Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 11125 funded different software for english speaking practise programs. You can simply download any of for english speaking practise soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:70 TELEPHONE ENGLISH 1 English is the language of business communication the world over. PublicSoft Telephone English will help you improve your communication over the phone by helping you speak better English on the telephone. You will learn key phrases and replies that are ...
Search Query points:60 CAFE ENGLISH 1.0 Cafe English is the world's biggest spoken English learning software. This huge software has 40 chapters spread in 6 CDs. Each chapter focuses on a specific part of your daily life. Rich multimedia content with tons of audio and video ...
Search Query points:60 SPECIAL ENGLISH SWEDISH WM5 4.0 TrueTerm Special English-Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary English-Swedish-English (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus English (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus Swedish (210,000 entries). Conjugation English (500,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation Swedish (500,000 conjugated forms). Editable dictionary with user ...
Search Query points:60 SPECIAL ENGLISH SPANISH WM5 4.0 Editable dictionary with user dictionary. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary English/Spanish & Spanish/English (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus English (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus Spanish (230,000 entries). Conjugation English (500,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation Spanish (1,000,000 conjugated forms). ...
Search Query points:60 GOLD DICTIONARIES ENGLISH PALMOS 2.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language English with foreign languages German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language Also available for Windows, WindowsCE, PocketPC and Mobile ...
Search Query points:60 GOLD DICTIONARIES ENGLISH PPC 3.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language English with foreign languages German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. For PocketPC2003 & Mobile Edition! Also available for Windows and PalmOS! ...
Search Query points:60 SUPERVERSION ENGLISH PPC 3.0 7 Dictionaries, 8 Thesauruses and 8 Conjugation in one product! Source language English with foreign languages German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. For PocketPC2003 ...
Search Query points:60 SUPERVERSION ENGLISH WM5 4.0 7 Dictionaries, 8 Thesauruses and 8 Conjugation in one product! Source language English with foreign languages German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. For Windows ...
Search Query points:60 TRAVEL DICTIONARY ENGLISH PC 5.0 Vocabulary relating to food and enjoyment. Between 50,000 and 150,000 entries in total, consisting of culinary terms + basic and supplementary vocabulary as Freeware. Extract from our "Goldversion" with over 600.000 entries from one language combination! Also available for WindowsCE, ...
Search Query points:60 GOLD DICTIONARIES ENGLISH HPC 2.7 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language English with foreign languages German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. For HPC till PPC2002 only! ...
Search Query points:60 SPECIAL ENGLISH ITALIAN WM5 4.0 TrueTerm Special. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary English/Italian & Italian/English (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus English (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus Italian (190,000 entries). Conjugation English (500,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation Italian (530,000 ...
Search Query points:60 SPECIAL ENGLISH PORTUGUESE WM5 4.0 TrueTerm Special English-Portuguese. Each language combination contains two directions of translation (Portuguese and Brazilian). Dictionary English/Portuguese & Portuguese/English (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus English (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus Portuguese (50,000 entries). Conjugation English (500,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation Portuguese (1,000,000 conjugated ...
Search Query points:60 SPECIAL ENGLISH GERMAN WM5 4.0 TrueTerm Special. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary English/German & German/English (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus English (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus German (280,000 entries). Conjugation English (500,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation German (950,000 ...
Search Query points:60 ENGLISH WORD BUILDER 2.0 A great Software to learn English Word Building and Vocabulary. English Word Builder 2.0 is a game for teaching the English words and vocabulary through word-building from a collection of letters. The aim of the game is to fill in ...
Search Query points:60 POWERWORD: CHINESE ENGLISH DICTIONARY 5.5 PowerWord is designed for people learning or practicing Chinese at all levels. It is also a handy tool for Chinese to learn English. For beginners, PowerWord guides you word by word through explanations, examples, pronunciations and translations. For professionals, PowerWord ...
Search Query points:60 @PROMT PROF. 7 TRANSLATOR ENGLISH GERMAN 7.0 @promt Profession 7.0 (English-German) is translation software that performs high-quality, effective and fast translation of business documents, technical documents, emails, presentations, reports, PDF-documents and image files providing users with a wide range of customization options. The complete solution for work ...
Search Query points:60 PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH GERMAN WM5 3.0 TrueTerm Professional. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary English/German & German/English (over 1.000,000 entries). Thesaurus English (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus German (280,000 entries). Conjugation English (500,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation German (950,000 ...
Search Query points:60 TRAVEL DICTIONARY ENGLISH PALMOS 2.0 Vocabulary relating to food and enjoyment. Between 50,000 and 150,000 entries in total, consisting of culinary terms + basic and supplementary vocabulary as Freeware. Extract from our "Goldversion" with over 600.000 entries from one language combination! Also available for Windows, ...
Search Query points:60 TRAVEL DICTIONARY ENGLISH WM5 4.0 Vocabulary relating to food and enjoyment. Between 50,000 and 150,000 entries in total, consisting of culinary terms + basic and supplementary vocabulary as Freeware. Extract from our "Goldversion" with over 600.000 entries from one language combination! For Windows Mobile 5! ...
Search Query points:60 SPECIAL ENGLISH DUTCH WM5 4.0 Editable dictionary with user dictionary. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary English/Dutch & Dutch/English (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus English (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus Dutch (180,000 entries). Conjugation English (500,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation Dutch (600,000 conjugated forms). ...
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