Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 862 funded different soft letter c programs. You can simply download any of soft letter c soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 LETTER TEXT EDITOR 11.24 Font char viewer is a font utility. View all Fonts. Print the list of fonts. Print sample text of a font. View sample text in all available fonts. Used the Windows clipboard. Copy and paste characters to another program ...
Search Query points:40 FREE VOIP SOFT PHONE Globe7 is a SIP based VoIP soft phone, which integrates robust technologies such as SIP stack by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and Java, JMF from Sun Microsystems. Globe7 is a free downloadable soft phone which enables you ...
Search Query points:40 SCIENTIFIC LETTER 1.90.00 Scientific Letter is an original mail program that allows you to create messages with complex equations. The equation editor used in the mailer allows you to create complex letters, including equations, at just about the same speed as typing a ...
Search Query points:40 CHARACTER (LETTER) FREQUENCY COUNT SOFTWARE 7.0 Count the number of times a character appears in a MS Word doc or text file. The results can be saved to a file. ...
Search Query points:40 SOFT DVD TO MP4 CONVERTER 2.9 DVD to MP4 Converter can rip DVD to both video and audio streams, including AVI, MP4, iPod, MPEG, PSP, WMV, DivX, RM MOV, 3GP, VCD and so on; Also, It can rip DVD to audio, such as MP3, M4a, AAC, ...
Search Query points:40 BUSINESS LETTER PROFESSIONAL 5.1 Includes more than 1000 typical business letter templates. With this software, you can write impressive and effective letters yourself with strengthened skills, less time and no extra money cost. The embedded text editor in this program allows you to edit, ...
Search Query points:12 EASESOFT DATAMATRIX ASP.NET WEB CONTROL 3.0.0 EaseSoft DataMatrix Barcode ASP.NET Web ServerControls use its internal HttpHandler to transfer barcode images directly to the client without any temporary files.It is the most efficient method to generate the barcodes dynamically.EaseSoft DataMatrix ASP .NEt Web Server Control is 100% ...
Search Query points:12 KEY TRANSFORMATION 5.271 Key Transformation can customize keyboard layout, change key on the keyboard to other keys. Its on-screen-keyboard ( soft keyboard ) is easy to use. Want the F1 key to type B? Want the Shift+Enter key to press Table? Want Shift+1 ...
Search Query points:12 EASESOFT PDF417 .NET WINDOWS CONTROL 3.0.0 EaseSoft PDF417 .Net Windows Forms Control is 100% managed C# code product which can add professional quality 2D barcode image to your windows application .You can save the barcode as different image format files (BMP,EMF,GIF,JPEG,PNG,TIFF,WMF). It is easy to print ...
Search Query points:12 SHUTDOWN MANAGER AND TOOLS Features: - Clipboard Viewer: view your clipboards content, save images to BMP, JPG, GIF formats with several options, saves text content to file, send text content to keyboard to emulate keystrokes (i.e.: saves time when have to enter long ...
Search Query points:12 EASESOFT PDF417 ASP.NET WEB CONTROL 3.0.0 EaseSoft PDF417 Barcode ASP.NET Web ServerControls use its internal HttpHandler to transfer barcode images directly to the client without any temporary files.It is the most efficient method to generate the barcodes dynamically.EaseSoft PDF417 ASP .NEt Web Server Control is 100% ...
Search Query points:12 FRENCH->ENGLISH DATABASE 1.0 Dictionary Database French-> English to integrate into your applications in MS-ACCESS Format. The demoversion includes the letter "C" with 3682 Keywords. Fullversion French-> English Dictionary 33714 keywords with 311264 entries and English-> French Dictionary 37483 keywords with 368108 entries. Also ...
Search Query points:12 SMARTSTARTMENU 1.50 If you ever use the 'Start' menu then you will find that this free Windows utility is a much better way to open the item that you are looking for. SmartStartMenu helps you to turn the task of running any ...
Search Query points:12 EASESOFT DATAMATRIX .NET WINDOWS CONTROL 3.0.0 EaseSoft DataMatrix .Net Windows Forms Control is 100% managed C# code product which can add professional quality 2D barcode image to your windows application .You can save the barcode as different image format files (BMP,EMF,GIF,JPEG,PNG,TIFF,WMF). It is easy to ...
Search Query points:12 NETWORK CLIPBOARD FOR WINDOWS - 128bit Secure. - Clipboard Viewer: view your clipboards content, save images to BMP, JPG, GIF formats with several options, saves text content to file, send text content to keyboard to emulate keystrokes (i.e.: saves time when have to enter ...
Search Query points:12 HYLAFX.DLL 1.1 Win32 DLL, partially realizes HylaFAX API. High speed and the small size (20KB). Does not demand installation. Gives an opportunity of sending of facsimile messages from your appendices, created by language of any level: C, FoxPro, Visual Basic, etc. Works ...
Search Query points:12 EASESOFT BARCODE .NET CONTROL 3.0.0 EaseSoft Linear Barcode .Net Windows Forms Control is 100% managed C# code product which can add professional quality barcode image to your windows application .You can save the barcode as different image format files (BMP,EMF,GIF,JPEG,PNG,TIFF,WMF). It is easy to ...
Search Query points:12 EASESOFT ASP.NET BARCODE CONTROL 3.0.0 EaseSoft Linear Barcode ASP.NET Web ServerControls use its internal HttpHandler to transfer barcode images directly to the client without any temporary files.It is the most efficient method to generate the barcodes dynamically.EaseSoft ASP.NET Barcode Web Server Control is full design-time ...
Search Query points:12 ECMERGE PRO (LINUX) 1.2 ECMerge compares and merges files and folders, side-by-side or 3-way. It provides syntax colouring for C/C++, Java, HTML, ASP, PHP and many others. Save your work at intermediate situation and restart it later! Generates reports in Unix patch, XML and ...
Search Query points:12 ECMERGE STANDARD (WINDOWS) 1.2 ECMerge compares and merges files and folders, side-by-side. It provides syntax colouring for C/C++, Java, HTML, ASP, PHP and many others. Save your work at intermediate situation and restart it later! Generates reports in Unix patch, XML and HTML format ...
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