Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 11087 funded different software for resistor values programs. You can simply download any of for resistor values soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:90 RESISTOR VALUES 2.1 Resistor Values is an electrical engineering program that will calculate the value of a 4 band resistor. Resistor Values will determine the value of a resistor based on the color bands or the reverse, it can display the color bands ...
Search Query points:50 ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES 1.0 The Addams family finds itself in a wacky situation once again, this time involving the newest member of the family, Baby Pubert. Following the same plot as the movie, this game puts you in the role of Uncle Fester as ...
Search Query points:30 POSTGRESQL CHANGE CASE TO PROPER, UPPER & LOWER SOFTWARE 7.0 Change case for values in PostgreSQL tables. Change to upper case, lower case, title case (proper case), and sentence case. The data found in each field of a table can be quickly converted. ...
Search Query points:30 WINAGENTS MIB BROWSER 1.0 WinAgents MIB Browser is a network administrator's main tool for configuring devices with the help of the SNMP protocol (Simple Network Management Protocol). WinAgents MIB Browser allows you to read and modify the values of SNMP variables, as well as ...
Search Query points:30 DISKCHECKUP 2.0 DiskCheckup measures the performance and 'health' of your S.M.A.R.T. enabled hard disk drive. It compares current hard disk attributes to values determined by the manufacturer of the HDD. It can track changes to the attributes over time and make a ...
Search Query points:30 ABF VALUE CONVERTER 2.2 ABF Value Converter is an application for measurement units conversion. This software easily converts various measurement values into any other possible ones. Inches to centimetres, pounds to kilograms, Fahrenheit to Celsius... and more than 5000 other conversions, grouped according to ...
Search Query points:30 NTP TIME SERVER MONITOR 0.9D The NTP Time Server Monitor software allows the user to control and configure the NTP service for Windows with a userfriendly graphical user interface. Additionally it eases the handling with the NTP service. Here is a small list of the ...
Search Query points:30 EASYBARCODEPRO 1.09 Software to create and print labels with texts , barcodes , images , lines, rectangles. Creation in WYSIWYG mode. Each element can be resized or moved easily with the mouse. Each element has characteristics that can be easily changed ( ...
Search Query points:30 MORTGAGE CALCULATOR 1.0 Mortgage Calculator is a program that allows you to list, evaluate and compare various mortgage offers. For each offer Mortgage Calculator computes a number of values including monthly payment, total sum to pay, the amount of principal and interest left ...
Search Query points:30 ORACLE CHANGE CASE TO PROPER, UPPER & LOWER SOFTWARE 7.0 Change case for values in Oracle tables. Change to upper case, lower case, title case (proper case), and setence case. The data found in each field of a table can be quickly converted. ...
Search Query points:30 METAEDIT – GLOBAL META DATA EDITING SOFTWARE 0.6 Generally when saving a file some additional information about the file is saved. This data is usually stored in the file you are saving. This data is called “Metadata.” It stores important information like the creator, what subject and keywords ...
Search Query points:30 MS ACCESS DELETE (REMOVE) DUPLICATE ENTRIES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to search and delete duplicate data (values, records, rows and numbers) in your MS Access database. All redundant entries are eliminated except for the first one. You select which fields (columns) to use as criteria, so you ...
Search Query points:30 SMARTMEDIUM FOOD 2.21 Are you on a diet? Do you want to analyse your food consumption? SmartMedium Food is the software package for your pc to help you do all that.SmartMedium Food is the fastest and easiest program to use to gain insight ...
Search Query points:30 BITRIPPER 1.20 bitRipper is a simple and user-friendly 'DVD to AVI' software that allows to back-up DVD's as AVI or MPEG files on the hard drive. It can be used for one-click ripping just as well as for advanced one. You are ...
Search Query points:30 RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR PRO 1.36 Random Number Generator is a Windows based application designed to generate random numbers. Program allow users choose lower and upper limits and increments of the numbers. Limits can be positive or negative values. User can exclude digits ...
Search Query points:30 COLORMANIA 2.4 ColorMania is a extended colorpicker with an eyedropper component and a screen magnifier. ColorMania lets you easily select and modify colors. It's the ideal tool for website and application developers. You can pick colors from anywhere on your ...
Search Query points:30 LITTLE RGB COLOR PICKER 2.0 Select a color from the palette and this handy little utility displays the html hex code and the RGB values for that color. Fine tune the color using the sliding controls. Also shows a color sample. Copying the codes to ...
Search Query points:30 ESBPDF ANALYSIS - PROBABILITY SOFTWARE 2.4 ESBPDF Analysis is Probability Analysis Software that provides everything needed for using Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions in a single Windows application. Most Tables and supplied functions (such as in MS Excel) give P(X less than A) and using algebra ...
Search Query points:30 RRS UNIT CONVERTER 3.0 RR's Unit Converter is an useful tool for any kind of simple or compound unit conversions, using double precision 64-bit format values and operations, with build in dictionary for over 1000 units. Scientist, engineers, students or anyone involved in scientific, ...
Search Query points:30 CURTIPOT ACID-BASE PH AND TITRATION 3.2.3 A pH Calculator, a Virtual Titrator, a Real Titration Data Analyzer, a Distribution Diagram Generator - that's CurTiPot, the all-in-one freeware to learn, teach and work with chemical equilibrium of acids, bases, salts and buffers at home, classroom, interactive "dry ...
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