ...
Search Query points:40 DTM ODBC MANAGER 1.00.00 DTM ODBC Manager is a free simple and easy-to-use ODBC Data Sources manager. The program allows you to export data source definitions into a file and then restore it on a local or remote system. ODBC Manager is an indispensable ...
Search Query points:30 PARADOX DIRECT ENGINE (ACTIVEX) 2.44 This engine allow to read and load the external Paradox tables into any MS Jet/ADO datasource No any external libraries for Paradox reading (no BDE, ODBC etc) - native, direct and fast record loading. Just specify the target MS ...
Search Query points:20 VISOCO DBEXPRESS DRIVER FOR SYBASE ASE 2.0 VISOCO dbExpress driver for Sybase ASE provides direct access to Sybase ASE and allows you to avoid Borland Database Engine (BDE), ODBC, ADO. Key features: High-performance; Native access; Easy installation and distribution; Minimized driver size and use of system resources; ...
Search Query points:20 CYBERMATRIX EMPLOYEE SCHEDULER 1.00 CyberMatrix Employee Scheduler is an easy to use single or multi-user application for creating and managing employee schedules. Employee schedule administrators can save time by using Employee Scheduler to automatically generate optimal schedules for their employees. Employees can be assigned ...
Search Query points:20 FAST DOCUMENT VIEWER 1.6 This tool allow to read/open the MS Excel, MS Word, Word Perfect, MS Write, Lotus 1-2-3 or QuattroPro files on any computer. An application don't use any external libraries (no MS Excel/Office, no BDE, no ODBC, no ADO etc) ...
Search Query points:20 DBASE VIEWER 1.57 This tool allow to read/open the dBase/FoxPro tables on any computer. An application don't use any external libraries (no BDE, no ODBC, no ADO etc) and you may run this tool on computer without any additional setup/install. You ...
Search Query points:20 EXCEL WEB-STREAM 2.25 This win-cgi script allow to read/open the any MS Excel files on server side and return the html-converted contents (to client browser). The script don't use any external libraries (no MS Excel/Office, no BDE, no ODBC, no ADO etc) ...
Search Query points:20 MS EXCEL VIEWER 1.53 With Excel File Viewer you can open, view and save/export/convert MS Excel workbooks on any computer, even if you don't have the MS Excel installed. Additionally your may load the Lotus 1-2-3 and QuattroPro spreadsheets. This application don't use ...
Search Query points:20 XL REPORT BUILDER 2.0.2 The Program XL Report Builder is a powerful and flexible tool for creating reports of any level of difficulty in the form of the Microsoft Excel Book. XL Report Builder allows to extract data simultaneously from several databases and to ...
Search Query points:20 WEB CHART CREATOR 3.0 Web Chart Creator is your tool for fast creation of dynamic 3D charts for the Internet/Intranet projects using databases of any type. The charts are created with a simple visual editor. It has a friendly and intuitive interface designed for ...
Search Query points:20 WEB LOG DB 1.5 The Web Log DB exports web log data to databases via ODBC. Web Log DB uses ODBC to perform database inserts data using SQL queries. Web Log DB allows you to use the applications you have become accustomed to such ...
Search Query points:20 NET REPORTS SERVER PRO 2.0 Client/Server. Fast Query & Report solution for Ms.Sql Server, Oracle, PostGreSql, MySql, Interbase, Firebird, MS. VFP. Sybase, MS. Access; A solution for LAN or Internet as well; The Client/Server data transfer process consume low resources; Has his own encryption mechanism, ...
Search Query points:20 K DATABASE MAGIC 2.8.2 Database Desktop, SQL manager, merge data, data comparison and many more function in one software. It accomodate a simple admittance to datasets like other database handling products. Firstly it doesn't concentrate maintenance of datasets, but offer up users lot of ...
Search Query points:20 DBISAM VIEWER 1.57 This tool allow to read/open the DBISAM tables on any computer. An application don't use any external libraries (no BDE, no ODBC, no ADO etc) and you may run this tool on computer without any additional setup/install. You ...
Search Query points:20 BLACKBERRY DATABASE VIEWER PLUS 1.0 View and sync Microsoft Access, Excel, Foxpro,Oracle, SQL Server or any ODBC enabled database on BlackBerry.Update data on BlackBerry. Make a phone call from transferred database. Features: Make a phone call for the selected field's numeric contents, which will be ...
Search Query points:20 EASY WAY TO USE SQLITE 2.0 Would you like to know how to create embedded SQL database applications using using Visual C++ with SQLite? What is SQLite? SQLite is a C library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine. Are you looking for a ...
Search Query points:20 DEWIZARDX 3.2.7 This ActiveX helps you to load and export data from/into various datasources such as delimited and fixed width files or ODBC data source into/from Oracle, MS SQL Server or any ODBC compliant database Uses naitive API, Capable of performing calculation ...
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